
Technical Committee selected policy approaches as part of DAPA project

SENEGAL; December 20, 2021 – The National Committee on Climate Change – COMNACC chaired a technical committee for the selection of policy approaches as part of the DAPA project phase II. The technical committee was composed of representatives from sectorial ministries embedded in the process, including the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Energy, the Energy Regulating Commission, and the Rural Electrification National Agency. The COMNACC representative chairman of the technical committee opened the session with the context of the implementation of Article 6 whose rules were finally set at COP26 in Glasgow. On behalf of GGGI, Ms. Aida Diongue Niang, Deputy Country Representative, recalled the project context and articulated its link with the GGGI mandate on supporting the Government of Senegal in the implementation of Article 6.

The DAPA Project Manager introduced the project phase and the planned activities in 2022:
o Conduct a design study of the policy instruments to be implemented for the two selected approaches
o Evaluate the impact of the two priority policy approaches
o Provide a proposal of an MRV system for the selected policy approaches
o Develop a strategy and governance framework for the implementation of Article 6 in Senegal
o Design a draft MOPA for the selected policy approach for a transaction
o set up the organization of capacity building sessions for the actors involved

The 2022 workplan was validated in this first session by the committee. This was followed by the selection and analysis of the criteria process that was suggested with the main objective to combine relevant policy approaches.

On this basis, the Technical Committee proposed to retain approaches 7 and 3 dealing respectively with the development of grid-connected renewable energies and the energy labelling of appliances.