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News • June 5, 2024

2024 World Environment Day- How GGGI is supporting government of Rwanda to tackle land degredation

This year’s World Environment Day is placing the spotlight on some of Africa’s most pressing challenges: land degradation, desertification, and drought. It is estimated that 45 percent of Africa’s population currently lives in drylands that are susceptible to desertification, a form of land degradation, and 40 million people already live in severe drought conditions[1]. In […]

News • June 6, 2023

Rwanda: lessons learnt from a pioneer in the fight against plastic pollution

June 6, 2023 – Global production of plastic has risen exponentially over the past decade, estimated at 400 million[1] tons of plastic produced every year. Unfortunately, only 9 % of the total plastic wastes quantities generated is recycled, 12 % incinerated and the rest ends up in landfills or thrown in the environment including oceans[2]. […]

News • May 24, 2023

KEXIM Bank, KRIC, GGGI HQ Delegation Visit in Rwanda

Enhancing Institutional Capacities for Facilitating the Use of ITMOs Through Electric Mobility Kigali, 17 April 2023 The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has prioritized the transition to e-mobility using a combination of incentives and policies to promote the uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The transfer of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) has been identified as a […]

News • May 10, 2023

KOICA and Samsung Scoping Mission to Rwanda on E-waste

6 – 10 February 2023 , Kigali Rwanda a delegation of 7 representatives from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Headquarters, Samsung Electronics, and MIT D-Lab conducted scoping mission for e-waste project implementation from the 6th to the 10th of February in Kigali, Rwanda. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda team, as a key player […]

News • March 29, 2023

Waste to Resource Project Training in Luxembourg

11- 18 March , Luxembourg , with a delegation of 2o representatives from Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA); Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICTI) ;City of Kigali (CoK) ;Rwanda Development Board (RDB);Ministry of Environment (MoE) ;Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA);Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) ;Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) ;Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) ;Gender Monitoring Office […]

News • March 15, 2023

GGGI launches the Waste to Resource Project National 6 month E-waste Awareness Campaign

25 March 2023 , Kigali, Rwanda. The Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of ICT and Innovation, has joined hands with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Rwanda Cooling Initiative and EnviroServe Rwanda have put together a national awareness campaign themed: “Proper E-waste Disposal for a Healthier Future”.  The 6 month campaign is part of […]

News • January 16, 2023

Capacity building workshop on carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

In 2016, Rwanda ratified the Paris Agreement (PA) to combat climate change by limiting the global temperature rise to below 1.5º, as articulated in the 2015 Paris Agreement (PA). Submitted to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory reported that the per capita Green House Gases (GHG) emissions […]

News • July 27, 2022

How GGGI is Supporting the Government of Rwanda to Beat Plastic Pollution

Annually, an estimated 400 million tons of plastic waste is produced  with only 9% recycled worldwide. Recycling rates in emerging and developing economies are even lower, with municipalities lacking the capacity, equipment, and investment necessary to sort, separate, and recycle plastic waste. Rwanda has emerged as a leader in the effort to curb plastic pollution, introducing a plastic bag ban in  2019 prohibiting the manufacturing, […]

News • July 5, 2022

GGGI and Ministry of Environment host the 3rd Luxembourg Waste to Resource Project Thematic Working Group Meeting

14-17 June 2022, In Musanze Secondary City ,Kigali Rwanda the third thematic working group for waste to resource: improving municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management in Rwanda was convened in Musanze from 14 to 17 June 2022 at Fatima Hotel. This is a recurrent quarterly activity under the project where members of the technical […]

News • June 16, 2022

Government of Rwanda and GGGI Sign and endorse the new 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF)

On 13 May, Kigali , Rwanda the Minister of State , Ministry of Infrastructure  Eng Patricie Uwase  and the GGGI Rwanda Country Representative Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya have officially endorsed & signed the new five year 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF).  The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) would like to thank all the stakeholders and […]

News • May 3, 2022

GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Project -knowledge sharing and closure Workshop in Rwanda

29th April 2022, Kigali Rwanda, Global Green Growth Institute in collaboration with Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) hosted the GCF Readiness Preparatory Support Project Knowledge Sharing Workshop. With diverse audience that include NGO;s, GCF representatives, Rwanda Land Management Authority (RLMUA) , National Industrial Research and Development Agency  (NIRDA),  Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation Center (CPCIC), […]

News • February 11, 2022

Sustainable Urban Wetlands Development within Kigali City- Nyandungu Wetland Eco-park

A rapid growing urban population comes with enormous challenges for city planners and managers. They have to ensure that cities today can deliver not only basic services but that these cities are safe, resilient and environmentally friendly. One of the underlying causes of wetland degradation is lack of knowledge and skills on how wetlands can […]

News • February 3, 2022

Empowering Journalists with Specialized and Ethical Investigative Reporting Skills on Green Growth and Climate Change in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda; February 2022; – Rwanda has made significant efforts to respond to the impacts of environmental and climate change issues. Efforts continue to be made to inculcate environmental awareness to ensure communities are mindful and knowledgeable about the environment and environmental problems. To make environmental laws, policies, strategies, and institutional capacities more effective towards […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda facilitates the Green Public Procurement (GPP) Guidelines Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop

Kigali, Rwanda GGGI facilitated in a two-day training of trainers including REMA staff and RPPA staff on Green public procurement. Public procurement accounts for an average of 12% of GDP in OECD countries and up to 30% in developing countries. Green public procurement would encourage the purchase of green products with environmental benefits of reducing […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts the consultation workshop on the revised GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2025

GGGI Rwanda through one-on-one consultations revised and drafted the new GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework and presented the draft to key stakeholders and partners for input, feedback, and validation during  a consultation workshop held at Serena Hotel in Kigali , Rwanda. The workshop was an opportunity for the GGGI team to guide the endorsement by […]

News • December 13, 2021

GCF NAP Project on Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda Training on Concept Note Development and Financial Modelling

Kigali, Rwanda 7 December , Rwanda is undergoing rapid urbanization as one of its main economic growth and transformation drivers, while risks from climate change continue to pose a challenge. Although there have been past and on-going interventions in building climate resilience and adaptation, limited, if any, activities focus on interventions related to urban areas […]

News • November 29, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts virtual Technical Training on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and their Contribution to flood Risks Reduction

From 17th -18th November 2021, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Partnership with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) organized a virtual training on the application of nature-based solutions (NBS) for flood risk management. Participants in the training composed of District Technicians in charge of Construction Permitting, Building Inspection, Environmental Management, Disaster management, Road […]

News • November 8, 2021

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Training Workshop -GCF NAP on building flood resilience capacities in Rwanda

The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)  Training Workshop took place from the 12th -14th October 2021 in one of the satellite cities Muhanga in Southern province of Rwanda with objectives of providing the participants with basic gender knowledge to challenge their own understanding of GESI ;  GESI analysis skills they need for understanding GESI […]

News • November 5, 2021

Technical Training Workshop on the National Adaptation and Preparatory Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda

In Muhanga Satellite City/Southern Province of Rwanda from October 12-13 2021 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) held a Technical Workshop on National Adaptation and Preparatory Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda with the aim of building the capacity of the sub-national technical staff in terms of technical studies and findings of […]

News • June 8, 2021

World Environment Day : How GGGI is supporting Rwanda’s green growth strategy

5th June, Kigali , Rwanda. Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has joined Rwanda and the rest of the World to celebrate World Environment Day (WED) on May 5, under the theme “Ecosystem Restoration”. Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Country Representative Rwanda said that the theme aligns with GGGI’s Strategy 2030 that […]