Global Practice

Strategic Research

Green growth is about quality and sustenance of growth, and is a pathway to sustainable development. As such, it is necessary that green growth interventions are able to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) aspirations with strong national context. Alternatively, given the growth imperative, well-designed and interlinked climate action and SDG implementation programs should be drivers of green and inclusive growth. The challenge here is to articulate this link between green growth, NDC and SDGs that would enable designing effective green growth interventions by development entities like GGGI.

In relation to this, sufficient and systematic understanding on countries’ NDC and SDG implementation readiness levels, especially in developing countries, is important for effective resource allocation for green growth programs. Scaling up climate and private sector financing in key green growth sectors also remains a challenge in developing countries – here translating countries’ NDC (and SDG) targets to implementable roadmaps and viable pipeline of projects remain crucial.

At sectoral level, energy and transport are major sectors of focus in developing and developed countries alike for their disproportionate impacts/links to all three pillars of green growth – economic growth, environmental protection, and social inclusion. Within these, renewable energy, energy efficiency and electric and sustainable mobility are rapidly developing and increasingly inter-linked technology fronts with immense potential for helping countries leapfrog on multiple fronts and realize NDC and SDG goals cost-effectively. Innovations in these areas are poised to be disruptive and impact the way we produce and consume energy and satisfy mobility demands. Primary challenge here is to design strategies with strong local context in order to pave the way for rapid adoption of these technologies.


RW29- Assessment of Green City Kigali project and business delivery models
Start Date Q1
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Green Buildings and Industry
  • Carbon Pricing
  • Circular Economy
RW28- Rwanda Greenpreneurs Network
Start Date Q1 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
  • Startups
  • Circular Economy
  • Green Jobs
CI01 Supporting Direct Access in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
Start Date Q4 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 119,784
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Cross Cutting
  • Green Buildings and Industry
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
SN14 Solar-Powered Irrigation for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley
Start Date Q1 January 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
SN12 Energy auditing and capacity building on energy management for five rice mills in the Senegal River Valley
Start Date Q1 January 2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 275,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
RW23 Sustainable Solid and Liquid Waste Management and Valorization in Rwanda’s Green Cities
Start Date Q1 01-01-2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 217,165
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
RW20 GCF Readiness Support to Capacitate Rwanda’s Sub-National Level Actors in Green Growth and Climate Resilience
Start Date Q1 05-07-2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 699,940
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Cross Cutting
RW17 GCF National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness and Preparatory Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda
Start Date Q1 03-01-2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 1,823,993
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Cross Cutting
RW22 Greening Rwanda’s Existing Public Building Stock
Start Date Q1 01-01-2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 169,528
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
PG2 Papua New Guinea Supporting improved policy settings
Start Date Q1 Sept 10 2018
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 130,225
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
Project Reference Profiles – Lao PDR(LA05) Preparatory work for the KOICA project on wastewater and solid waste management
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 49,106
Status Complete
MX07 GCF Readiness Support for Mexico
Start Date Q1 Aug 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 798,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
Thematic Areas
MN04 Promoting Energy Efficiency and ESCO development in Mongolia
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 347,146
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – Global(MRV1) Development of GHGs Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
Start Date Q1 May 11 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 26,524
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – (TL9) Renewable Energy Transitions
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2018
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 190,849
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – (TL15) Support for the Research Plan -G20 Background Paper “Green Growth to Achieve the Paris Agreement”
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 10,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
Project Reference Profiles – (TL13) Macro-Economic Analysis
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 287,757
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
RW15 IMELS-GGGI Contribution Agreement – Phase 2
Start Date Q1 May 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 114,753
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
Thematic Areas
MX02 Improving public transportation systems
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 590,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Transport
MX01 Sonora Green Growth Strategy
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 450,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport


News • June 26, 2024

Advancing Circular Economy Goals: Rwanda on Track to Valorise Municipal Waste

Kigali, Rwanda – June 19, 2024, Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) celebrated a major milestone in the country’s waste management journey by inaugurating pilot municipal waste valorisation facilities at the Nduba landfill in Kigali. This achievement is a key outcome of the “Waste to Resources Project,” which […]

News • May 10, 2023

GGGI hosts a workshop to review the progress of the interim findings of the Super ESCO (Energy Services Company) Project in Rwanda

9th February, Kigali, Rwanda , the Global Green Growth Institute hosted the hybrid workshop to review the progress of the interim findings of the Super Esco (Energy Services Company ) Project in Rwanda. With participants from the following institutions, organizations and partners, Government officials from MININFRA-Energy Directorate, MINECOFIN, REGEUCL, REG-EDCL, RURA, BRD, RHA, CPCIC ✓ […]

News • March 29, 2023

Waste to Resource Project Training in Luxembourg

11- 18 March , Luxembourg , with a delegation of 2o representatives from Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA); Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICTI) ;City of Kigali (CoK) ;Rwanda Development Board (RDB);Ministry of Environment (MoE) ;Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA);Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) ;Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) ;Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) ;Gender Monitoring Office […]

News • December 15, 2022

GCF NAP Project -Training of the Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS at Meteo Rwanda Headquarters

8 August , Kigali ,through the Rwanda National Designated Authority (NDA) i.e., Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and the Accredited Entity (AE) i.e. Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Rwanda to the Green Climate Fund (GCF); the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), a Delivery Partner (DP), has been following up the implementation of the GCF NAP […]

News • September 8, 2022

MoU Signed Between GGGI and Policy Studies Institute

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), and Policy Studies Institute (PSI), a home-grown  policy think tank that is largely engaged in economic, social and governance research and policy analysis, on  the 2nd  of September 2022 at the  auditorium of PSI  here in Addis Ababa. The ultimate purpose of […]

News • July 27, 2022

How GGGI is Supporting the Government of Rwanda to Beat Plastic Pollution

Annually, an estimated 400 million tons of plastic waste is produced  with only 9% recycled worldwide. Recycling rates in emerging and developing economies are even lower, with municipalities lacking the capacity, equipment, and investment necessary to sort, separate, and recycle plastic waste. Rwanda has emerged as a leader in the effort to curb plastic pollution, introducing a plastic bag ban in  2019 prohibiting the manufacturing, […]

News • July 5, 2022

GGGI and Ministry of Environment host the 3rd Luxembourg Waste to Resource Project Thematic Working Group Meeting

14-17 June 2022, In Musanze Secondary City ,Kigali Rwanda the third thematic working group for waste to resource: improving municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management in Rwanda was convened in Musanze from 14 to 17 June 2022 at Fatima Hotel. This is a recurrent quarterly activity under the project where members of the technical […]

News • June 16, 2022

Government of Rwanda and GGGI Sign and endorse the new 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF)

On 13 May, Kigali , Rwanda the Minister of State , Ministry of Infrastructure  Eng Patricie Uwase  and the GGGI Rwanda Country Representative Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya have officially endorsed & signed the new five year 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF).  The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) would like to thank all the stakeholders and […]

News • June 8, 2022

GGGI District Technical Assistants (DTA’s) lead the Awareness raising workshop for the environmental protection committee’s members

Rwanda Environment Managament Authority in collaboration  with GGGI Rwanda through the implementation of the the GCF Readiness & Preparatory Support Project to capacitate Rwanda’s Subnational Level Actors in Green Growth & Climate Change Resilience organized training workshops for Environmental Committees members in secondary cities.  The training workshop was for Environmental Committees members from Nyagatare District […]

News • June 8, 2022

Workshop report on effective municipal solid waste management in City of Kigali

30-31 May 2022, Kigali,  Rwanda the Global Green Growth Institute conducted a two days’ workshop at M Hotel on effective municipal solid waste management services in the City of Kigali from 30 to 31 May 2022. The workshop was attended private companies with business spanning across value chain of municipal waste management in the City […]

News • May 3, 2022

GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Project -knowledge sharing and closure Workshop in Rwanda

29th April 2022, Kigali Rwanda, Global Green Growth Institute in collaboration with Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) hosted the GCF Readiness Preparatory Support Project Knowledge Sharing Workshop. With diverse audience that include NGO;s, GCF representatives, Rwanda Land Management Authority (RLMUA) , National Industrial Research and Development Agency  (NIRDA),  Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Center (CPCIC), […]

News • March 21, 2022

Representatives of Ministries of Republic of Mozambique tour Rwanda on a 5 day Knowledge Exchange Visit

13-18 March 2022, Kigali , Rwanda. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a delivery partner of the GCF readiness project “Implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to Promote Low-Carbon Growth in Mozambique” that is being implemented for the Government of Mozambique (GoM). The project, implemented, together with the Ministry of Land and Environment through […]

News • March 21, 2022

GGGI organizes Waste to Resource Project Study Tour Training in Nairobi for Rwanda Officials

7-11 March 2022, Nairobi , Kenya .The Government of Rwanda vision is to transform the country into a knowledge-based economy, to reach upper middle-income status by 2035 and to become a high-income country by 2050. To align with such aspirations, there is an urgent need to move to more sustainable Solid Waste Management (SMW) which […]

News • February 3, 2022

Gender Assessment of Stakeholders Report for GCF National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project on Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda; Feb 01, 2022 – GGGI Rwanda is a Delivery Partner supporting the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) – the National Designated Authority (NDA) – on a twenty-four-month project “National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda.” The GCF NAP Project has a focus on enhancing capacity for integrated […]

News • January 18, 2022

Technical Committee selected policy approaches as part of DAPA project

SENEGAL; December 20, 2021 – The National Committee on Climate Change – COMNACC chaired a technical committee for the selection of policy approaches as part of the DAPA project phase II. The technical committee was composed of representatives from sectorial ministries embedded in the process, including the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda facilitates the Green Public Procurement (GPP) Guidelines Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop

Kigali, Rwanda GGGI facilitated in a two-day training of trainers including REMA staff and RPPA staff on Green public procurement. Public procurement accounts for an average of 12% of GDP in OECD countries and up to 30% in developing countries. Green public procurement would encourage the purchase of green products with environmental benefits of reducing […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts the consultation workshop on the revised GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2025

GGGI Rwanda through one-on-one consultations revised and drafted the new GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework and presented the draft to key stakeholders and partners for input, feedback, and validation during  a consultation workshop held at Serena Hotel in Kigali , Rwanda. The workshop was an opportunity for the GGGI team to guide the endorsement by […]

News • December 9, 2021

Rwanda- African Mobility Month Winner for the “Kinamba Junction Design Competition”

In Kigali, Rwanda the Global Green growth Institute in Rwanda is happy to announce the winner of the African Mobility Month 2021 design competition. Mr MIZERO Jules is Masters student at the University of Rwanda , completing his  Msc in Highway Engineering & Management. Jules design will soon be on display in City of Kigali […]

News • December 2, 2021

Selection of Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices in the Senegal River Valley

The Solar Irrigation Project for Climate Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley is a partnership between the State of Qatar, through the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). It aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty and greenhouse gas emissions and to improve the livelihoods of rice […]

News • November 29, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts virtual Technical Training on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and their Contribution to flood Risks Reduction

From 17th -18th November 2021, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Partnership with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) organized a virtual training on the application of nature-based solutions (NBS) for flood risk management. Participants in the training composed of District Technicians in charge of Construction Permitting, Building Inspection, Environmental Management, Disaster management, Road […]

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