Overall Objective

GGGI supports the Government of Senegal (GoS) in its transition to a green, emerging Senegal, focusing on greening the country’s growth engines: Cities as well as on sectors key to the achievement of its NDCs and where growth connects to green job creation. Building on its early work on guidelines for green cities, and assessment of rural renewable energy for productive use (RE4PU), GGGI has helped the GoS design its National Green Growth Strategy.

GGGI supports Senegal in the implementation of the second Priority Action Plan of the PSE (2019-2023) and the achievement of its SDG and NDC targets. Senegal’s CPF 2019-2023 articulates three focal outcomes, in link with GGGI’s Global Operational Priorities (GOP):

  1. Enhanced green and inclusive governance for green growth and climate action (GOP1, GOP5) and increased access to finance for NDCs and SDGs (GOP2).
  2. Accelerated low-carbon urban development and strengthened resilience to climate change of Senegalese secondary cities (GOP 4).
  3. Investment mobilized for renewable energy for productive use in agriculture and climate smart practices in rural areas (GOP3).

Strategic Outcome Targets

S01 -GHG Reductions 3,506,180 tCO2 (Next 25 years)
S02-Green Jobs 21, 248 (2021-2023)
S06-Enhanced Adaptation to Climate Change 385, 297 benefited (2021 - 2023)



Country Representative Senegal

Resource Partner

GGGI Core Funding
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Government of Grand-Duche of Luxemburg
Bill & Melinda gates Foundation
Qatar Fund For development
Open Society Initiative for west Africa – OSIWA
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ

Implementation Partner

Waste Management Unit Coordination – UCG
Sanitation National Office – ONAS
Senegal IT State Agency – ADIE
Sovereign Strategic Investment Fund for Senegal
Agricultural Bank
National Land Development Society for the Delta and Falémé region SAED

Government Counterpart

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

Ministry of Urbanization, Housing & Public Hygiene

Ministry of Water and Sanitation

Ministry of Energy & Petroleum

Ministry of Agricultural & Rural Equipment

National Sanitation Office of Senegal (ONAS)

Solid Waste Coordination Unit (UCG)

State Information Technology Agency (ADIE)

Municipality of Touba

Municipality of Tivaouane

Municipality of Kaolack

Municipality of Kolda




GGGI operations in Senegal started in 2016 during the phase 1 of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE). In line with the second phase of Senegal’s Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), GGGI supports the Government of Senegal (GoS) in its transition to a green, emerging Senegal, focusing on greening the country’s growth engines: Cities as well as on sectors key to the achievement of its NDCs and where growth connects to green job creation. Building on its early work on guidelines for green cities, and assessment of rural renewable energy for productive use (RE4PU), GGGI has helped the GoS design its National Green Growth Strategy. During the 2019-20 biennium, GGGI’s advice has helped progress from setting the agenda in favor of national and subnational green growth pathways, to mobilizing finance for secondary cities’ green infrastructure. GGGI’s work has resulted in the approval of 9 municipal strategies and roadmaps, the launch of Senegal’s Secondary Green Cities network and green buildings platform, and the mobilization of 3.3 M USD at the benefit of transformative solid and liquid waste treatment and valorization projects. GGGI’s program also helped identify opportunities for renewable energy to be used at the benefit of improved agricultural productivity and resilience to climate change in the rice value chain. The transverse focus on the financing of Senegal’s NDC targets led to the structuring of innovative partnerships with financial institutions (FONSIS, La Banque Agricole) and investment project preparation for scalable financing vehicles such as the Renewable and Energy Efficiency Fund (REEF). Taken together, these initiatives are expected to deliver a reduction of more than 30 million tCO2e over the next 20 years, provide access to sustainable waste management infrastructure to 1,860,000 people and create 700 green jobs.


Senegal’s economic growth has been high, over 6% since 2014 (WB, 2019), and the forecast pre-Covid19 was optimistic. Questions of sustainability and inclusiveness remain, as growth prospects are correlated with oil and gas production, and as job creation is insufficient to absorb internal migration and a growing labor force. Most labor is informal, entailing low remuneration, underemployment, and limited social protection and the PSE has identified the creation of green jobs as one of its priorities. In light of the Covid19 economic and social impacts, improving productivity and employment in sectors where the poor are most active, and work is informal is essential for the country to maintain course towards the achievement of SDGs and NDCs.



News • June 27, 2024

Senegal Ministry of Agriculture and GGGI inaugurates solar-powered irrigation scheme to improve food security

Dakar, Sénégal, June 27, 2024 –As part of efforts to achieve food security and strengthen farmers’ resilience to the impact of climate change, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Government of Senegal have inaugurated the first of 12 solar-powered irrigation units that will be installed in select sites in Pont Gendarme in St. […]

News • June 4, 2024

World must act together to accelerate access to climate finance and end plastic pollution

Seoul, Republic of Korea – 04 June 2024- Leaders from Africa, the Republic of Korea and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have jointly called for more collaboration and cooperation to bridge the climate finance gap and tackle the challenges of plastics pollution that the continent – and the world- faces to ensure a better, greener […]

News • June 4, 2024

Korea-Africa Summit exhibit: Bridging Continents, Art, Culture, and Academics

Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 4, 2024— The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted an immersive exhibit on the sidelines of the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit, spotlighting the evolving dynamics of Korea-Africa relations. This multi-faceted exhibit was a joint effort between GGGI, Desiego Art Gallery, Harmony in Symbols Collective, Korea-Africa Foundation Youth Supporters, Yonsei African Student […]

News • December 5, 2023

GGGI facilitates the partnership between Senegal FONSIS and Africa Climate Foundation for the Renewable and Efficient Energy Fund implementation

Dakar, Senegal, December 5, 2023 – Senegal Fonds Souverain d’Investissements Stratégiques S.A. (FONSIS, the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Senegal for Strategic Investments) and the Africa Climate Foundation (ACF) have launched a strategic and meaningful partnership to establish the Renewable and Efficient Energy Fund. GGGI was instrumental in facilitating this partnership and will support both institutions in implementing this […]

News • November 9, 2023

Senegal and Norway sign MoU on Bilateral Cooperation on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Dakar, Senegal, 9 November 2023 – As part of the Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) DAPA program, or “Designing Article 6 Policy Approaches”, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Norway and Senegal, marking a significant step towards bilateral cooperation on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. This MoU has been signed during the […]

News • August 22, 2023

High-level visit to the Tivaouane Feacal Sludge treatment plant in Senegal with the Luxemburg cooperation, Senegal

On July 13, 2023 – GGGI arranged a high-level visit to Tivaouane in Senegal for the Luxemburg cooperation delegation to inspect the newly rehabilitated and equipped Feacal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP).  The upgraded FSTP is important because it will improve the city’s sanitation services along the entire value chain and develop the valorization of by-products to create green […]

News • July 31, 2023

Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment (WEEE) handover ceremony, Dakar Senegal

Dakar, Senegal. June 27, 2023 – GGGI provided equipment to help enhance the electronic dismantling capacity of the national IT company Société Sénégal Numérique S.A (SENUM) as part of the project called Green Secondary Cities Wastewater, Solid Wastes, and WEEE Management through Sustainable Business Models for Recycling and Valorization in Senegal. The project, funded by […]

News • June 1, 2023

Climate Smart and Sustainable Value Chains initiative launched in Saint-Louis, Senegal River Valley

Saint-Louis, Senegal – May 24, 2023 –  The ‘Climate-smart Agriculture and sustainable value chains in Senegal River Valley’ Project, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs of the Republic of Korea, was launched today under the patronage of the Deputy Governor of Saint Louis and in the presence of the Assistant Prefect of Ndiaye, the […]

News • April 24, 2023

The Angola Ministry of Environment launches the first Blue Skies & Net Zero 2050 Campaign in Africa

13 April, Luanda, Angola – The Government of Angola and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) successfully launched the first global Blue Skies & Net Zero 2050 Campaign in Africa, aimed at raising public awareness on air pollution and tackling the climate crisis in Africa. The hybrid event was attended by over 40 Angolan and […]

News • March 15, 2023

GGGI and La Banque Agricole expand their partnership to support the adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley

Dakar, Senegal – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the La Banque Agricole  (LBA) signed a second Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand areas of cooperation on Climate-Smart Agriculture on February 22, 2023. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in Senegal. Around 30% of the population works in the sector accounting for 15% of Senegal’s GDP […]

News • February 24, 2023

Senegal validated its National Strategy for implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Senegal.

Senegal validated on February 21, 2023, at Fleur de Lys Hotel, Dakar, the National Strategy for operationalizing the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Senegal. The validation workshop gathered nearly 40 participants from sectoral ministries, the private sector, professional associations, and NGOs. Under the leadership and guidance of the Ministry of Environment, […]

News • February 20, 2023

GGGI collaborates with MAERSA & MESDET of Senegal and MAFRA of the Republic of Korea to implement a CSA program.

Dakar, Senegal, Friday, February 17, 2023 – Senegal today launched a new project titled: Climate-smart Agriculture and Sustainable Value Chains in Senegal River Valley. The project aims to help enhance agricultural productivity and climate resilience for rice and vegetable value chains by adopting inclusive digital transformation and innovation and promoting resilient farms. The delegation led […]

News • February 3, 2023

MOU Signing with DER/FJ

At a time when the conclusions of #COP27 clearly identify the priorities for action for our States, the Global Green Growth Institute and the General Delegation for Rapid Entrepreneurship of Women and Youth – DER/FJ signed a memorandum of understanding on November 22 for an unprecedented green entrepreneurship program called “Increasing business potential in Senegal”. […]

News • February 3, 2023

The annual Green Growth ceremony award

The country office invited all the partners of the ecosystem to review the different strategic axes of our commitment to the State of Senegal. The ceremony was chaired by the Director of the Environment at the Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition which highlighted the presence and role of the country office […]

News • October 27, 2022

GGGI’s Carbon Transaction Platform Establishment Approved

Seoul, Republic of Korea, – On 27 October 2022 the Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) Assembly and Council approved the establishment of GGGI’s Carbon Transaction Platform (CTP). The CTP will bring a comprehensive solution to the carbon space and will address major challenges in Article 6 market development as defined by the Paris Climate Agreement. […]

News • October 18, 2022

The E-waste International Day 2022 held in Senegal

The E-waste  Day 2022 was celebrated in Dakar as part of the project on the management of waste water, plastic waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment in Senegal’s green secondary cities through innovative business models for recycling and recovery, funded by the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for a period of three […]

News • September 22, 2022

Capacity building workshop for SAED deleguates on Climate Smart Agriculture pratices

The training session was held over a period of three (03) days. It was carried out on the premises of the CIFA (Training Center for agricultural profesisons ). At the opening ceremony, the participants, facilitators and SAED beneficiaries were introduced.  The training sessions aimed to strengthen the climatic resilience of farmers, women and young people […]

News • August 5, 2022

Dialogue with private sector on green investment and climate finance in Senegal

The Agricultural Bank (LBA), the first Senegalese private commercial bank accredited to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for direct access, and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted a high-level dialogue on mechanisms and opportunities for climate finance. “The dialogue took place on 16 and 17 June 2022  in Dakar, under the chairmanship of the […]

News • August 5, 2022

An advocacy campaign on the road to Dakar E-waste 2022 day

Stakeholders in the WEEE sector were received by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for a morning session to work on a stakeholder memorandum as preliminaries to Dakar E-waste Day 2022 on october 14. This activity is part of the support provided to the structuring of the e-waste sector towards an integrated waste management system. […]

News • July 13, 2022

Understanding of Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreement under Article 6.2 training workshop

The Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreement (MOPAs), should help relevant public institutions engaging in bilateral negotiations to improve the understanding of legal, institutional and technical concepts related to Article 6 in the context of cooperative approaches. This was the main objective of the training workshop held on july 06 in collaboration with the Direction of Environment […]


SN10 Climate Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Value Chains in Senegal
Start Date Q4 2022
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture
  • Climate Finance
  • Green Jobs
  • Renewable Energy
SN14 Solar-Powered Irrigation for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley
Start Date Q1 January 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
SN12 Energy auditing and capacity building on energy management for five rice mills in the Senegal River Valley
Start Date Q1 January 2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 275,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN2) Green Secondary Cities Wastewater, Plastic Waste and WEEE Management: Innovative Business Model
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 837,171
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN05) National Finance Vehicle in Senegal: The Renewable and Energy Efficiency Fund
Start Date Q1 May 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 34,663
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN06) Promoting city-wide inclusive sanitation through the Climate Resilience and Green Growth agenda
Start Date Q1 Mar 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 309,053
Status Active
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN07) Support to CNCAS for GCF pipeline development as DAE
Start Date Q1 May 20 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 6,797
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN08) Solar PV electricity for agricultural development
Start Date Q1 Aug 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 43,372
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – Senegal(SN09) Senegal Green building readiness program
Start Date Q1 July 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 38,967
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
Thematic Areas
Promoting city-wide inclusive sanitation through the Climate Resilience and Green Growth agenda in Senegal
Start Date Q1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
Thematic Areas
Green Secondary Cities Wastewater, Plastic Waste and WEEE Management: Innovative Business Model for Recycling and Valorization in Senegal.
Start Date Q1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 3,000,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
Thematic Areas
Biogas Cogeneration Project Senegal
Start Date Q1 2016
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
Green Growth Pathways in Senegal
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 2,428,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting


Potential of plastic waste sorting in the commune of Touba – projection of the model to the village of Darou Miname Senegal  • #greengrowth  • Waste  • Circular Economy  • Green Jobs
Potential of plastic waste sorting in the commune of Touba – projection of the model to the village of Darou Miname

Senegal  • #greengrowth  • Waste  • Circular Economy  • Green Jobs  • Green cities  • waste management

Potentiel du tri des déchets plastique et réplicabilité du modèle du village de Darou Miname, dans la commune de Touba Mosquée Senegal  • #greengrowth  • Green Cities  • Waste  • Circular Economy
Potentiel du tri des déchets plastique et réplicabilité du modèle du village de Darou Miname, dans la commune de Touba Mosquée

Senegal  • #greengrowth  • Green Cities  • Waste  • Circular Economy  • Green Jobs  • Green Growth  • green cities development  • green jobs

Circular Built Environment Highlights from Africa Report Burkina Faso  • CEB Africa Report  • senegal  • Uganda  • sustainable buildings
Circular Built Environment Highlights from Africa Report

Burkina Faso  • CEB Africa Report  • senegal  • Uganda  • sustainable buildings  • United Nations Once Planet  • rwanda  • UN2030  • built environment  • buildings and construction  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Burkina Faso  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Solar Energy  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Circular Economy  • Green Growth  • green building

Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017) Paraguay  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates
Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017)

Paraguay  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Papua New Guinea  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Indonesia  • Sustainable Energy  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery
Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies

forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery  • Technical Report  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Costa Rica  • Viet Nam  • Hungary  • Fiji  • India  • Jordan  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Cambodia  • Climate action  • Rwanda  • Guyana  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Burkina Faso  • #greengrowth  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu  • Green Jobs  • Green recovery  • green growth  • green jobs  • renewable energy  • sustainable development

Special Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results (2021) Colombia  • Fiji  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal
Special Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results (2021)

Colombia  • Fiji  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Cambodia  • Papua New Guinea  • Ethiopia  • Green Cities  • Peru  • Uganda  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance

Manuel de bonnes pratiques en matière d’agriculture climato intelligente et d’irrigation solaire csa  • Climate Smart Agriculture  • Senegal
Manuel de bonnes pratiques en matière d’agriculture climato intelligente et d’irrigation solaire

csa  • Climate Smart Agriculture  • Senegal

Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Cambodia  • Mongolia
Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results

Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Mozambique  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Hungary  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Burkina Faso  • Peru  • Green Cities  • Tonga  • Qatar  • Indonesia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience

Landscape Analysis Report to scale up the installation of solar irrigation businesses in Senegal Senegal  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Landscape Analysis Report to scale up the installation of solar irrigation businesses in Senegal

Senegal  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG
Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets

Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG  • Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • Nepal  • Papua New Guinea  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • Hungary  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Mongolia  • Cambodia  • Mozambique  • Saint Lucia  • Guyana  • Ethiopia  • Peru  • Burkina Faso  • Tonga  • Morocco  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Nepal
The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions

Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Senegal  • Viet Nam  • Colombia  • Fiji  • Jordan  • Papua New Guinea  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Uganda  • Burkina Faso  • Qatar  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Benchmarking des initiatives internationales de valorisation des déchets plastiques Senegal  • Green Cities
Benchmarking des initiatives internationales de valorisation des déchets plastiques

Senegal  • Green Cities

Senegal Solar PV Electricity for Agriculture Development Project Fact Sheet Senegal  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Senegal Solar PV Electricity for Agriculture Development Project Fact Sheet

Senegal  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

Achieving Green Growth and Climate Action Post-COVID-19 Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Cambodia
Achieving Green Growth and Climate Action Post-COVID-19

Caribbean  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Cambodia  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Nepal  • Rwanda  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Fiji  • United Arab Emirates  • Jordan  • Viet Nam  • Kiribati  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Guyana  • Tonga  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Burkina Faso  • Indonesia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Green Growth in Action: Achieving Green Energy Transformation Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Fiji
Green Growth in Action: Achieving Green Energy Transformation

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Fiji  • India  • Mongolia  • Mozambique  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Cambodia  • Viet Nam  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso  • Morocco  • Uganda  • Indonesia  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

Senegal Social Review Senegal  • Cross Cutting
Senegal Social Review

Senegal  • Cross Cutting

Review of GGGI’s experience to design and operationalize NFVs to finance climate and green growth policy implementation Colombia  • Costa Rica  • India  • Jordan  • Mongolia
Review of GGGI’s experience to design and operationalize NFVs to finance climate and green growth policy implementation

Colombia  • Costa Rica  • India  • Jordan  • Mongolia  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Ethiopia  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020) Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji  • Hungary  • India
Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020)

Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji  • Hungary  • India  • Lao PDR  • Mozambique  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Ethiopia  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Indonesia  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Finance  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

Evaluation of Green City Strategies (2019) Cambodia  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry
Evaluation of Green City Strategies (2019)

Cambodia  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste

GGGI In-Country Staff

Abdoulaye Seck

DAPA Program Manager

Mamadou KONATE

Senior Advisor

Christella J. INNACK

Monitoring and Evaluation Associate

Abdoulaye FAYE

Sanitation Specialist


Country Representative Senegal