Thematic Strategies: Communities of Practice


UG56 Creation of a Climate Finance Unit (CFU) and the COP26 Taskforce at MoFPED
Start Date Q2 April 21, 2022
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 1,950,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth
  • Carbon Pricing
  • Climate Finance
  • Green Jobs
  • Green Growth
  • Green Growth Index


News • June 19, 2024

Rwanda Unveils Pilot Municipal Waste Valorization Facilities at Nduba

  Press Release – For Immediate Release 19 June 2024 – Kigali, Rwanda The Rwanda Ministry of Environment and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have today inaugurated pilot municipal waste valorization facilities at Nduba dumpsite. The facilities consist of critical equipment and infrastructure built as part of a collaborative project titled, Waste to Resources Project: […]

News • October 3, 2023

Antioquia ya tiene Política Pública de Crecimiento Verde

Medellín, 21 de septiembre de 2023. El día de hoy, la Asamblea Departamental de Antioquia aprobó la Política Pública de Crecimiento Verde de Antioquia (PPCVA) mediante la Ordenanza 25. Este esfuerzo colectivo, que contó con la participación de más de mil actores en diferentes mesas de trabajo, tiene un alcance a 2040. Además de armonizar […]

News • November 1, 2022

Green Entrepreneurship Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in Lao PDR

On August 17, 2022, in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, the Global Green Growth Institute Lao PDR (GGGI) in collaboration with the Young Entrepreneur Association of Lao PDR (YEAL) had organized the Green Entrepreneurship Forum for Young Entrepreneurs in Lao PDR. The event was attended by more than 60 participants (37 female) from a variety of […]

News • June 7, 2022

Draft Gulu Physical Development Plan Handover

Gulu City, June 6, 2022 Gulu City has received the final draft of the Physical Development Plan. The plan has been developed under the greening Uganda’s urbanization and industrialization project, funded by the European union. The plan is a spatial expression of the social and economic environment or other policy, at National, regional, district, city  […]

News • March 24, 2022

Green Champions on Sustainable Use of Forests

March 21, 2022 is the World Forestry Day. The Green champions had chance to offer their views on the sustainable use of forests. The big question: Knowing that the construction sector is a big consumer of forestry resources, what are the green building options to safeguard our forests eco systems? Read more here: 2022-03-21 Pullout […]

News • March 24, 2022

Working towards resilient green cities

Country-wide urbanization in Uganda has continued amidst institutional challenges. Previous interventions in the water and sanitation sector have not addressed the underlying issues of poorly managed urbanization processes. Poor urbanisation is linked to low productivity, urban poverty, unemployment, limited capacity to plan and offer basic services as well as a failure to enforce urban standards. […]

News • March 24, 2022

Strengthening Solid Waste and Feacal Sludge Management Capacity of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area Project – Phase 1

On 13th September 2021 KOICA and GGGI signed the project grant agreement to commence the implementation of the ‘Strengthening Solid Waste and Feacal Sludge Management Capacity of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan’ project phase 1. This phase starting from 2021 to 2023, will focus on development of strategies, implementation plans and technical designs for proposed interventions […]


Closer to 1.5°C: Driving Ambitions to Deliver on the Paris Agreement Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • All Countries  • Green Cities  • Cross Cutting
Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index Caribbean  • Eastern Caribbean  • GGIndex  • Blue Economy  • Cross Cutting
Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index

Caribbean  • Eastern Caribbean  • GGIndex  • Blue Economy  • Cross Cutting  • Green Growth Index  • Green-Blue Index

Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index flagship-publications  • OECS  • Technical Report  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Growth
Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index

flagship-publications  • OECS  • Technical Report  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Growth  • Green Growth Index  • Green-Blue Index

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