Overall Objective

GGGI’s objective in Myanmar is to strengthen the government’s institutional framework for NDC implementation by assessing green growth potential and priorities, and developing necessary tools and capacity.

GGGI is achieving this objective through engagement in 3 key areas:

MRV: GGGI supports institutional development and capacity building for Myanmar’s MRV Masterplan to enable Myanmar to meet UNFCCC reporting obligations, to improve strategic planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation investments, and to assess NDC implementation impacts on gender equality, poverty reduction and social inclusion.

Sustainable Landscapes: GGGI fosters socially inclusive coastal landscape restoration approaches by promoting alternative natural capital-based business models (forest, agriculture, aquaculture) that directly target key energy insecurity and economic drivers of deforestation and landscape degradation, and that will create employment and improve climate change adaptation for marginalized populations. In doing so, we will promote access to RE energy, advance environmentally appropriate watershed mangrove/blue carbon ecosystem service valuation, and address policy barriers and economic incentives encouraging unsustainable short-term exploitation/expropriation of mangroves.

Green Cities: GGGI supports development of innovative Green Cities policies, investments and technologies for the promotion of socially inclusive, liveable cities. This program aims to stimulate creation of green jobs, will improve access to sanitation, waste management and green mobility, to identify opportunities for promotion of circular economy value chains, renewable energy and resource efficiency technologies, and increase policy maker adoption of low-carbon urban development pathways for Myanmar’s secondary cities.

Strategic Outcome Targets

GHG Reductions 348,552,665 tCO2eq
Green Jobs 208,158 Jobs
Sustainable Services Target Setting in Progress
Air Quality Target Setting in Progress
Ecosystem Services 2,684,897 ha of forest land conserved
Enhanced Adaptation to Climate Change 1,271,842 Coastal population benefited


Resource Partner

GGGI Core Funding

MAVA Foundation

Green Climate Fund

Global Environment Facility

World Bank



Implementation Partner

Australian Volunteers Program

United Nations Environment Program

University of Queensland


Vivid Economics

Government Counterpart

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee

Shan State Government

Bago Region Government

Ayeyarwady Region Government


Since economic liberalization was initiated in 2011, Myanmar’s economy has grown at an average of 6.5%. However, this growth has relied heavily on natural resources, such as energy, forestry, and agriculture, for its main exports and industries.

Currently, only around 50% of the population has access to electricity. Access issues are most severe in rural areas where over 50% of households have no electricity connection leading to households reliance on traditional biomass as their primary source of energy exacerbating deforestation and environmental degradation.

Myanmar’s forests, which are among its most valuable natural resources, have suffered heavily from logging. Some studies rank Myanmar as the third worst in the world for deforestation, with forest cover shrinking from 58% in 1990 to 24% of total land area.

The government that took office in April 2016 recognizes these challenges and is seeking ways to put Myanmar on a path that generates strong economic, environmental, and social outcomes. The national Forestry Master Plan aims to reforest land area to 30% by 2030. Further, the new government is rethinking reliance on brown energy sources to meet Myanmar’s growing energy needs, and instead actively promote solar energy, biogas, and mini-hydropower systems along with broader support for rural electrification. Currently, the government of Myanmar is in the process of revising its NDC that is aimed to be submitted to UNFCCC by end of 2020. GGGI in collaboration with other development partners are providing technical support for the government to achieve this objective.


News • January 7, 2021

High-level inter-ministerial consultation brings Myanmar closer to agreement on revised NDC

Nay Pyi Taw, December 1, 2020; Having agreed on NDC targets, a final high-level inter-ministerial consultation was conducted on Dec. 1, 2020 in Nay Pyi Taw. Under the Paris Agreement, the Government of Myanmar submitted its Intended National Contributions (NDC) to the UNFCCC in 2017. In 2020, all countries around the world are updating prior […]

News • December 2, 2020

Conclusion of Climate Change and MRV Training for Government Staff

Nay Pyi Taw, November 12, 2020 – Twenty-five (25) staff members from the Government of Myanmar (GoM) were awarded a training certificate in recognition of their participation in the Training Course on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification, and Climate Change. The Environmental Conservation Department (ECD) within MONREC is the national focal agency for the UNFCCC and, […]

News • September 29, 2020

Validation Workshop on Methodologies for the Investment Analysis in Mangrove Ecosystems

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar; September 2, 2020 – GGGI organized a workshop on “Validation of Methodologies for the Investment Analysis in Mangrove Ecosystems in the Ayeyarwady Region” on September 2, at the Environmental Conservation Department in Nay Pyi Taw. The workshop was organized as part of the World Bank funded project on the Analysis of […]

News • August 11, 2020

GGGI’s Myanmar Team holds its GCF Green City Steering Committee Meeting

On August 6, the GGGI Myanmar team held its inaugural “Green City Steering Committee” (GCSC) meeting during a semi virtual, semi physical meeting at the Park Royal hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. Representatives of three project cities (Bago, Pathein, Taunggyi) attended over a Zoom link while the fourth (Nay Pyi Taw) attended in person. Ten […]

News • March 12, 2020

An ambitious year for climate is a big year for women’s empowerment

Comment: While gender equality and women’s empowerment are goals, they are also essential enablers of climate action and development By Frank Rijsberman and Ingvild Solvang This year, the Paris Agreement’s effectiveness as a global response to the climate crisis is being tested as governments are preparing to submit more ambitious national targets for mitigation and adaptation. The combined ambitions of these targets should match the urgency to strengthening resilience and limiting the disastrous climate change impacts around the world.  The Paris Agreement aims to […]

News • February 26, 2020

Validation Workshop on “3Returns Model and Framework – an Investment Case for Coastal Landscape Mangrove Restoration in Myanmar” conducted on February 20-21 in Nay Pyi Taw

GGGI organized a two-day validation workshop on “3Returns Model and Framework – an Investment Case for Coastal Landscape Mangrove Restoration in Myanmar” on February 20-21, 2020 at Park Royal Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. The objective of the workshop was to present and validate the concept of the 3Returns Model and Framework which is a […]

News • February 4, 2020

Green Cities Readiness Project Launch

The MOU for implementation of Green Cities Readiness Project was signed by GCF National Designated Authority Mr. Hla Maung Thein, Director General of Environmental Conservation Department on 30 Jan, 2020. GGGI and the Environmental Conservation Department will jointly implement the Green Cities Readiness Project over a period of 2 years in 4 cities in Myanmar. […]

News • October 10, 2019

Workshop on Regulatory Environment and Investment Case for Coastal Landscape Mangrove Restoration in Myanmar

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, October 9, 2019 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the Forest Department of Myanmar, organized a workshop on “Regulatory Environment and Investment Case for Coastal Landscape Mangrove Restoration in Myanmar” on 9 October at the Park Royal Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. The objective of this workshop […]

News • September 6, 2019

MRV AFOLU and IPPU Sectors Workshop conducted on August 29-30 in Nay Pyi Taw

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar ratified the Paris Agreement (PA), and it came into effect on October 19, 2017. A robust Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) system is essential to track and report its progress toward climate change mitigation under the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) of the PA. However, Myanmar has encountered challenges […]

News • May 28, 2019

Myanmar Country Planning Framework to be endorsed

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNREC) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 9 February 2017 to advance green growth in Myanmar. GGGI started the development of its Country Planning Framework (2019-2023) since 2017. As the first step, GGGI conducted the Green Growth Potential Assessment and […]

News • May 21, 2019

South-South and North-South-South Cooperation for Renewable Energy Development in Myanmar

On May 21, GGGI and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) of Myanmar organized a workshop on “NDC Implementation in the Energy Sector: Investment Opportunities through EU China South-South Cooperation and Energy Sector MRV”. The workshop was attended by high-level policy and decision makers, including representatives from Ministry of Investment and Foreign […]

News • November 16, 2018

GGGI Coastal Landscape Restoration and Bio-economy Scoping Mission to the Ayeyarwady Delta

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GGGI on February 9, 2017 to collaborate in implementation of green growth strategies and projects; and to strengthen the government’s institutional framework for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of national greenhouse gas emissions, climate change adaptation and mitigation actions and support. This November, […]

News • November 15, 2018

Unlocking Sustainable Community Forestry in the Ayeyarwady Delta

Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, November 15 – In November, GGGI have been exploring potential investments in agriculture, forestry and fishery value chains that not only increase economic and social development, but also reduce deforestation pressures and increase the extent of mangrove forests. GGGI investment, forestry policy and bio-economy specialists have been consulting with communities, NGOs and […]

News • November 14, 2018

Using Blockchain Technology to Distribute Fuel Efficient Cookstoves in Myanmar

Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, November 14 – In November, a team of GGGI social development, and green investment specialists have been talking to representatives from national and regional government, NGOs, cookstove manufacturers and households from rural communities on how to increase the distribution and usage of fuel efficient cookstoves. Fuel efficient cookstoves, or ‘improved’ cookstoves, have […]

News • November 13, 2018

Turning Bio-Waste to a Bio-Economy in the Ayeyarwady Delta

Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, November 13 – In November, a team of GGGI investment and bio-economy specialists have been travelling around the Ayeyarwady Delta and meeting members from national and regional government, NGOs, farming associations, businesses and communities to scope potential bio-economy commodities and investments that will enable socially inclusive green growth, and support national goals […]

News • November 1, 2018

Myanmar Water Portal


News • June 28, 2018

GGGI takes part in the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2018

Oslo, Norway, June 28 – GGGI took part in the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum (OTTF) 2018 hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to present the importance of jurisdictional platforms to scale up REDD+ across peatland landscapes and discuss ways to foster protection of tropical forests. The GGGI Indonesia team co-organized a public event […]

News • May 9, 2018

International Workshop on Capacity Building for Developing Countries to Address Climate Change held in Seoul

Dr. Frank Rijsberman, Director-General of GGGI and Mr. Chan-Ho Park, Director and Head of Programs of Large and Emerging Economies delivered presentations at the “International Workshop on Capacity Building for Developing Countries to Address Climate Change” on May 9 in Seoul. The conference was organized by the Center for Global Climate and Marine Governance of Korea […]

News • December 6, 2017

Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Forum kicks off in Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City – December 06, 2017. As co-sponsors of the Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Forum, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Viet Nam Ministry of Construction jointly organized a high-level plenary panel on Financing Low Emission Development and Green Growth in Asian Cities. It was chaired by Mr. […]

News • February 9, 2017

GGGI and Myanmar to partner on national green growth

NAY PYI TAW, MYANMAR – February 9 – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONREC) in Myanmar and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote and facilitate collaboration on programs, research and joint activities that advance green growth in Myanmar. The opening up of Myanmar’s economy […]


Thematic Areas
MM19 Support for National Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development in Myanmar
Start Date Q4 2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 438,512
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
MM18 Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Services to the Ayeyarwady Region for the Myanmar Natural Capital Accounting Program in the Ayeyarwady Region
Start Date Q2 May 10 2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 80,000
Status Complete
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
MM03 Mangrove Restoration Program in Myanmar
Start Date Q1 Apr 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 150,920
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Thematic Areas
MM04 Development of MRV Capacity Building Program in Myanmar
Start Date Q1 Jan 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 850,220
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
MM10 Rice-Husk-To-Power Leasing Finance Facility (RH2P)
Start Date Q1 Mar 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 90,109
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Cross Cutting
MM11 Distributed Ledger Technology Powered Improved Cookstoves Finance Facility (DLTICS)
Start Date Q1 Oct 1 2018
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 82,479
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
  • Sustainable Energy
Thematic Areas
MM09 Readiness Support for Developing Myanmar’s Green Cities Investment Plans
Start Date Q1 Feb 1 2019
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 850,220
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
Thematic Areas
Implementation of the NDC
Start Date Q1 2017
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 1,255,000
Status Active
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting


Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017) Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal
Evaluation of GGGI’s Progress Against the Strategic Plan 2015-20 (2017)

Paraguay  • Mozambique  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Papua New Guinea  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Green Cities  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Indonesia  • México  • Sustainable Energy  • Thailand  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY Developing a net-zero carbon emissions nipa palm sugar production and processing value chain in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar Info Brief  • Myanmar  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience
PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY Developing a net-zero carbon emissions nipa palm sugar production and processing value chain in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar

Info Brief  • Myanmar  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience  • Green Jobs

Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies Green Recovery  • Technical Report  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • forestry investments
Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies

Green Recovery  • Technical Report  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Saint Lucia  • Cambodia  • Climate action  • Rwanda  • Guyana  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Costa Rica  • Viet Nam  • Hungary  • Fiji  • India  • Jordan  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Morocco  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso  • #greengrowth  • Uganda  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu  • Green Jobs  • Green recovery  • green growth  • green jobs  • renewable energy  • sustainable development

Evaluation of Sustainable Landscapes (Ongoing) Evaluation Reports  • Colombia  • Burkina Faso  • Myanmar  • Peru
Evaluation of Sustainable Landscapes (Ongoing)

Evaluation Reports  • Colombia  • Burkina Faso  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Indonesia  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience

Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Uzbekistan  • India  • Rwanda
Review of Strategic Plan 2015-2020: Commitments Delivered and Key Results

Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Uzbekistan  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Mozambique  • Guyana  • Papua New Guinea  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Hungary  • Fiji  • Philippines  • Green Cities  • Tonga  • Qatar  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Burkina Faso  • Peru  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes  • Indonesia  • Sustainable Energy  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Buildings and Industry  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Sustainable Transport  • Waste  • Solar Energy  • Sustainable Landscapes  • Green Finance  • Climate-Smart Agriculture  • Coastal Resilience

Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG
Green Growth Index 2020: Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets

Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • PNG  • Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • Nepal  • Papua New Guinea  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • Hungary  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Mongolia  • Cambodia  • Mozambique  • Saint Lucia  • Guyana  • Ethiopia  • Peru  • Burkina Faso  • Tonga  • Morocco  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Thailand  • Vanuatu

The Status of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Nationally Determined Contributions to Climate Actions in Myanmar Myanmar  • Cross Cutting
The Status of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Nationally Determined Contributions to Climate Actions in Myanmar

Myanmar  • Cross Cutting

The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Colombia
The Promise of Green Growth: A Pathway to Prosperity while Achieving National and Global Ambitions

Pacific  • Technical Report  • Republic of Korea  • flagship-publications  • Colombia  • Fiji  • Jordan  • Papua New Guinea  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Senegal  • Viet Nam  • Uganda  • Burkina Faso  • Qatar  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu

Myanmar Coastal Landscapes Restoration Concept Note Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Myanmar Coastal Landscapes Restoration Concept Note

Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

Economic Appraisal of Ayeyarwady Delta Mangrove Forests Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Economic Appraisal of Ayeyarwady Delta Mangrove Forests

Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

The 3Returns Framework: A method for decision-making towards sustainable landscapes Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
The 3Returns Framework: A method for decision-making towards sustainable landscapes

Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

Economic Appraisal of Ayeyarwady Mangrove Forests Myanmar  • Cross Cutting
Economic Appraisal of Ayeyarwady Mangrove Forests

Myanmar  • Cross Cutting

Bio-based Value Chain Analysis for Sustainable Mangrove Restoration, Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes
Bio-based Value Chain Analysis for Sustainable Mangrove Restoration, Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar

Myanmar  • Forest (Sustainable) Landscapes

Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020) Rwanda  • Senegal  • Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji
Evaluation of Green Investment Services (2020)

Rwanda  • Senegal  • Costa Rica  • Guyana  • Fiji  • Hungary  • India  • Lao PDR  • Mozambique  • Nepal  • Cambodia  • Philippines  • Ethiopia  • Uganda  • Myanmar  • Indonesia  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Green Finance  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs

2019 Myanmar MRV Energy Sector Status Assessment & Recommendations for Enhanced Transparency Framework Implementation Myanmar
2019 Myanmar MRV Energy Sector Status Assessment & Recommendations for Enhanced Transparency Framework Implementation


Green Growth Potential Assessment – Myanmar Summary for NDC Implementation Myanmar  • Cross Cutting
Green Growth Potential Assessment – Myanmar Summary for NDC Implementation

Myanmar  • Cross Cutting

Green Growth Potential Assessment – Myanmar Country Report Myanmar  • Cross Cutting
Green Growth Potential Assessment – Myanmar Country Report

Myanmar  • Cross Cutting

The Status of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Nationally Determined Contributions to Climate Actions in Myanmar Myanmar  • Cross Cutting
The Status of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Nationally Determined Contributions to Climate Actions in Myanmar

Myanmar  • Cross Cutting

Third Joint Donor Review of GGGI (2015) Paraguay  • Guyana  • Mozambique  • Papua New Guinea  • Hungary
Third Joint Donor Review of GGGI (2015)

Paraguay  • Guyana  • Mozambique  • Papua New Guinea  • Hungary  • Colombia  • Nepal  • Costa Rica  • Fiji  • Philippines  • India  • Rwanda  • Jordan  • Senegal  • Kiribati  • United Arab Emirates  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • Cambodia  • Mongolia  • Morocco  • Ethiopia  • Myanmar  • Qatar  • Peru  • Uganda  • Indonesia  • México  • Thailand  • Vanuatu  • Gender and Inclusive Development  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Finance

GGGI In-Country Staff

Thinn Thinn Khaing

Associate, Myanmar Program