Flagship Publications

GGGI’s Updated Strategic Outcome (SO) Guideline flagship-publications  • Technical Guidelines
GGGI’s Updated Strategic Outcome (SO) Guideline

flagship-publications  • Technical Guidelines

Accelerating Transformative Climate Action through Long Term – Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso
Accelerating Transformative Climate Action through Long Term – Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies

flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso

Fueling the Future: A report on BioCNG Technical Report  • BioCNG  • flagship-publications  • India
Fueling the Future: A report on BioCNG

Technical Report  • BioCNG  • flagship-publications  • India

Azerbaijan’s transition to green and inclusive growth – A comparative assessment with the central Asian countries Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Central Asia  • Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan’s transition to green and inclusive growth – A comparative assessment with the central Asian countries

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Central Asia  • Azerbaijan

Electric Vehicle Retrofitting: A Guide to Policy making Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Sri Lanka  • Kenya  • Indonesia
Electric Vehicle Retrofitting: A Guide to Policy making

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Sri Lanka  • Kenya  • Indonesia  • e-mobility

Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Options for governance frameworks for host countries flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Trading
Implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Options for governance frameworks for host countries

flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Trading

Closer to 1.5°C: Driving Ambitions to Deliver on the Paris Agreement Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • All Countries  • Green Cities  • Cross Cutting
Guidance on governance models for host country engagement in Article 6 Article 6  • Governance  • flagship-publications  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Pricing
Guidance on governance models for host country engagement in Article 6

Article 6  • Governance  • flagship-publications  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Pricing

Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreements flagship-publications  • Technical Guideline  • Carbon Pricing
Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreements

flagship-publications  • Technical Guideline  • Carbon Pricing

A Review of GGGI Members’ E-Mobility Policy Measures Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • e-mobility
A Review of GGGI Members’ E-Mobility Policy Measures

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • e-mobility

Developing Carbon Markets based on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities Article 6  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Pricing
Developing Carbon Markets based on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities

Article 6  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Carbon Pricing  • Carbon Pricing

Key Actions for a Just Transition through Green Jobs in Cities – Insight Brief No. 6 flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Cities  • green jobs
Key Actions for a Just Transition through Green Jobs in Cities – Insight Brief No. 6

flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Cities  • green jobs

Unlocking Potential for Large-scale Waste Treatment Plants with a Focus on Energy Recovery and Modular Project Design flagship-publications  • waste  • #solidwastemanagement  • E-waste management  • Vietnam
Unlocking Potential for Large-scale Waste Treatment Plants with a Focus on Energy Recovery and Modular Project Design

flagship-publications  • waste  • #solidwastemanagement  • E-waste management  • Vietnam  • Technical Report  • Cambodia  • Lao PDR  • Viet Nam  • #Cambodia  • #greengrowth  • Energy  • Waste  • Climate Change  • green growth  • Waste to Energy

Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index OECS  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Growth
Green and Blue Economy Synergy – Concepts and Methods for the OECS Green-Blue Growth Index

OECS  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Growth  • Green Growth Index  • Green-Blue Index

Accelerating Implementation of GGGI Members’ Nationally Determined Contributions: A Review of GGGI Members’ NDCs for E-Mobility #ElectricVehicles  • flagship-publications  • All Countries  • e-transport  • emobility
Accelerating Implementation of GGGI Members’ Nationally Determined Contributions: A Review of GGGI Members’ NDCs for E-Mobility

#ElectricVehicles  • flagship-publications  • All Countries  • e-transport  • emobility  • INDCs  • Technical Report  • #greengrowth  • Sustainable Energy  • Energy  • Sustainable Transport  • electric mobility  • energy efficiency  • Nationally Determined Contributions

Unlocking Climate Change Project Potential: Lessons Learned from the Call for Project Concept Notes of the GCF Readiness Programme flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Direct Access Entities  • #greengrowth  • Uganda
Unlocking Climate Change Project Potential: Lessons Learned from the Call for Project Concept Notes of the GCF Readiness Programme

flagship-publications  • Insight Briefs  • Direct Access Entities  • #greengrowth  • Uganda  • Indonesia  • México  • GCF  • Green Climate Fund  • Green Finance  • Climate Finance  • GGGI Indonesia  • Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Proposal  • Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)  • Paris Agreement  • Sustainable Development Goals

Closing the Climate Financial Gap: Stocktaking of GGGI Green Investment Projects 2015-2020 All Countries  • green finance  • NFV  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications
Closing the Climate Financial Gap: Stocktaking of GGGI Green Investment Projects 2015-2020

All Countries  • green finance  • NFV  • Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Cross Cutting  • Climate Resilient and Green Growth  • Green Finance  • Climate Finance  • National Financing Vehicles  • NFVs  • sustainable development

Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery
Green Recovery and Climate Action: Assessing Green Jobs from Renewable Energy and Forestry Investments for Developing and Emerging Economies

forestry investments  • Caribbean  • Ecuador  • Côte d’Ivoire  • Green Recovery  • Technical Report  • Denmark  • flagship-publications  • Viet Nam  • Hungary  • Fiji  • India  • Jordan  • Lao PDR  • Mongolia  • Saint Lucia  • Cambodia  • Climate action  • Rwanda  • Guyana  • Colombia  • Senegal  • Costa Rica  • #greengrowth  • Uganda  • Morocco  • Myanmar  • Peru  • Ethiopia  • Burkina Faso  • Indonesia  • México  • Cross Cutting  • Vanuatu  • Green Jobs  • Green recovery  • green growth  • green jobs  • renewable energy  • sustainable development

Assessment of feedback from regional expert consultations on the Green Growth Index (Phase 2) Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Cross Cutting
Assessment of feedback from regional expert consultations on the Green Growth Index (Phase 2)

Technical Report  • flagship-publications  • Cross Cutting