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News • June 5, 2024

2024 World Environment Day- How GGGI is supporting government of Rwanda to tackle land degredation

This year’s World Environment Day is placing the spotlight on some of Africa’s most pressing challenges: land degradation, desertification, and drought. It is estimated that 45 percent of Africa’s population currently lives in drylands that are susceptible to desertification, a form of land degradation, and 40 million people already live in severe drought conditions[1]. In […]

News • May 30, 2024

Final Validation of the Agrivoltaics Preliminary Study and Roadmap Development for Pilot Implementation in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda, May 30, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda, in collaboration with the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), hosted a workshop to validate the preliminary study on agrivoltaics in Rwanda and co-create a roadmap for implementation. This workshop marks a significant milestone in the innovative initiative to promote […]

News • October 14, 2023

Rwanda celebrates E-waste Day 2023 through an e-waste awareness drive

Saturday 14th October , Kigali, Rwanda – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), The Rwanda Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICT,  and their  esteemed partners organized a  E-waste Awareness Roadshow at one of Kigali’s busiest markets Kimironko Market, to celebrate the 2023 International E-waste Day. This event was dedicated to sensitizing the public on sustainable […]

News • June 30, 2023

GGGI hosts the 6th Thematic Working Group for the Waste to Resource Project

28-30 June , Musanze, Rwanda – The Global Green Growth Institute in collaboration with Ministry of Environment, Rwanda hosted the 6th Thematic  Working Group in Musanze District over period of three days. This critical meeting is part of series of project progress meetings under The Ministry of Environment of the Government of Rwanda initiated a […]

News • June 6, 2023

Rwanda: lessons learnt from a pioneer in the fight against plastic pollution

June 6, 2023 – Global production of plastic has risen exponentially over the past decade, estimated at 400 million[1] tons of plastic produced every year. Unfortunately, only 9 % of the total plastic wastes quantities generated is recycled, 12 % incinerated and the rest ends up in landfills or thrown in the environment including oceans[2]. […]

News • January 16, 2023

Training on Application of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for flood risk management to Support Inclusive, Climate Resilient secondary cities development in Kirehe Secondary City

27-30 December 2022 , Kirehe , Rwanda as part of the GCF NAP  (National Adaptation Plan) Readiness and Preparatory Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda Project , a delegation comprising of GGGI Rwanda, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and National Lands Authority (NLA)  lead a mission to Kirehe Secondary City for the training […]

News • January 16, 2023

Capacity building workshop on carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

In 2016, Rwanda ratified the Paris Agreement (PA) to combat climate change by limiting the global temperature rise to below 1.5º, as articulated in the 2015 Paris Agreement (PA). Submitted to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory reported that the per capita Green House Gases (GHG) emissions […]

News • December 15, 2022

GCF NAP Project -Training of the Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS at Meteo Rwanda Headquarters

8 August , Kigali ,through the Rwanda National Designated Authority (NDA) i.e., Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and the Accredited Entity (AE) i.e. Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Rwanda to the Green Climate Fund (GCF); the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), a Delivery Partner (DP), has been following up the implementation of the GCF NAP […]

News • July 27, 2022

How GGGI is Supporting the Government of Rwanda to Beat Plastic Pollution

Annually, an estimated 400 million tons of plastic waste is produced  with only 9% recycled worldwide. Recycling rates in emerging and developing economies are even lower, with municipalities lacking the capacity, equipment, and investment necessary to sort, separate, and recycle plastic waste. Rwanda has emerged as a leader in the effort to curb plastic pollution, introducing a plastic bag ban in  2019 prohibiting the manufacturing, […]

News • June 8, 2022

Workshop report on effective municipal solid waste management in City of Kigali

30-31 May 2022, Kigali,  Rwanda the Global Green Growth Institute conducted a two days’ workshop at M Hotel on effective municipal solid waste management services in the City of Kigali from 30 to 31 May 2022. The workshop was attended private companies with business spanning across value chain of municipal waste management in the City […]

News • March 21, 2022

GGGI, Government of Rwanda and UNEP Proposed area for Car Free Zone in Huye Secondary City

The Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) is committed to supporting government of Rwanda achieve low-carbon development, the Rwanda country program has developed a visualization with Jan Kamensky of the redesign for the proposed car free zone in Huye. Car-free zones have recently been launched in the City of Kigali in the central business district renamed […]

News • February 11, 2022

Sustainable Urban Wetlands Development within Kigali City- Nyandungu Wetland Eco-park

A rapid growing urban population comes with enormous challenges for city planners and managers. They have to ensure that cities today can deliver not only basic services but that these cities are safe, resilient and environmentally friendly. One of the underlying causes of wetland degradation is lack of knowledge and skills on how wetlands can […]

News • December 9, 2021

Rwanda- African Mobility Month Winner for the “Kinamba Junction Design Competition”

In Kigali, Rwanda the Global Green growth Institute in Rwanda is happy to announce the winner of the African Mobility Month 2021 design competition. Mr MIZERO Jules is Masters student at the University of Rwanda , completing his  Msc in Highway Engineering & Management. Jules design will soon be on display in City of Kigali […]

News • November 29, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts virtual Technical Training on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and their Contribution to flood Risks Reduction

From 17th -18th November 2021, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Partnership with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) organized a virtual training on the application of nature-based solutions (NBS) for flood risk management. Participants in the training composed of District Technicians in charge of Construction Permitting, Building Inspection, Environmental Management, Disaster management, Road […]

News • November 9, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts Training of Trainers Workshop on Electric Bus System Modeling and Optimization

28 October, Kigali, Rwanda, the Global Green Growth Institute(GGGI)  in collaboration with the Government of Rwanda (GoR), through the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), and the City of Kigali  hosted the hybrid workshop for training of trainers on electric bus system modeling and optimization to build capacity and share lessons learned in […]

News • November 9, 2021

High level Meeting on the Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Center (CPCIC)

Kigali, Rwanda ,the High Level Business Meeting on increasing industrial profitability and driving the Circular Economy agenda in Rwanda was lead by National Industrial Research & Development Agency (NIRDA) of Rwanda and Rwanda Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Centre. supported by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda and Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)  through […]

News • September 30, 2021

GGGI Rwanda announces the African Mobility Month Kinamba Junction Design Competition for 2021

Globally, the number of cars is projected to triple between now and 2050. Without disruptive action, transport emissions are expected to grow from 7.7 Gt to around 15 Gt by 2050. Green mobility – in combination with the incorporation of electric vehicles and increased use of public transport – is critical to enabling cities to […]

News • April 20, 2021

FONERWA and GGGI sign a MoU to promote a green & climate-resilient economy in Rwanda

  Kigali, Rwanda on 20th April 2021, the National Fund for Environment -FONERWA and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have signed a Memorandum of Understating (MoU) which aims to strengthen both parties’ further collaboration and cooperation in different areas. These include collaboration on the technical support towards the implementation of large-ticket-sized adaptation and mitigation […]

News • September 26, 2019

Special Coverage – GGGI at the UNGA and Climate Week: Day 4 (Sept. 24)

NEW YORK, United States of America; September 24, 2019– Collaborative Governance on Climate and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Roundtable Meeting GGGI Director-General, Frank Rijsberman, attended the Collaborative Governance on Climate and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Roundtable Meeting, organized by the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development […]

News • September 25, 2019

GGGI Releases “Mapping of Public Spaces to Inform Master Plan Review for Secondary Cities in Rwanda” Assessment

September 25, 2019– The Global Green Growth Institute, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Housing Authority, local authorities, and other stakeholders collaborated on the assessment of public spaces in Rwanda’s secondary cities. The report titled “Mapping of Public Spaces to Inform Master Plan Review for Secondary Cities in Rwanda,” was developed after the mapping and assessment […]