Overall Objective

GGGI has been working in Ethiopia since 2010, supporting the Government of Ethiopia’s efforts in the development and implementation of a Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy. This involves collaborating toward the delivery of Ethiopia’s vision of becoming a climate-resilient middle-income economy by 2030, with a zero-net increase in carbon emissions. Additionally, the aim is to facilitate key systemic transformations in the economy and generate innovative ideas towards a climate resilient green economy.

Strategic Outcome Targets

Reduced GHG emission Target Setting in Progress
Creation of green jobs Target Setting in Progress
Increased access to sustainable services Target Setting in Progress
Improved air quality Target Setting in Progress
Adequate maintenance of natural capital Target Setting in Progress
Enhanced adaptation to climate change Target Setting in Progress
Resource Partner

Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Royal Danish Embassy
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Ministry for the Environment, Land, and Sea of Italy (IMELS)
Korea University

Government Counterpart

Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission
Ministry of Finance
Industrial Parks Development Cooperation
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Urban and Housing
Addis Ababa City Government Transport Bureau
Hawassa University

Key Documents


Over the last 5 years, the growth of Ethiopia’s economy is among the top five fastest growing in the world, and is double the average for Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia’s public investment-led development strategy focuses on increased agricultural productivity, industrial output, export revenue, and public infrastructure. The strategy has generated tangible results in terms of economic growth and improved social conditions including significant reductions in rural and urban poverty. Ethiopia’s goal to become a middle-income country by 2025 is thus attainable.

To reach middle-income status and sustain the development gains of recent years, Ethiopia will need to continue to implement its transformational growth strategies and address significant climate change threats. The country‘s ecological and agricultural systems are fragile and vulnerable to rising temperatures and changing weather patterns that are likely to impact critical seasonal rainfall levels. This is compounded by population pressure and stretched natural resources, especially the management and utilization of land. Furthermore, Ethiopia ranks 173 out of 187 countries on the UNDP‘s 2013 Human Development Index (HDI), with food insecurity persistent for roughly two million Ethiopians. In total, the negative impact of climate change on GDP could be 10% or more by 2050.

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) clearly recognizes the negative consequences of climate in-action to the country’s ongoing and future development, and has therefore prioritized climate resilience in its transition towards a green, sustainable growth model. Indeed, building a CRGE is a crosscutting pillar of the GoE’s development agenda for poverty eradication through broad-based, accelerated, and sustained economic growth.


News • June 4, 2024

World must act together to accelerate access to climate finance and end plastic pollution

Seoul, Republic of Korea – 04 June 2024- Leaders from Africa, the Republic of Korea and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have jointly called for more collaboration and cooperation to bridge the climate finance gap and tackle the challenges of plastics pollution that the continent – and the world- faces to ensure a better, greener […]

News • June 4, 2024

Korea-Africa Summit exhibit: Bridging Continents, Art, Culture, and Academics

Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 4, 2024— The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted an immersive exhibit on the sidelines of the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit, spotlighting the evolving dynamics of Korea-Africa relations. This multi-faceted exhibit was a joint effort between GGGI, Desiego Art Gallery, Harmony in Symbols Collective, Korea-Africa Foundation Youth Supporters, Yonsei African Student […]

News • March 28, 2024

GGGI Champions a Greener BRI at the 2024 Boao Forum for Asia

Boao, People’s Republic of China – March 28, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is championing a greener Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) at the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan, with a delegation including high-level participation of ministers of three of its Member States: Colombia, Ethiopia, and Lao PDR. GGGI believes that […]

News • February 10, 2024

GGGI’s Insight Brief Spotlights the Key Lessons Learned for LT-LEDS in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso

Seoul, Republic of Korea – January 25, 2024 – The Long Term – Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) play an important role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and raising the ambition of updates to Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs). However, only 68 countries out of 175 countries have developed LT-LEDS, and just eight […]

News • July 10, 2023

GGGI Ethiopia’s Swedish-funded Forestry Project’s  Inception-phase Closure Report Validated

28 June 2023 – The inception phase -closure report of GGGI Ethiopia’s “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forested Landscapes (CSMFL) project in Southwestern Ethiopia” was validated on 28th June 2023 during the workshop organized at Jimma town in the presence of project signatories from the Oromia and Southwest Ethiopia (SWE) regional states, representatives from the […]

News • June 12, 2023

The African Union “Green Recovery Action Plan” is Progressing to Drive Sustainable Economic Recovery and Climate Resilience in Africa

Addis Ababa, 5th June 2023 – The African Union (AU) is taking critical steps towards fostering a sustainable economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and effectively managing the impacts of climate change across the continent. The AU Green Recovery Action Plan (GRAP) is a comprehensive strategy designed to promote green initiatives, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, […]

News • May 26, 2023

Ethiopia’s LT-LEDS Officially Launched in Addis Ababa

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) officially launched on May 11, 2023  its Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) in the presence of senior federal and regional government officials, ministerial portfolios,  key development partners, funding agencies, resident diplomatic corps, climate change advocates, the media crew, and other invited guests at the Friendship Square in Addis Ababa. […]

News • April 24, 2023

The Angola Ministry of Environment launches the first Blue Skies & Net Zero 2050 Campaign in Africa

13 April, Luanda, Angola – The Government of Angola and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) successfully launched the first global Blue Skies & Net Zero 2050 Campaign in Africa, aimed at raising public awareness on air pollution and tackling the climate crisis in Africa. The hybrid event was attended by over 40 Angolan and […]

News • November 22, 2022

GGGI Ethiopia’s Largest Pilot SPIS Project Inaugurated

A Solar-powered Irrigation System (SPIS) Project, which is the largest and the first of its kind in the country, pilot-tested at the rift valley area of Negalign locality, Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha district, East Shoa zone of the Oromia regional state with an outlay of 70,000 USD was officially inaugurated on 30th October 2022. The […]

News • November 21, 2022

Training Workshop Conducted on Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation for Adaptation

The GCF-funded National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness project of GGGI-Ethiopia, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Development (MoPD), organized a four-day training workshop on Result-Based -Monitoring and Evaluation (RB-M&E) from November 1-4, 2022 at Adama town of the Oromia region. The ultimate objectives  of the training  workshop were to keep the trainees […]

News • October 27, 2022

GGGI’s Carbon Transaction Platform Establishment Approved

Seoul, Republic of Korea, – On 27 October 2022 the Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) Assembly and Council approved the establishment of GGGI’s Carbon Transaction Platform (CTP). The CTP will bring a comprehensive solution to the carbon space and will address major challenges in Article 6 market development as defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. […]

News • September 8, 2022

MoU Signed Between GGGI and Policy Studies Institute

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), and Policy Studies Institute (PSI), a home-grown  policy think tank that is largely engaged in economic, social and governance research and policy analysis, on  the 2nd  of September 2022 at the  auditorium of PSI  here in Addis Ababa. The ultimate purpose of […]

News • September 7, 2022

South Korean Members of National Assembly and Other Higher Officials Visited  GGGI Ethiopia Program Office

On 29th of August  2022, a 12-member South Korean Delegation led by Ms. Lee Jae Jung, Member of the National Assembly, visited GGGI Ethiopia’s Program Office here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The visiting team was warmly welcomed by Dr. Gemedo Dalle, GGGI Country Representative, and discussed on issues that will strengthen the existing amicable relations […]

News • September 6, 2022

GGGI Ethiopia’s Largest Pilot SPIS Project Goes Operational

A Solar-powered Irrigation System (SPIS) Project, which is the largest and the first of its kind in the country, pilot-tested at the rift valley area of the Oromia regional state with an outlay of 70,000 USD, successfully installed and went operational. The Pilot Project, which is funded by the Danish Government, embodies 48 panel modules […]

News • July 19, 2022

National Stakeholders Consultation and Modeling Training Workshop: Net Zero emission pathways for Ethiopia  

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Ministry of Planning and Development of Ethiopia (MoPD) in collaboration with the French Development Agency (AFD), under the Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) project, organized National Stakeholders Consultation and Modelling Training Workshop from June 21 – 25, 2022. It is to be recalled that Ethiopia has […]

News • July 5, 2022

2022 GGGI Africa Regional Country Representatives Retreat: 27 June – 3 July

Theme: Mobilizing Green Investments to Africa The office of GGGI Senegal led by Assana Magagi-Alio, Country Representative and supported by Mamadou Konate, Country Program Lead have hosted the 2022 GGGI Africa Regional Retreat from 27 June to 3 July 2022 at the Novotel hotel in Dakar. The retreat brough together the leadership of the region, […]

News • May 24, 2022

Stakeholders Vow to Back up Implementation of KOICA’s-funded CRFLR Program in Oromia Region

Participants of the KOICA-funded Climate Resilient Forest and Landscape Restoration (CRFLR) Program familiarization workshop in the Oromia regional state  have pledged to provide all the necessary  supports  for the successful implementation of the Program in the region. The participants made their utter commitments affirming that the Program will help redress the debilitating impacts of deforestation […]

News • April 28, 2022

GGGI Ethiopia Convenes Second NAP-GCF Steering Committee Meeting

GGGI Ethiopia  in collaboration with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) held the NAP-GCF Readiness Project Second Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) at Dallol Hotel, Adama on March 31, 2022. On the meeting, 30 (5 female) SC members and other high government officials including H.E Dr. Getahun Garedew, Director General of EPA, H.E Mr. Kebede Yimam from Ethiopia […]

News • March 19, 2022

GGGI-Ethiopia Co-organizes BAU Finalization and Modelling Training Workshop

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and the French Development Agency (AFD), organized a BAU finalization and modeling training workshop at Adama town, Ethiopia from March 8-10, 2022. The workshop gathered a total of 45 participants including GGGI’s team of experts who joined virtually and in […]

News • March 19, 2022

KOICA-funded CRFLR Program Familiarization Workshop Organized for Sidama Region, Ethiopia

February 24, 2022 –  GGGI Ethiopia organized a half-day regional familiarization workshop of the Climate Resilient Forest and Landscape Restoration (CRFLR) program for the Sidama region at Rori International Hotel, Hawassa town. The workshop was organized in association with the Sidama Regional State’s Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (EFCC) Authority on February 24, 2022. Over […]


Thematic Areas
ET17 Building Capacity to Facilitate the Integration of the National Adaptation Planning Process in Ethiopia
Start Date Q2 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
ET20 Promoting Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems, Mini grid, and Ecosystems Services for improved Climate Smart Agriculture
Start Date Q1 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
SLS03 Forest Finance and Investment Incubator
Start Date Q4 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
ET13 Support the Forest Sector Transformation Unit, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission
Start Date Q2 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
ET10 Sustainable Industrial WW Sludge Management at the Ethiopian Industrial Parks
Start Date Q1 20190101
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 61,417
Status Active
Thematic Areas
ET09 Development of a Roadmap for “Greening the Industrial Parks” in Ethiopia
Start Date Q1 20190101
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
ET08 Green growth governance – Business Case for Solar PV (Energy) Investment at the Adama Industrial Park
Start Date Q1 20190101
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 91,750
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Solar Energy
Thematic Areas
ET5 Ethiopia GCF readiness: ‘Building the Project/Program development, coordination and delivery capacity of the NIE and strengthening Ethiopia’s engagement with the GCF’
Start Date Q3 20190901
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 827,203
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
ET4 Ethiopian Climate Insurance Acceleration Fund (ECIAF)
Start Date Q3 20180701
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 84,459
Status Complete
Thematic Areas
ET3 Cooperation with IMELS in the field of climate change vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation
Start Date Q3 20170929
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 37,695
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Ethiopia Country Program Proposal 2017-2018
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 6,199,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Cross Cutting


Accelerating Transformative Climate Action through Long Term – Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso
Accelerating Transformative Climate Action through Long Term – Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies

flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso

GGGI Ethiopia’s CPF (2023-2027) Endorsed by the Government Ethiopia  • CPF (2023-2027)
GGGI Ethiopia’s CPF (2023-2027) Endorsed by the Government

Ethiopia  • CPF (2023-2027)

Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017) Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal
Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017)

Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Papua New Guinea  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Indonesia  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery
Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies

forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery  • Technical Report  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Viet Nam  • Hungary  • Fiji  • India  • Jordan  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Cambodia  • Climate action  • Rwanda  • Guyana  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Costa Rica  • #greengrowth  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu  • Green Jobs  • Green recovery  • green growth  • green jobs  • renewable energy  • sustainable development

Special Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results (2021) Fiji  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal  • Rwanda
Special Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results (2021)

Fiji  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Cambodia  • Papua New Guinea  • Colombia  • Green Cities  • Peru  • Uganda  • Ethiopia  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance

Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Saint Lucia  • Mozambique
Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results

Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Saint Lucia  • Mozambique  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Hungary  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Burkina Faso  • Peru  • Green Cities  • Tonga  • Qatar  • Uganda  • Indonesia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience

GGGI Support on NDC Enhancement, Long-term Low Emission and Resilient Development Strategies, and Green Recovery Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Pacific  • LT-LEDS  • Climate action
GGGI Support on NDC Enhancement, Long-term Low Emission and Resilient Development Strategies, and Green Recovery

Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Pacific  • LT-LEDS  • Climate action  • Rwanda  • Viet Nam  • Hungary  • Cambodia  • Colombia  • Fiji  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Peru  • Climate resilience  • Burkina Faso  • Uganda  • #greengrowth  • Ethiopia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • NDC  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • climate finance  • Climate Change  • LEDS  • Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)  • Paris Agreement

Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG  • Pacific  • Technical Report
Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets

Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG  • Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Fiji  • Philippines  • Hungary  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Mongolia  • Cambodia  • Mozambique  • Saint Lucia  • Guyana  • Nepal  • Papua New Guinea  • Costa Rica  • Peru  • Burkina Faso  • Tonga  • Morocco  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Ethiopia  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Jordan
The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions

Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Jordan  • Papua New Guinea  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Senegal  • Viet Nam  • Colombia  • Fiji  • Uganda  • Burkina Faso  • Qatar  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Green Growth in Action: Attaining Green Cities Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Lao PDR  • Nepal  • Philippines
Green Growth in Action: Attaining Green Cities

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Lao PDR  • Nepal  • Philippines  • Rwanda  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Jordan  • Green Cities  • Ethiopia  • México

GGGI’s services on supporting the development of LT-LEDS Caribbean  • Pacific  • Republic of Korea  • Fiji  • Ethiopia
GGGI’s services on supporting the development of LT-LEDS

Caribbean  • Pacific  • Republic of Korea  • Fiji  • Ethiopia  • México  • Cross Cutting

Achieving Green Growth and Climate Action Post-COVID-19 Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Nepal
Achieving Green Growth and Climate Action Post-COVID-19

Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Nepal  • Rwanda  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Fiji  • United Arab Emirates  • Jordan  • Viet Nam  • Kiribati  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Guyana  • Cambodia  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Tonga  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Burkina Faso  • Indonesia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Cross Cutting  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

Green Growth in Action: Achieving Green Energy Transformation Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Papua New Guinea  • Fiji  • India
Green Growth in Action: Achieving Green Energy Transformation

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Papua New Guinea  • Fiji  • India  • Mongolia  • Mozambique  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Cambodia  • Viet Nam  • Guyana  • Burkina Faso  • Morocco  • Uganda  • Ethiopia  • Indonesia  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

Review of GGGI’s experience to design and operationalize NFVs to finance climate and green growth policy implementation Rwanda  • Senegal  • Colombia  • Costa Rica  • India
Review of GGGI’s experience to design and operationalize NFVs to finance climate and green growth policy implementation

Rwanda  • Senegal  • Colombia  • Costa Rica  • India  • Jordan  • Mongolia  • Ethiopia  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020) Senegal  • Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji  • Hungary
Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020)

Senegal  • Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji  • Hungary  • India  • Lao PDR  • Mozambique  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Rwanda  • Ethiopia  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Indonesia  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Finance  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

GGGI Ethiopia Brochure Ethiopia
GGGI Ethiopia Brochure


Norway’s Support to the Ethiopia Sector Reduction Mechanism project implemented by the GGGI 2013-2016 (2017) Norway  • Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Landscapes
Norway’s Support to the Ethiopia Sector Reduction Mechanism project implemented by the GGGI 2013-2016 (2017)

Norway  • Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Landscapes

Ethiopia Country Planning Framework 2016-2020 Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Cross Cutting
Ethiopia Country Planning Framework 2016-2020

Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Cross Cutting

Third Joint Donor Review of GGGI (2015) Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Papua New Guinea  • Hungary  • Colombia
Third Joint Donor Review of GGGI (2015)

Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Papua New Guinea  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Guyana  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Indonesia  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Finance

Sectoral Climate Resilience Strategies for Ethiopia Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Sectoral Climate Resilience Strategies for Ethiopia

Ethiopia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

GGGI In-Country Staff

Tesfaye Desalegn Shibeshi

Communication Assistant

Nardos Amare

Assistant, Logistics and Event facilitator

Abraham Lema

Senior Finance Assistant

Billy Guta

Partnership and Resource Mobilization Assistant

Medhin Fissha Mekonnen

National Adaptation Planning Project Lead

Ibsa M. Amenu

Senior Energy Officer

Nardos Teklu Desta

Associate, Programs

Shiferaw Tafesse Gobena

Senior Program Officer

Genet Gebremariam Asgedom

M&E Sr.Officer- Ethiopia NAP project

Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya

Ethiopia Country Representative