Thematic Strategies: Communities of Practice

Sustainable Transport

The transport of humans and goods holds major economic and social importance in maintaining expected standards of consumption and quality of life. The transport sector is one of the main consumers of fossil fuel, and hence is a major contributor to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, accounting for 18% of total GHG emission as of 2015. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects 50% higher transport emissions by 2060, with strong growth especially in trucks and buses. This not only increases the fossil fuel dependency, but also leads to severe impacts on social problems such as traffic congestion, poor health, noise, resource use and waste, and eventually, causes climate change. The Majority of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) identify transport as a mitigation priority. Multiple countries made sustainable and electric mobility pledge. The sustainability and electrification of transport is one of the megatrends in mobility and is an important pillar to achieve its decarbonization.

In order to remain relevant and adaptable in a challenging and uncertain future global transport environment, the Transportation CoP will target its interventions and investments in i) mainstreaming sustainable transport strategies into national, sub-national, regional, local, and sectoral policies and development plans; ii) linking sustainable transport solutions to existing transport infrastructure & system investments; and iii) facilitating the participation of the private sector in the sustainable transport industry. The CoP-Transportation has actively supported partnerships and country transport implementation in more than 20 member countries. To enhance members green growth transformation in the transport sector, the CoP-T will give priority to i) Initiating and leading innovative programs and project ideas that contribute to the organization’s strategic objectives in transport and sustainable mobility, and ii) strengthening and supporting relevant stakeholder’s capability with respect to the understanding of transport and sustainable mobility, relevant skill sets, and general project management.


RW31-Smart and Electric Public Transport Services for Low-Carbon City Development in Rwand
Start Date Q3 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 150,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Waste
  • Solar Energy
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
  • Startups
  • Carbon Pricing
  • Green Jobs
  • Green recovery
  • GHGI
RW28- Rwanda Greenpreneurs Network
Start Date Q1 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
  • Startups
  • Circular Economy
  • Green Jobs
RW27-Supporting the Transition to E-mobility in Rwanda
Start Date Q1 2021
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 47,574
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
  • Green Finance
  • Startups
  • Carbon Pricing
  • Green Jobs
  • GHGI
  • Monitoring
  • Renewable Energy
KH16 Greening Mobility – Phase II
Start Date Q4 20201001
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 112,265
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Transport
MX05 Scaling up policy and investment for gender inclusive, subnational green growth
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 235,056
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport
Thematic Areas
MX02 Improving public transportation systems
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 590,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Transport
MX01 Sonora Green Growth Strategy
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 450,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport


News • June 27, 2024

Dominican Republic’s Green Bond Debut (USD 750 Million) after Publication of Green, Social, Sustainable Bonds Framework

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 26, 2024 – The Government of the Dominican Republic, through the Ministry of Finance, has successfully issued its first sovereign green bond to fund sustainable projects in clean energy, transportation, waste management, and more. This issuance, amounting to USD 750 million, marks the first sovereign thematic bond from the Caribbean […]

News • May 1, 2024

Sustainable Transportation Solutions in PNG Discussed

Port Moresby, 01 May 2024 – Key stakeholders from diverse sectors convened in Port Moresby today to discuss the advancement of sustainable transportation solutions in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Discussions from today’s workshop centered on the development of a national e-mobility policy and strategies to address barriers hindering the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) as […]

News • February 20, 2024

GGGI and partners kicked off air-quality capacity building in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 19 February 2024— the Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), launched a capacity-building event on emissions inventories for the transport sector. Held at the Himawari Hotel, this event marks the first in a series of trainings aimed at equipping participants with the skills to develop […]

News • December 13, 2023

Indonesia and Korea Join Forces to Develop E-Bus Public Transportation System in Bali

Bali, Indonesia, 13 December 2023 – Indonesia and Korea have joined forces to develop an electric bus (e-bus) ecosystem in Bali in a significant step toward sustainable transportation. This ambitious project aims to transform the island’s public transportation system in line with global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The collaboration was formalized through […]

News • September 13, 2023

Rwanda’s delegation visit Korea for capacity building to facilitate use of ITMO through e-mobility

24-28 July 2023, Seoul, Korea. The Government of Rwanda has prioritized the transition to e-mobility for all vehicle types using a combination of incentives and favorable policies designed to promote the uptake of electric vehicles. However, due to the high capital cost involved with the purchase of electric buses, public transport has largely been isolated […]

News • July 26, 2023

GGGI Launches USD 6 Million KOICA Funded Project to Create Sustainable Green Jobs in Jordan

On the 5th of July 2023, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), in partnership with the Ministry of Environment in Jordan, announced the official launch of an impactful project named “Creating Sustainable Green Jobs for Refugees and Host Communities through the Green Economy in Jordan.” (Project Link). This USD […]

News • June 16, 2023

Ugandan Mayors and Urban Planners Embark on a Green Urbanization Learning Mission in Ethiopia.

9th to 11th May 2023 – In order to draw a clearer picture of green urban development, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Uganda organized a knowledge exchange mission for the mayors and senior urban planners of Arua, Gulu, Mbarara and Jinja, secondary cities, and the government officials of Ethiopia, from May 9 to May 11, […]

News • May 1, 2023

Rwanda Non-Motorized Transport Project Huye City NMT Investment Action Planning Workshop

16 March ,2023 in Huye, Rwanda the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) organized the NMT Project  Investment Action Planning Workshop.  In Rwanda mobility plays a vital role for  economic and social prosperity, connecting people, goods and places. However, poorly planned transport systems have hard-hitting and negative consequences […]

News • July 12, 2022

2022 Pacific Energy Officials Meeting

Suva, Fiji, Friday, 11 July 2022: The 2022 Pacific Energy Officials Meeting was virtually held from 5-7 July 2022 by the Pacific Community (SPC) in partnership with the Government of Vanuatu, as the host and incoming Chair of the Fifth Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to allow […]

News • June 20, 2022

Rwanda hosts the “Africa Regional Forum for Action – Inclusive & Active Mobility in a Changing Climate “

7-9 June 2022, Kigali , Rwanda. More than  120 participants convened in Kigali, Rwanda to discuss the role of active mobility and non-motorized transport in climate mitigation. The event had participants from several organisations such as Transaid ;City of Kisumu ; Bridges to Prosperity ; National Malaria Elimination Centre, Ministry of Health ;UN Habitat ; […]

News • June 16, 2022

Government of Rwanda and GGGI Sign and endorse the new 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF)

On 13 May, Kigali , Rwanda the Minister of State , Ministry of Infrastructure  Eng Patricie Uwase  and the GGGI Rwanda Country Representative Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya have officially endorsed & signed the new five year 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF).  The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) would like to thank all the stakeholders and […]

News • June 8, 2022

GGGI District Technical Assistants (DTA’s) lead the Awareness raising workshop for the environmental protection committee’s members

Rwanda Environment Managament Authority in collaboration  with GGGI Rwanda through the implementation of the the GCF Readiness & Preparatory Support Project to capacitate Rwanda’s Subnational Level Actors in Green Growth & Climate Change Resilience organized training workshops for Environmental Committees members in secondary cities.  The training workshop was for Environmental Committees members from Nyagatare District […]

News • June 8, 2022

Workshop report on effective municipal solid waste management in City of Kigali

30-31 May 2022, Kigali,  Rwanda the Global Green Growth Institute conducted a two days’ workshop at M Hotel on effective municipal solid waste management services in the City of Kigali from 30 to 31 May 2022. The workshop was attended private companies with business spanning across value chain of municipal waste management in the City […]

News • June 7, 2022

Draft Gulu Physical Development Plan Handover

Gulu City, June 6, 2022 Gulu City has received the final draft of the Physical Development Plan. The plan has been developed under the greening Uganda’s urbanization and industrialization project, funded by the European union. The plan is a spatial expression of the social and economic environment or other policy, at National, regional, district, city  […]

News • May 16, 2022


Abidjan, May 10, 2022. Ms. Helena McLeod, Deputy Director General of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI and Mr. Ibrahima DIOUF, Special Advisor representing the President of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) and), signed a memorandum of understanding on the sidelines of the COP15 on desertification held in Côte d’Ivoire. This partnership framework will […]

News • March 21, 2022

Representatives of Ministries of Republic of Mozambique tour Rwanda on a 5 day Knowledge Exchange Visit

13-18 March 2022, Kigali , Rwanda. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a delivery partner of the GCF readiness project “Implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to Promote Low-Carbon Growth in Mozambique” that is being implemented for the Government of Mozambique (GoM). The project, implemented, together with the Ministry of Land and Environment through […]

News • March 21, 2022

GGGI, Government of Rwanda and UNEP Proposed area for Car Free Zone in Huye Secondary City

The Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) is committed to supporting government of Rwanda achieve low-carbon development, the Rwanda country program has developed a visualization with Jan Kamensky of the redesign for the proposed car free zone in Huye. Car-free zones have recently been launched in the City of Kigali in the central business district renamed […]

News • February 7, 2022

GGGI and Representatives of the British Embassy sign the grant agreement in Vientiane

February 2, 2022– A grant agreement between the British Embassy and GGGI Lao PDR was signed in Vientiane on February 2. It was witnessed by Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Mrs. Phonevanh Outhavong, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Mr. Phouvong Luangxaysana, and the British Ambassador to Laos, Mr. John Pearson. Lao PDR […]

News • January 11, 2022

Accelerating investment in nature for the green recovery in Senegal strategic workshop held

The strategic orientation workshop was held on December 16, 2021 for the project “Accelerating investment in nature for the green recovery in Senegal through the structuring of the green PES” organized in partnership with the Operational Office for the monitoring of the PES, the MAVA Foundation and the European Union. The objective was to share […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts the consultation workshop on the revised GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2025

GGGI Rwanda through one-on-one consultations revised and drafted the new GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework and presented the draft to key stakeholders and partners for input, feedback, and validation during  a consultation workshop held at Serena Hotel in Kigali , Rwanda. The workshop was an opportunity for the GGGI team to guide the endorsement by […]


Supporting Policy and Technical Standards Development for Electric Vehicles in Lao PDR 2022 (Lao) Lao PDR  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • GHG emissions
Supporting Policy and Technical Standards Development for Electric Vehicles in Lao PDR 2022 (Lao)

Lao PDR  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • GHG emissions  • e-mobility  • energy efficiency

Pre-feasibility Study on a Battery Swapping System for Electric 2-wheelers in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Lao PDR  • #greengrowth  • Green Cities  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy
Pre-feasibility Study on a Battery Swapping System for Electric 2-wheelers in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

Lao PDR  • #greengrowth  • Green Cities  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Startups  • climate finance  • Climate Change  • Renewable Energy  • Reporting and Verification  • Green Growth  • e-mobility  • green cities development  • Sustainable Tourism  • Sustainable Tourism  • Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)  • renewable energy  • Sustainable Development Goals

NDC Climate Action Enhancement Package Support for Mongolia GGGI Mongolia  • Mongolia  • Green Cities  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Energy
NDC Climate Action Enhancement Package Support for Mongolia

GGGI Mongolia  • Mongolia  • Green Cities  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Energy  • Cross Cutting  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Sustainable Transport  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • NDCs

Evaluation of Rwanda Country Program (2022) Rwanda  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport
Evaluation of Rwanda Country Program (2022)

Rwanda  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • National Financing Vehicles  • Green Growth

Mainstreaming Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh electric charging stations  • battery charging infrastructrure  • #ElectricVehicles  • India  • Sustainable Energy
Mainstreaming Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh

electric charging stations  • battery charging infrastructrure  • #ElectricVehicles  • India  • Sustainable Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • Renewable Energy

Accelerating Implementation of GGGI Members’ Nationally Determined Contributions: A Review of GGGI Members’ NDCs for E-Mobility flagship-publications  • All Countries  • e-transport  • emobility  • INDCs
Accelerating Implementation of GGGI Members’ Nationally Determined Contributions: A Review of GGGI Members’ NDCs for E-Mobility

flagship-publications  • All Countries  • e-transport  • emobility  • INDCs  • Technical Report  • #ElectricVehicles  • #greengrowth  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • electric mobility  • energy efficiency  • Nationally Determined Contributions

Landscape Analysis of BioCNG in India India  • Clean Energy  • Report  • India  • Sustainable Transport
Landscape Analysis of BioCNG in India

India  • Clean Energy  • Report  • India  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Circular Economy  • Renewable Energy  • Bioeconomy  • Clean Cities

Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017) Paraguay  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates
Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017)

Paraguay  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Papua New Guinea  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Indonesia  • Sustainable Energy  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

Celebrating Nepal’s Heritage with Electric Mobility Nepal  • Sustainable Transport
Celebrating Nepal’s Heritage with Electric Mobility

Nepal  • Sustainable Transport

India-Nepal Electric Mobility Knowledge Exchange #ElectricVehicles  • electric bus  • Public vehicles  • India State Transport Undertaking  • India
India-Nepal Electric Mobility Knowledge Exchange

#ElectricVehicles  • electric bus  • Public vehicles  • India State Transport Undertaking  • India  • Nepal  • Sustainable Transport  • green transportation

Going Green: Technical and Investment Analytics for Sajha Yatayat’s First Electric Bus Fleet Electric Mobility Program  • #ElectricVehicles  • Nepal  • Nepal  • Sustainable Transport
Going Green: Technical and Investment Analytics for Sajha Yatayat’s First Electric Bus Fleet

Electric Mobility Program  • #ElectricVehicles  • Nepal  • Nepal  • Sustainable Transport  • green transportation

Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Cambodia  • Mongolia
Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results

Uzbekistan  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Mozambique  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Hungary  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Burkina Faso  • Peru  • Green Cities  • Tonga  • Qatar  • Indonesia  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience

Elaboration d’un Systeme de Mesurage, de rapportage et de Verification (MRV) au Burkina-Faso Green Cities  • Burkina Faso  • Cross Cutting  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Sustainable Transport
Elaboration d’un Systeme de Mesurage, de rapportage et de Verification (MRV) au Burkina-Faso

Green Cities  • Burkina Faso  • Cross Cutting  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • MRV

Evaluación de Potencial de Crecimiento Verde en Antioquia Green Growth Potential Assessments  • Colombia  • Green Cities  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Energy
Evaluación de Potencial de Crecimiento Verde en Antioquia

Green Growth Potential Assessments  • Colombia  • Green Cities  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Sustainable Energy  • Cross Cutting  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Sustainable Landscapes

Evaluation of Green City Strategies (2019) Cambodia  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry
Evaluation of Green City Strategies (2019)

Cambodia  • Rwanda  • Senegal  • Green Cities  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste

Evaluation of GGGI Mexico Country Program (2018) México  • Sustainable Transport  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
Evaluation of GGGI Mexico Country Program (2018)

México  • Sustainable Transport  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth

GGGI Staff

Changsun Jang

Lead in Transport and Sustainable Mobility

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