
Closer to 1.5°C: Driving Ambitions to Deliver on the Paris Agreement

The objective of this report is to provide recommendations for the NDC revision process in 2025, based on lessons learned from the 2020-2021 NDC revision process, in which the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) supported 30 of its Member States and partner countries on various aspects of NDC enhancements. Detailed analysis of the NDCs and their sectoral coverage in Member and partner countries provided lessons on the process of enhancing mitigation and adaptation targets, integrating gender equality and social inclusion considerations into NDCs to enhance ambition and effectiveness of climate action, strengthening financial planning, and promoting international cooperation under Article 6 readiness. Furthermore, the report highlights barriers to NDC implementation facing developing and emerging countries, particularly those linked to access to climate finance, and brings to attention key priorities for GGGI’s support to climate action.