Overall Objective

Sri Lanka became GGGI’s thirtieth member in 2019 and GGGI is fully committed to supporting the government of Sri Lanka as it strives to achieve its sustainable development and NDC goals. The Ministry of Environment is GGGI’s direct government counterpart, and GGGI is embedded within the Ministry of Environment, with a close working relationship with the Ministry of Transport and Highways and other agencies, in line with GGGI’s unique in-country model, where it is considered a neutral, trusted advisor and strategic development partner embedded in Member governments.

The GGGI Sri Lanka Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2024, lays out the priority strategic interventions for GGGI’s program in Sri Lanka, which were jointly identified with government through a series of consultations. The CPF supports the positioning of green development in the country as an urgent priority. Key strategic thematic areas include:

(1) enhancing climate resilience through the strengthening of the national adaptation planning process
(2) establishing energy-efficient and environmental-friendly transport systems
(3) promoting the uptake of green energy and enhanced energy efficiency through support to improve the enabling environment and developing bankable projects
(4) promoting sustainable landscapes (forest cover increase/mangroves restoration), and
(5) other emerging areas such as mobilizing innovative green financing instruments circular economy and waste management

Sri Lanka was elected as Vice President of the Assembly and Vice Chair of the Council of GGGI in October 2022 at the 11th Session of the Assembly and 15th Session of the Council (Joint Session) of the GGGI held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, and will serve in this role for a 2-year period, starting in January 2023.

Sonali Senaratna Sellamuttu

Country Representative Sri Lanka and Team Leader GCF NAP Program

Government Counterpart

Ministry of Environment

Ministry of Transport & Highways


Sri Lanka, a developing country with a population of 21.7 million, has been transitioning from a predominantly rural-based economy to a more urbanized economy, oriented towards manufacturing and services. Sri Lanka’s economy is highly dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, forestry, and energy. In 2020, the Global Risk Index ranked Sri Lanka as the sixth country at most risk owing to severe monsoon rains, flooding, and landslides, that pose a great threat to natural resources, economic growth, and the well-being of the population. While Sri Lanka’s greenhouse gas emissions are very low (representing less than 0.1% of global emissions and per capita emissions at 0.6tCO2e), the expansion in urbanization comes with an increasing concern on municipal solid and industrial waste generation and disposal and the pollution of freshwater resources. Additionally, the growing demand for land has meant that deforestation has become a challenge. The impact of COVID19 on the economy has had significant implications on welfare. This has been further compounded in 2022, by an unprecedented economic and energy crisis facing the island nation, the worst experienced since independence. Against this backdrop, the GGGI Sri Lanka program will contribute to supporting the long-term recovery process in the country, which would entail following a green development agenda.


News • June 11, 2024

Host Country Agreement (HCA) Between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Global Green Growth Institute Officially Comes into Force

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA, JUNE 10th, 2024–The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka are delighted to announce the official entry into force of the Host Country Agreement (HCA), marking a significant milestone in our collaborative efforts towards sustainable development and green growth. The Agreement, initially signed […]

News • May 9, 2024

From Code Red to Green Growth: Sri Lanka’s Climate Summit Paves the Way

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA, May 9, 2024–The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with several private sector and development partners, held its inaugural Sri Lanka Climate Summit 2024, from May 7th to May 9th. This landmark event, themed “Climate Action for Our Nation and the Planet,” aimed to forge a comprehensive Climate Action Plan to promote […]

News • May 3, 2024

GGGI and Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Finance partner to Strengthen Carbon Trading Expertise

Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, May 2-3, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Ministry of Finance of Sri Lanka closely collaborated to host a comprehensive 2-days training workshop on the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.  The workshop aimed to enhance stakeholder understanding of international carbon trading, empowering participants to take informed climate action.   […]

News • April 5, 2024

GGGI Leadership and Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka explore opportunities for furthering green growth

Seoul, Republic of Korea – April 4, 2024 – The Honorable Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Dinesh Gunawardena, met with the President and Chair of the Green Growth Institute H. E. Ban Ki-moon to reinforce the longstanding amicable relations between Sri Lanka and GGGI and to explore opportunities to fortify bilateral ties across various sectors.   […]

News • March 14, 2024

Development of the Gender and Social Action Plan for Sri Lanka

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA, MARCH 14, 2024– In line with the International Women’s Day 2024 theme on inspiring inclusion, the Ministry of Environment Climate Change Secretariat and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) held a Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on the development of a Gender and Social Action Plan linked to national adaptation planning. This is part […]

News • March 2, 2024

Sustainable financing for environmental professionals in Sri Lanka

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA, FEBRURARY 15th, 2024–The “Unlocking Green Investments: An Introduction to Climate Finance and Developing Winning Concept Notes” event was held at the Central Environmental Authority in Sri Lanka. The event was held to facilitate and support environmental professionals from across the country. The event was organized by the Institute of Environmental Professionals Sri […]

News • February 13, 2023

Green Growth Takes the Stage: Sri Lanka Hosts High-Level Event on Climate Action

The Ministry of Environment and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) organized a High-Level Event on Strategies and Actions to Accelerate Sri Lanka’s Transition to a Green Growth Pathway on 6th February 2023. The event aimed to complement ongoing efforts to transform Sri Lanka’s development, by formalizing the application of a green growth model. Under […]

News • February 8, 2023

Sri Lanka and Global Green Growth Institute Sign Host Country Agreement for Climate Action

7 February 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka – The Government of Sri Lanka and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) signed a Host Country Agreement (HCA) progressing Sri Lanka’s climate action.  Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Environment of Sri Lanka and Dr. Frank Rijsberman Director General of GGGI signed the HCA enabling Government of Sri […]


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Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
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Start Date Q3 2020
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
LK09 Sri Lanka Sustainable Finance Program: Supporting Thematic Bond Issuance and DNS Transaction
Start Date Q4 2022
Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active
LK05 Facilitating Adoption of Sustainable Public Transport Services for Low-Carbon City Development
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Funding Source
Actual Budget (USD) 0
Status Active


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Electric Vehicle Retrofitting: A Guide to Policy making

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GGGI Sri Lanka Country Planning Framework Sri Lanka  • Country Program Framework (CPF)
GGGI Sri Lanka Country Planning Framework

Sri Lanka  • Country Program Framework (CPF)