Tag Archive

green economy

News • May 17, 2024

Lao PDR Embarks on National Solid Waste Management Assessment to Pave Pathway to Sustainable Future

Vientiane, Lao PDR, May 17,2024 – The Government of Lao PDR through its Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), in cooperation with Global Green Growth Institute Lao PDR (GGGI), launched the commencement of the National Solid Waste Management Assessment through an Initial Consultation Workshop which was held to officially kick off the assessment. The […]

News • July 26, 2023

GGGI Colombia formará parte de la Red Latinoamericana de Bioeconomía

En el marco de la 27ª Conferencia Anual del Consorcio Internacional de Investigación en Bioeconomía Aplicada coorganizada por el gobierno argentino, el Icabr y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), se formalizó la creación de la Red Latinoamericana de Bioeconomía. Este importante hito cuenta con el respaldo de tomadores de decisión de […]

News • June 7, 2023

GGGI and German Sparkassenstiftung Holds a Meeting for Joint Green and Climate Resilient Business Plans

Tashkent, Uzbekistan [June 7, 2023] – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK) had a meeting at the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change to discuss further joint implementation of Green & Climate-Resilient Business Plans. Representatives of GIZ, SQB, and MK Bank also joined the meeting to provide valuable insights […]

News • May 1, 2023

Africa’s Green Economy Summit connects global capital with green economy projects from across the continent

February 22-24th 2023, Cape Town, South Africa – the Global Green Growth Institute as a key partner of the Africa Green Economy Summit this year joined participants from across the globe to share their insights, experience and knowledge on green economy initiatives lead by GGGI and partners. With the the event theme for 2023 “Driving […]

News • October 12, 2022

Launch of Renewable Energy and Green Economy Trainings for Remote Rural Communities in Solomon Islands

Honiara, Solomon Islands, September 2022 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Department of Energy under the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) will be conducting community level trainings in six selected rural communities of Guadalcanal and Central Province under its project titled “Capacity Building to Strengthen Sustainable Implementation […]

News • September 29, 2022

Launch of Renewable Energy and Green Economy Trainings for Remote Rural Communities in Solomon Islands

Honiara, Solomon Islands, September 2022 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Department of Energy under the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) will be conducting community level trainings in six selected rural communities of Guadalcanal and Central Province under its project titled “Capacity Building to Strengthen Sustainable Implementation […]

News • August 30, 2022

Launching of renewable energy and green economy trainings for remote rural communities in Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 2022 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and the Central Provincial Administration (CPA), will be conducting community level trainings in five selected rural communities of Central Province under its project titled “Capacity Building to Strengthen Sustainable Implementation of Renewable […]

News • August 5, 2022

Sustainably managing hazardous and municipal solid waste management in Rwanda

In 2016 I was privileged to sit in a high-level government meeting where the policies and strategic direction of the government were discussed and decisions taken regarding the immediate, medium to long-term solutions to the challenges facing the country and the opportunities thereof. This meeting was a memorable but also puzzling one as part of […]

News • May 3, 2022

Launching of renewable energy and green economy trainings for remote rural communities in Fiji.

Suva, Fiji, 2022 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in partnership with the Climate Change and International Cooperation Division (CCICD) of the Ministry of Economy, will be conducting community level trainings in selected Fijian communities under its project titled “Capacity Building to Strengthen Sustainable Implementation of Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Energy Access”. The […]

News • April 6, 2022

Increasing Capacity to Build a Profitable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Business

The North Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov Kaltara), together with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), held a Capacity Development Training with the theme: Building a Profitable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Business. The training took place in Tarakan on January 25-28, 2022. This training aimed to increase understanding and build the spirit of strengthening the productive […]

News • February 11, 2022

Sustainable Urban Wetlands Development within Kigali City- Nyandungu Wetland Eco-park

A rapid growing urban population comes with enormous challenges for city planners and managers. They have to ensure that cities today can deliver not only basic services but that these cities are safe, resilient and environmentally friendly. One of the underlying causes of wetland degradation is lack of knowledge and skills on how wetlands can […]

News • March 22, 2021

GGGI Peru brings together political parties to discuss green jobs and COVID recovery

Lima, March 19, 2021. This week, with the support of the International Labor Organization – ILO and the United Nations in Peru, GGGI held an online event to discuss green jobs in the context of COVID recovery, the opportunities they offer, and to facilitate a conversation between the representatives of the political parties Fuerza Popular, […]

News • November 27, 2020

2nd Workshop on the engaging the private sector in building flood resilience capacities under the GCF NAP

26th November , Kamonyi district ,Southern Province, in Rwanda.  The Global Green Growth Institute and Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) co-organised the second GCF NAP workshop on engaging the private sector in building flood resilience capacities held in Kamonyi with stakeholders from the Kamonyi District office, Executive of Kamonyi , Rwanda Environment Management (REMA) ,Rwanda […]

News • October 28, 2020

Rwanda hosts the 3rd virtual Business to Business webinar between Italy and Rwanda to discuss vailable opportunities for private sector to enhance green growth and sustainable development in both countries

15th Oct 2020 , Kigali Rwanda, the Global Green Growth Institute-Rwanda in collaboration with Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) organized the 3rd virtual Business to Business (B2B) webinar. Rwanda and Italy Business to Business exchanges are to enhance green growth in both countries , with over 240 participants it was a successful online discuss. The […]

News • June 17, 2020

Rwanda and Italian entrepreneurs discuss business to business exchange for private sector engagement

Kigali, Rwanda -10th June 2020 with 280 registered participants the second webinar , a dialogue that attracted a vast interest across many industries with participants from across the globe representing several sectors. It was a successful second business to business knowledge exchange webinar. Having discussed the institutional arrangements in both Rwanda and Italy, the first […]

News • June 12, 2020

EU Funds Two New Projects to Boost a Green Economic Recovery

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: As Cambodia continues to harness clean energy potential around the country, the European Union has signed two project agreements worth EUR 5.3 Million to promote sustainable consumption and production of energy sources and to put local SMEs on a track of a green recovery in Cambodia. Funded by the European Union, the […]

News • June 8, 2020

Rwanda hosts webinar on “The engagement of the Italian private sector to enhance green investments and trade in Rwanda”

Kigali, Rwanda -3rd June 2020 the Global Green Growth Institute hosted the first of two webinars between Rwanda and Italy. The virtual meeting was hosted on the Africa e Affari network platform and organized in collaboration with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and in partnership with the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea […]

News • October 24, 2019

Launch of GGGI’s first Green Growth Index: Measuring Green Growth Globally

On October 23, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) officially launched its Green Growth Index, the first benchmarked composite index designed to track green growth performance in four dimensions of green growth. The Index is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, and Aichi biodiversity targets, and it is the first index to benchmark green growth performance against the […]

News • September 27, 2019

University of Gothenburg and GGGI train civil servants on Inclusive Green Economy Practice

In Nyamata – Bugesera Rwanda, from 09–20th September GGGI Rwanda and University of Gothenburg Center for Sustainable Development carried out a two weeks training for fifteen civil servants from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Rwanda to strengthen national capacity to create an inclusive Green Economy (IGE), which is one of the prerequisites for achieving Agenda 2030.  During […]

News • August 27, 2019

Inception Workshop for the Mozambique Green Economy Action Plan

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in partnership with Mozambique’s Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER), organized an Inception workshop on August 19, 2019, at Hotel Avenida, to launch the review and updating of the Green Economy Action Plan (GEAP) for 2020-2024. The workshop set the scene for sharing achievements by the different sectors […]