Tag Archive

green growth

News • June 4, 2024

World must act together to accelerate access to climate finance and end plastic pollution

Seoul, Republic of Korea – 04 June 2024- Leaders from Africa, the Republic of Korea and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have jointly called for more collaboration and cooperation to bridge the climate finance gap and tackle the challenges of plastics pollution that the continent – and the world- faces to ensure a better, greener […]

News • May 24, 2024

Towards regional planning sensitive to the principles of green growth in the Center-North region of Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24 May 2024 – With the decentralization process underway in Burkina Faso, local authorities develop their local development plans every 5 years, in accordance with the main orientations of the State. The Special Regional Delegation of the Center-North has undertaken the development of its Regional Development Plan (RDP) for the period 2024-2028. […]

News • May 23, 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: GGGI to Host Two High-Level Forums at Africa-Korea Summit

Seoul, 23 May 2024- The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) will host two High-level Forums on the sidelines of the upcoming Korea-Africa Summit. The two Forums, set to be held on June 4, will discuss two themes critical to Africa’s growth and resilience: access to green, climate finance and addressing plastic pollution through concerted global […]

News • March 30, 2024

GGGI, Bank of Papua New Guinea, and three Financial Institutions Sign MoU on Inclusive Green Finance Policy in Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, March 25, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG), along with three Papua New Guinea financial institutions, namely the Bank of South Pacific (BSP), Nationwide Micro Bank (MiBank) and Women’s Micro Bank Ltd (Mama Bank) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  during […]

News • March 17, 2024

Enriched food for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kaya-Dori Burkina Faso

The central-western region of Burkina Faso has been significantly affected by conflict, resulting in the displacement of thousands of people. These internally displaced people (IDPs) are now resettling in new communities within the Kaya-Dori region, where local families are hosting them. To support both the IDPs and their host families, a project focused on building […]

News • November 7, 2023

GGGI Uzbekistan conducts the Second 2023 Project Steering Committee Meeting (PSC) for KOICA-funded Aral Sea GRIP

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 7, 2023– GGGI Uzbekistan held the Second Project Steering Committee Meeting (PSC) for Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to Address Impacts of the Aral Sea Crisis (Aral Sea GRIP). The PSC meeting presented the progress made since the last PSC meeting held on 19 April 2023 and the project implementation […]

News • November 1, 2023

Public Hearing on Mechanisms to promote access to financial support from the Green Climate Fund

Bangkok, Thailand, November 1, 2023 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Thailand in partnership with the Department of Climate Change and Environment (CCE), GIZ Thailand, and the Creagy hosted a public hearing event on Mechanisms to Promote Access to Financial Support from the Green Climate Fund, in Bangkok, Thailand. The event is one […]

News • October 3, 2023

Antioquia ya tiene Política Pública de Crecimiento Verde

Medellín, 21 de septiembre de 2023. El día de hoy, la Asamblea Departamental de Antioquia aprobó la Política Pública de Crecimiento Verde de Antioquia (PPCVA) mediante la Ordenanza 25. Este esfuerzo colectivo, que contó con la participación de más de mil actores en diferentes mesas de trabajo, tiene un alcance a 2040. Además de armonizar […]

News • August 18, 2023

Two PNG Greenpreneurs win trip to Fiji in ‘shark-tank’ style business pitch to investors

The Pacific Greenpreneurs Accelerator Program, a pioneering initiative implemented by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with support from the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), achieved a significant milestone with its highly successful Investor Pitch event. On Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, nine locally owned enterprises presented their innovative green business ideas virtually and in-person to a panel of esteemed judges. […]

News • August 18, 2023

2023 Fiji Greenpreneurs Incubator Program kicks-off

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Pacific Green Entrepreneurs Network (PGEN) project hosted a two-day Incubator orientation and kick-off-workshop for the Pacific Greenpreneurs Incubator program on the 21st & 22nd of June 2023 at the Fiji Development Bank training room in Suva. The 2023 Fiji cohort is made up of 19 green enterprises from across the […]

News • February 9, 2023

Alliance to promote green growth and bioeconomy in Colombia

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Arturo Luna, and the Deputy Director-General at the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Helena McLeod, signed a Memorandum of Understanding consolidating their alliance on bioeconomy and green growth issues for the country’s regions. The goal is to contribute to building sustainable territories with a view to Environmental Justice, […]

News • February 3, 2023

A Workshop Conducted by GGGI Brings Together Experts to Validate Vulnerability and Risk Assessments

December 19, 2022, Janakpur, Nepal– GGGI hosted a validation workshop to discuss the results of risk and vulnerability assessments for 10 selected municipalities in Dhanusha and Mahottari districts. These assessments were conducted as part of the KOICA-GGGI climate-smart agriculture project, which aims to reduce vulnerability and improve food and job security in the Terai Flood […]

News • November 3, 2022

ONEP launches projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global warming

Bangkok, Thailand – On 12th October 2022 the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), the National Designated Authority of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), launched the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme to help Thailand curb greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. The initiative is a collaborative effort between the Thailand […]

News • July 29, 2022

GGGI, Norway and the Government of Antioquia work together to strengthen Nature-based Tourism in the region

Antioquia, July, 2022. the Government of Antioquia and the Secretary of Tourism of Antioquia, with the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), under the second phase of the Colombia-GGGI-Norway Green Growth Program, successfully presented the advances made in the Nature-based Tourism Strategy 2040 and the Strategic Tourism Plan lines in Antioquia. In addition, […]

News • April 6, 2022

Increasing Capacity to Build a Profitable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Business

The North Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov Kaltara), together with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), held a Capacity Development Training with the theme: Building a Profitable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Business. The training took place in Tarakan on January 25-28, 2022. This training aimed to increase understanding and build the spirit of strengthening the productive […]

News • March 28, 2022

Vanuatu Greenpreneurs Incubator Graduation

PORT VILA, Wednesday, 16th March 2022:  The Pacific Greenpreneurs Incubator program held a Graduation Ceremony for the first cohort of Vanuatu green enterprises on March 16, 2022. The graduation ceremony was held virtually (due to COVID-19 restrictions) to celebrate and recognize the achievements of all the 2021 incubator participants, mentors, coaches and others involved in […]

News • February 28, 2022

Bio-CNG Commercialization Potential for Clean Energy Transition

Biogas utilization through Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), cattle, and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) potentially supporting Indonesia’s transition to clean energy by improving and upgrading it to Biomethane, which then compressed to Bio-CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). To support the development of Bio-CNG’s market in Indonesia, the Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (DG […]

News • February 9, 2022

Sharing Experiences on Innovation and Climate Finance Potential

The workshop was live-streamed on Youtube and is part of the regional roadshow conducted by the NDA since 2020, which aims to share information with local stakeholders. Local stakeholders are one of the forefronts of Indonesia’s climate action. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance, as the National Designated Authority of the Green Climate Fund (NDA GCF) […]

News • February 9, 2022

South Kalimantan is Developing Payments for Ecosystem Services in Sultan Adam Forest Park

The South Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov Kalsel), through the South Kalimantan Forestry Office, in collaboration with GGGI, held a “Focused Group Discussion on the Study of Payments of Ecosystem Services for the Sultan Adam Forest Park: Benchmark Study Results, Proposed Business, and Institutional Models” in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, on January 13, 2022. The discussion is […]

News • February 3, 2022

Empowering Journalists with Specialized and Ethical Investigative Reporting Skills on Green Growth and Climate Change in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda; February 2022; – Rwanda has made significant efforts to respond to the impacts of environmental and climate change issues. Efforts continue to be made to inculcate environmental awareness to ensure communities are mindful and knowledgeable about the environment and environmental problems. To make environmental laws, policies, strategies, and institutional capacities more effective towards […]