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News • June 7, 2024

GGGI Releases the Readiness and Needs Assessment for Article 6 in Colombia

[Encuentre la versión en español abajo] Bogotá, Colombia, June 2024 – As part of the Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation Program (SPAR6C), the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has published the Readiness and Needs Assessment for Article 6 in Colombia. This comprehensive report aims to enhance the country’s ability to participate in international carbon […]

News • January 25, 2022

GGGI and Norway join the second phase of the Legal Timber Pact in Colombia

December 2, 2021; Bogotá, Colombia – Identified as one of the alternatives to face deforestation in Colombia and promote the forest economy based on forest goods and services, the Intersectoral Pact for Legal Timber in Colombia – PIMLC, initiates a new phase within the framework of the environmental agenda and the country’s commitments to 2030. […]

News • March 14, 2021

In support of the Government of Meta, Norway and GGGI strengthen their presence in the Department to continue working on deforestation control

Villavicencio, March 12, 2021. This week, GGGI celebrated the inauguration of the Villavicencio office alongside the Norwegian Ambassador to Colombia, John Petter Opdahl, the Governor of Meta, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga, Environmental Secretariat, Sergio Muñoz, and the Director of Cormacarena, Andrés García. The opening takes place within the framework of the second phase of the GGGI-Colombia-Kingdom […]

News • February 3, 2021

“Me Planto por Antioquia”, a pedagogical resource to promote deforestation control

As part of the support framework with the Antioquia government under the Norway-GGGI-Colombia Green Growth Program to strengthen national institutional capacities, GGGI designed an educational and pedagogical resource called “Me Planto por Antioquia” (I stand for Antioquia) to promote deforestation control among the population of Bajo Cauca and Nordeste Antioqueño regions. The document provided the […]

News • April 27, 2020

Open registration for Green Growth Training Modules

To celebrate the 50th edition of the International Earth Day, the National Planning Department (DNP for its acronym in Spanish), with the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the British Embassy in Colombia, have launched a free and 100% virtual set of Green Growth Training Modules towards building the capacities of mayors, […]

News • February 27, 2020

Norway and GGGI agree to extend their partnership in deforestation control and sustainable development in support of the Government of Colombia

Bogota, February 26, 2020. Today, the Kingdom of Norway and the Global Green Growth Institute  (GGGI) have committed to extending their partnership to support the Government of Colombia (GoC) in halting deforestation and advocating sustainable development for a further three years. For this new Phase II, subnational efforts will be extended to the Departments of Antioquia, […]

News • January 31, 2020

Strengthening of the Colombian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock, reflected in 2019

The GGGI Colombia team has been contributing to the Colombian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock, providing support to the Technical Secretariat of the Roundtable. The Roundtable closed the year of 2019 on December 10, with an event attended by 25 entities, evaluating the progress and highlighting the achievements of 2019. This included the strategic articulation between […]

News • November 26, 2019

International Experiences in the Development and Implementation of National Forest Services

Colombia, November 7, 2019 –  The Colombia Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS for its acronym in Spanish), with support of GGGI,  the embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Colombia, and the Amazon Vision Program, held an event for exchanging “International Experiences in the Development and Implementation of National Forest Services” on November […]

News • November 15, 2019

Department of Nariño: Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) results

 On October 8, 2019, the GGGI team successfully delivered the results of the Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) for the Colombian Department of Nariño. The results, published in a comprehensive report, were presented in the Forum: “Challenges and opportunities for green growth and forest conservation,” an event co-organized by GGGI, the Norwegian Embassy, and three regional […]

News • October 29, 2019

Department of Meta: Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) results

Villavicencio, October 4 –The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is pleased to announce the publication of the results from the Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) for the Department of Meta on Friday the 4th of October. The GGPA methodology, a GGGI analytical tool that evaluates country performance in key green growth areas, was specifically adapted […]

News • October 28, 2019

Workshop: Building the National Bioeconomy Strategy – UKPACT

On October 17, 2019 in Cali, Colombia, the workshop: “Building the National Bioeconomy Strategy” was hosted by GGGI together with the National Planning Department – DNP and the Embassy of the United Kingdom, following the UKPACT project “Support in the implementation of Colombia’s Green Growth Policy through investments and capacity development of public and private […]

News • September 18, 2019

Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs): The prosperity of Meta through its richness in biodiversity

We are delighted to report the success of our workshop “Non-timber forest products (NTFPs): prosperity through our wealth of biodiversity”, which took place on the 12th of September 2019 with the participation of more than 180 people in city of Villavicencio, located in the Colombian Eastern Plains. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) successfully led […]

News • July 26, 2019

Institutional Strengthening Session for the planning and implementation of Payment for Environmental Services schemes in Nariño

San Juan de Pasto, July 12, 2019 – The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the National Department of Planning and the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Department of Nariño, with the support of the Global Green Growth Institute and Natural Heritage, carried out an institutional strengthening session for the planning and implementation […]

News • July 19, 2019

Consolidation of the Regional Table of Sustainable Livestock in Nariño (2019-2020)

The members of the Regional Table of Sustainable Livestock of Nariño, the National Technical Secretary Germán Serrano and the Regional Technical Secretariat in charge of AGROSAVIA, with the support of GGGI and the Norwegian Embassy, convened on July 9 at the National at Distance and Open University – UNAD in Pasto, Nariño. The meeting served […]

News • March 6, 2019

GGGI partnering with TFA2020 to promote a dialogue on sustainable and deforestation-free private-investment

Villavicencio, March 6 – More than 200 attendants, including government officials, producers, buyers, investors and other key stakeholders gathered in Villavicencio (Meta) to take part in the “Dialogue on sustainable productive economic development without deforestation in the Orinoquia and Caqueta regions.” This event was co-organized by GGGI and the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA2020), with the […]

News • October 23, 2018

Second workshop on Green Growth in Meta: A new way for a Forest Culture

Villavicencio, October 23 – The GGGI Colombia team under the framework of the sub-national strategy in green growth, and with the support of the Norwegian Embassy and Department of Meta’s Governor Office, carried out the second of four capacity building workshops on green growth for public and private stakeholders. Around 90 participants attended the workshop, […]