
MX05 Scaling up policy and investment for gender inclusive, subnational green growth

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO1 Reduced GHG emission, SO2 Creation of green jobs, SO3 Increased access to sustainable services
Start Date Q1  Jan 1 2019
End Date q1 Dec 31 2020
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 235,056
Budget Percentage 92%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 216,264
Status Complete
GGGI Share (USD) 235,056
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers gender
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) State of Sonora
Participating Organization (Funding/donor) -
Name of consortium members, if any Sonora Institute of Women (ISM), Sonora Environmental Commission (CEDES); Sonora Energy Commission (COEES)
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
  • Gender and Inclusive Development
  • Sustainable Transport
GGGI Project Code : MX05
Project Manager and Staff +
Pablo Martínez

Country Representative, Colombia

José L. Amaya

Sr. Programme Officer & Subnational Coordinator

Ingvild Solvang

Deputy Director and Head of Climate Action and Inclusive Development

Christina Cheong

Green Cities Specialist and CoP Lead (Green Buildings and Industry)

Diana Alejandra Quezada Avila

Analyst, Global Climate Action

Private: Ferruccio Santetti

Green Investment Specialist (4/6)

Project overview

Sonora is the second largest of Mexico’s 31 states by area. The State of Sonora has been a pioneer in subnational green growth, as the first subnational entity in Mexico to adopt a Green Growth Strategy and the first to develop a green growth cabinet. The appropriate next step is to move towards the investment side of GGGI’s value chain to mobilize climate finance for green growth projects in priority sectors identified in the Green Growth Strategy. 

The proposed project addresses i.) Lack of investment in priority projects in the state of Sonora ii.) Lack of capacity to develop, design and finance green growth projects iii.) Lack of integration of gender priorities in project development in Sonora iv.) Replication and knowledge sharing in other subnational entities. Additionally, the proposed project responds to the primary objectives and themes that have been identified in the Sonora green growth strategy which was developed by GGGI with the Government of Sonora. 

The project objective is to reduce GHG emissions and increase the number of green jobs through inclusive green growth in Mexico’s subnational entities. This project is aligned with IO1. Strengthened national, sub-national and local green growth planning, financing and institutional frameworksIO2. Increased green growth investment flows which enable partner governments to implement green growth policies and IO3. Improved multi-directional knowledge sharing and learning to empower local and external agents necessary to drive green growth processes in partner governments. 

The project will build capacity for Sonoran stakeholders to develop gender responsive projects, ensuring that such criteria is central to project selection and investment, as gender inequality is a serious issue in Mexico. The project focuses on two primary outcomes: i.) State of Sonora implements gender inclusive projects, and ii.) Sonora’s lessons learned in green growth policy and finance disseminated to other subnational entities in Mexico.

Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: Reduced GHG Emissions and increase number of green jobs in Mexico (compared to BAU scenario) through inclusive green growth in Mexico’s subnational entities (not yet achieved)

Outcome: State adopts recommendations from the Advisory Report and green bond framework, fostering greater gender inclusion and social/environmental cobenefits in both energy and transport/mobility projects (not yet achieved).

Project Outputs completed in 2019: 

i. Green Growth Policies: 

Policy Assignments:  

  • A step by step roadmap for the designing, evaluation, validation and issuance of a green bond delivered. 
  • Policy recommendations for gender mainstreaming (Clean energy and Mobility) completed. As practical exercise of the “Gender mainstreaming green growth policies and projects” course, two sectors i.) Renewable energy and ii.) Energy efficiency, and mobility were studied in detail to look at challenges and opportunities for gender mainstreaming.
  • A Policy Report with recommendations to foster a Green Recovery at the subnational level (2020-21)

ii. Green Investments:N/A

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products: 

  • 1 capacity building activity in the form of seminar on “Gender mainstreaming green growth policies and projects” delivered to 45 key actors from governmentcivil society and the private sector. 

Number of staff provided

Project Manager: Pablo Martinez 

Ferro Santetti, Jose Loustaunau, Ingvild Solvang, Christina Cheong