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News • June 26, 2024

Advancing Circular Economy Goals: Rwanda on Track to Valorise Municipal Waste

Kigali, Rwanda – June 19, 2024, Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) celebrated a major milestone in the country’s waste management journey by inaugurating pilot municipal waste valorisation facilities at the Nduba landfill in Kigali. This achievement is a key outcome of the “Waste to Resources Project,” which […]

News • November 23, 2023

Building Green in Rwanda – The journey so far

Blog by Dheeraj Arrabothu, Senior Green Building Specialist, and Africa Regional Lead for Green Buildings and Industries at GGGI The construction sector accounts for approximately 40% of global CO2 emissions. About half of the emissions are attributed to building operations and the remaining half to the production of construction materials, also known as embodied emissions. […]

News • September 13, 2023

Rwanda’s delegation visit Korea for capacity building to facilitate use of ITMO through e-mobility

24-28 July 2023, Seoul, Korea. The Government of Rwanda has prioritized the transition to e-mobility for all vehicle types using a combination of incentives and favorable policies designed to promote the uptake of electric vehicles. However, due to the high capital cost involved with the purchase of electric buses, public transport has largely been isolated […]

News • May 10, 2023

GGGI hosts a workshop to review the progress of the interim findings of the Super ESCO (Energy Services Company) Project in Rwanda

9th February, Kigali, Rwanda , the Global Green Growth Institute hosted the hybrid workshop to review the progress of the interim findings of the Super Esco (Energy Services Company ) Project in Rwanda. With participants from the following institutions, organizations and partners, Government officials from MININFRA-Energy Directorate, MINECOFIN, REGEUCL, REG-EDCL, RURA, BRD, RHA, CPCIC ✓ […]

News • March 29, 2023

Waste to Resource Project Training in Luxembourg

11- 18 March , Luxembourg , with a delegation of 2o representatives from Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA); Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICTI) ;City of Kigali (CoK) ;Rwanda Development Board (RDB);Ministry of Environment (MoE) ;Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA);Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) ;Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) ;Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) ;Gender Monitoring Office […]

News • June 16, 2022

Government of Rwanda and GGGI Sign and endorse the new 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF)

On 13 May, Kigali , Rwanda the Minister of State , Ministry of Infrastructure  Eng Patricie Uwase  and the GGGI Rwanda Country Representative Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya have officially endorsed & signed the new five year 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF).  The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) would like to thank all the stakeholders and […]

News • May 31, 2022

Sustainable Energy for All Forum in Kigali

May 17-19 2022; Kigali Rwanda – The Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and the Government of Rwanda welcomed more than 1,300 people from around the world to the global SEforALL Forum in Kigali. The much-anticipated, landmark event for sustainable energy had to be postponed twice due to Covid-19, but the wait proved to be worth […]

News • February 21, 2022

GGGI hosts 2nd Technical Working Group on Waste to Resource Project

15 Feb 2022, Kigali Rwanda the Global Green Growth Institute hosted the second technical working group on Waste to Resource Project. With the aim  to update the members on the progress of implementation of the previous Technical Working Group’s recommendations, to review the capacity needs assessment for solid waste management preliminary study and  review the […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts the consultation workshop on the revised GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2025

GGGI Rwanda through one-on-one consultations revised and drafted the new GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework and presented the draft to key stakeholders and partners for input, feedback, and validation during  a consultation workshop held at Serena Hotel in Kigali , Rwanda. The workshop was an opportunity for the GGGI team to guide the endorsement by […]

News • December 13, 2021

GCF NAP Project on Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda Training on Concept Note Development and Financial Modelling

Kigali, Rwanda 7 December , Rwanda is undergoing rapid urbanization as one of its main economic growth and transformation drivers, while risks from climate change continue to pose a challenge. Although there have been past and on-going interventions in building climate resilience and adaptation, limited, if any, activities focus on interventions related to urban areas […]

News • November 9, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts Training of Trainers Workshop on Electric Bus System Modeling and Optimization

28 October, Kigali, Rwanda, the Global Green Growth Institute(GGGI)  in collaboration with the Government of Rwanda (GoR), through the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), and the City of Kigali  hosted the hybrid workshop for training of trainers on electric bus system modeling and optimization to build capacity and share lessons learned in […]

News • November 5, 2021

Rwanda organizes Circularity in Built Environment (CBE) validation workshop

19th October 2021, Kigali – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda held a virtual validation workshop for the research study on circularity in Built Environment (CBE) in Rwanda. GGGI has been appointed by the One Planet Network (OPN) to conduct an assessment on circularity in built environment in Africa. The study is part of […]

News • September 30, 2021

GGGI Rwanda announces the African Mobility Month Kinamba Junction Design Competition for 2021

Globally, the number of cars is projected to triple between now and 2050. Without disruptive action, transport emissions are expected to grow from 7.7 Gt to around 15 Gt by 2050. Green mobility – in combination with the incorporation of electric vehicles and increased use of public transport – is critical to enabling cities to […]

News • August 30, 2021

Rwanda launches new Project “Waste to Resources: Improving Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Hazardous Waste Management in Rwanda”

24th August, Kigali , Rwanda. The Ministry of Environment, City of Kigali, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Global Green Growth Institute launched the “Waste to Resources” project in the City of Kigali in Rwanda. The project is led by the Ministry of Environment of the Government of Rwanda and funded by the Ministry of Environment, […]

News • June 8, 2021

Rwanda aims to have 20% of all buses transition to electric by 2030

7th June 2021 , Kigali , Rwanda. The Government of Rwanda has announced a prioritization of the transition to e-mobility for all vehicle types. In order to encourage the private sector to introduce different models of electric vehicles, the Rwanda Development Board initiated several incentives including a preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%, reduced electricity […]

News • June 8, 2021

World Environment Day : How GGGI is supporting Rwanda’s green growth strategy

5th June, Kigali , Rwanda. Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has joined Rwanda and the rest of the World to celebrate World Environment Day (WED) on May 5, under the theme “Ecosystem Restoration”. Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Country Representative Rwanda said that the theme aligns with GGGI’s Strategy 2030 that […]

News • June 8, 2021

GGGI Organizes Mapathon and Workshop on Non-Motorized Transport Infrastructure in Secondary City in Rwanda (Musanze)

3rd June , Musanze  Secondary City , Rwanda . GGGI Rwanda is currently implementing a project that is ongoing in three different countries. The United Nations Environment Programme is funding the “Strengthening, Prioritizing, and Investing in Non-Motorized Transport Infrastructure” project with UNDP in Zambia, WRI in Ethiopia, and GGGI in Rwanda. As part of the […]

News • February 24, 2020

10th Session of the World Urban Forum : Cities of Opportunities

Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10),is the first major UN event in 2020 marking the start of the Sustainable Development Goals Decade of Action. Meaning world leaders called for a decade of action to deliver the SDGs by 2030 and announced more than 100 ‘accelerated actions’—voluntary undertakings to speed up progress. Abu Dhabi, […]

News • December 23, 2019

First Technical Consultation meeting on the development of Urban Neighborhood Planning & Design Guidebook

18th December in Kigali , Rwanda  the Ministry of Infrastructure and GGGI Rwanda held  the first Technical Consultation meeting on the development of Urban Neighborhood Planning & Design Guide book with officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) ;Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) ;Ministry of Environment (MoE)  ; Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA) ; […]

News • December 23, 2019

Infrastructure Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Review Workshop

In Musanze District, Rwanda from 9-12 December a group of sector experts gathered for the Infrastructure Gender Mainstreaming Strategy Review Workshop. The workshop was organized by GGGI Rwanda in collaboration with Ministry of Infrastructure.  In attendance there were participants from Musanze District Executive, Vice Mayor of Musanze, Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) […]