
Senegal validated its National Strategy for implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Senegal.

Senegal validated on February 21, 2023, at Fleur de Lys Hotel, Dakar, the National Strategy for operationalizing the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Senegal.

The validation workshop gathered nearly 40 participants from sectoral ministries, the private sector, professional associations, and NGOs. Under the leadership and guidance of the Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, and Ecological Transition (MESDET), Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) assisted in developing the Article 6 National Strategy.

The Article 6 National Strategy aims to provide Senegal with a clear understanding of the opportunities for carbon transactions that may be mobilized under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement through project selection criteria to identify the challenges related to establishing governance frameworks and solid infrastructure and setting up a budgeted medium-term roadmap.

After appreciating the close collaboration with GGGI, the representative of the National Committee on Climate Change (COMNACC), Mr. Antoine Faye, highlighted the ministry’s ambition to harmonize the various interventions on Article 6 in Senegal and to offer all key actors the means and tools to benefit from the opportunities of the carbon market.

Ms. Assana Magagi-Alio, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Country Representative for Senegal, also reiterated GGGI’s readiness to support its member countries in establishing a governance framework for successful and equitable transactions by providing them with operational tools to manage carbon transactions and a robust capacity-building program.

The study supporting the National Strategy examined the potential of the power generation, domestic fuel, waste, sanitation, industry, and transport sectors. In addition, the study assessed the level of implementation of the unconditional NDC, the MRV system, and the capacity building needs to develop projects and programs potentially eligible for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement based on defined criteria. A roadmap budgeted at $1.2 million focusing on aligning with the Nationally Determined Contributions, strengthening and sensitizing stakeholders, establishing the governance framework and decision-making bodies for regulated and voluntary markets, and establishing a robust MRV system was also prepared.

Thanking the MESDET’s climate change division (i.e., DEEC)’s leadership and guidance, Ms. Alio concluded that GGGI will continue to support the Government of Senegal in implementing this Article 6 National Strategy through the Designing Policy Approaches Under Article 6 (DAPA) project and generally through its country partnership program.