
Norway’s Support to the Ethiopia Sector Reduction Mechanism project implemented by the GGGI 2013-2016 (2017)

At a Glance

Publication Date May 2017
Format pdf
Countries Norway, Ethiopia
Thematic Areas Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes, Sustainable Landscapes

In 2013 Norway awarded GGGI a grant of up to NOK 45,828,000 to implement the Ethiopia SRM Project (2013-2015) to support GGGI’s work to promote implementation of CRGE Strategy. GGGI was to embed a ‘hybrid team’ in the government to impact on policy decisions and plans. The team – consisting of GGGI experts, government officials, local partners, and others – was to serve as a close and trusted advisor to government, respond to government requests, learn from local expertise and transfer skills and analytical tools to government officials.

Objective and scope

The purposes of the end-review centered on obtaining an independent assessment of the achievement of the targets of Norway’s support, efficiency and effectiveness of project implementation, and inputs to future considerations for Norwegian support to GGGI Ethiopia.

Key evaluation questions

Institutional framework

  • Consistency and relevance with development strategies of Norway and Ethiopia, and the relationship and contribution of the support towards these.
  • The place of the Project in the context of national strategies on climate, environment, forestry and agriculture, and as part of Ethiopia’s international commitments.

Socio-economic context and partnerships

  • The degree of local stakeholder participation, including women groups and its significance for Project success.
  • Assess GGGI’s overall engagement with the private sector in Ethiopia.
  • Assess GGGI’s ability to mobilize and/or develop mechanisms for finance of green growth initiatives in Ethiopia.
  • Assess GGGI’s overall work relationship with Ethiopian authorities.
  • Review GGGI’s strategic focus and engagement with local stakeholders, including private sector, civil society, women organizations and/or other relevant groups.

Project activities and their relevance

  • The significance of the Project to contribute to the integration of green growth into development planning and to reduced emissions and vulnerability in Ethiopia.
  • Status of implementation, deliverables, targets, milestones and key activities, as set out in relevant documents of the Project (Project document, work-plans, progress report, agreed meeting minutes, etc.).

Achievement of goal, results and impacts

  • What results have been achieved with reference to planned activities?
  • Assess whether the achievements are consistent with the level of resources made available to the Project.
  • What outcomes or results could not be achieved, and why?
  • What are the most successful results worthy of being used for replication of experience?
  • What activities (if any) should be discontinued, and why?

Financial issues/efficiency

  • Appraise GGGI’s administration, budgeting, accounting, financial management, audit procedures and financial monitoring in Ethiopia.
  • Assess to what degree the financial management routines and procedures are satisfactory in line with internationally accepted standards.
  • Are the administrative rules and procedures efficient?
  • Assess the budget planning and budget follow-up procedures of the Project.
  • Assess the financial management and reporting set-up for the Project.
  • Assess the financial monitoring procedures and monitoring plan.

Assumptions and Risk Management

  • Assess the difficulties encountered in performing the Project activities.
  • Mechanisms established to prevent any corrupt practices and mismanagement.
  • Assess to what degree the risk management framework was realistic and performed efficiently.

Budget, results and impacts

  • Assess the sustainability of the budget of the Project.
  • Assess whether the quality of the results framework was good enough to measure the results of the Project.

Cross cutting issues: Assess how cross cutting issues (gender, anti-corruption, protection of human

Management response

This evaluation report was commissioned by Norway; GGGI was not provided the opportunity to prepare a management response.

Background documents

  • Annex B of the main report includes the Terms of Reference / Approach Paper for the evaluation.