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News • June 5, 2024

2024 World Environment Day- How GGGI is supporting government of Rwanda to tackle land degredation

This year’s World Environment Day is placing the spotlight on some of Africa’s most pressing challenges: land degradation, desertification, and drought. It is estimated that 45 percent of Africa’s population currently lives in drylands that are susceptible to desertification, a form of land degradation, and 40 million people already live in severe drought conditions[1]. In […]

News • September 27, 2023

Agrivoltaics Project Launched for Boosting Rwandan Farming with Solar Innovation

Kigali, Rwanda, 31 August 2023 – GGGI Rwanda and the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board (RAB) jointly hosted the “Agrivoltaics in Rwanda – Preparatory Project Launch.” This event convened government officials, international organizations, development agencies, experts, researchers, and representatives from the agriculture and renewable energy sectors. Its purpose was to introduce the “Increased Resilience […]