Tag Archive

City of Kigali

News • June 26, 2024

Advancing Circular Economy Goals: Rwanda on Track to Valorise Municipal Waste

Kigali, Rwanda – June 19, 2024, Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) celebrated a major milestone in the country’s waste management journey by inaugurating pilot municipal waste valorisation facilities at the Nduba landfill in Kigali. This achievement is a key outcome of the “Waste to Resources Project,” which […]

News • June 19, 2024

Rwanda Unveils Pilot Municipal Waste Valorization Facilities at Nduba

  Press Release – For Immediate Release 19 June 2024 – Kigali, Rwanda The Rwanda Ministry of Environment and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have today inaugurated pilot municipal waste valorization facilities at Nduba dumpsite. The facilities consist of critical equipment and infrastructure built as part of a collaborative project titled, Waste to Resources Project: […]

News • June 5, 2024

2024 World Environment Day- How GGGI is supporting government of Rwanda to tackle land degredation

This year’s World Environment Day is placing the spotlight on some of Africa’s most pressing challenges: land degradation, desertification, and drought. It is estimated that 45 percent of Africa’s population currently lives in drylands that are susceptible to desertification, a form of land degradation, and 40 million people already live in severe drought conditions[1]. In […]

News • September 13, 2023

Business owners receive training on occupational health and safety for solid waste management

3 August 2023, Kigali Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) in collaboration with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) conducted training for trainers (business owners engaged in Municipal solid waste management), aiming at raising their knowledge on effective health and safety management systems in operations of the waste management activities across the value chain.  This training is part […]

News • March 29, 2023

Waste to Resource Project Training in Luxembourg

11- 18 March , Luxembourg , with a delegation of 2o representatives from Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA); Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICTI) ;City of Kigali (CoK) ;Rwanda Development Board (RDB);Ministry of Environment (MoE) ;Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA);Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) ;Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) ;Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) ;Gender Monitoring Office […]

News • March 15, 2023

GGGI launches the Waste to Resource Project National 6 month E-waste Awareness Campaign

25 March 2023 , Kigali, Rwanda. The Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of ICT and Innovation, has joined hands with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Rwanda Cooling Initiative and EnviroServe Rwanda have put together a national awareness campaign themed: “Proper E-waste Disposal for a Healthier Future”.  The 6 month campaign is part of […]

News • July 5, 2022

GGGI and Ministry of Environment host the 3rd Luxembourg Waste to Resource Project Thematic Working Group Meeting

14-17 June 2022, In Musanze Secondary City ,Kigali Rwanda the third thematic working group for waste to resource: improving municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management in Rwanda was convened in Musanze from 14 to 17 June 2022 at Fatima Hotel. This is a recurrent quarterly activity under the project where members of the technical […]

News • June 20, 2022

Rwanda hosts the “Africa Regional Forum for Action – Inclusive & Active Mobility in a Changing Climate “

7-9 June 2022, Kigali , Rwanda. More than  120 participants convened in Kigali, Rwanda to discuss the role of active mobility and non-motorized transport in climate mitigation. The event had participants from several organisations such as Transaid ;City of Kisumu ; Bridges to Prosperity ; National Malaria Elimination Centre, Ministry of Health ;UN Habitat ; […]

News • June 16, 2022

Government of Rwanda and GGGI Sign and endorse the new 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF)

On 13 May, Kigali , Rwanda the Minister of State , Ministry of Infrastructure  Eng Patricie Uwase  and the GGGI Rwanda Country Representative Okechukwu Daniel Ogbonnaya have officially endorsed & signed the new five year 2021-2025 Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF).  The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) would like to thank all the stakeholders and […]

News • March 21, 2022

GGGI, Government of Rwanda and UNEP Proposed area for Car Free Zone in Huye Secondary City

The Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) is committed to supporting government of Rwanda achieve low-carbon development, the Rwanda country program has developed a visualization with Jan Kamensky of the redesign for the proposed car free zone in Huye. Car-free zones have recently been launched in the City of Kigali in the central business district renamed […]

News • February 11, 2022

Sustainable Urban Wetlands Development within Kigali City- Nyandungu Wetland Eco-park

A rapid growing urban population comes with enormous challenges for city planners and managers. They have to ensure that cities today can deliver not only basic services but that these cities are safe, resilient and environmentally friendly. One of the underlying causes of wetland degradation is lack of knowledge and skills on how wetlands can […]

News • February 3, 2022

Gender Assessment of Stakeholders Report for GCF National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project on Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda; Feb 01, 2022 – GGGI Rwanda is a Delivery Partner supporting the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) – the National Designated Authority (NDA) – on a twenty-four-month project “National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda.” The GCF NAP Project has a focus on enhancing capacity for integrated […]

News • December 27, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts the consultation workshop on the revised GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2021-2025

GGGI Rwanda through one-on-one consultations revised and drafted the new GGGI Rwanda Country Planning Framework and presented the draft to key stakeholders and partners for input, feedback, and validation during  a consultation workshop held at Serena Hotel in Kigali , Rwanda. The workshop was an opportunity for the GGGI team to guide the endorsement by […]

News • December 13, 2021

GCF NAP Project on Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda Training on Concept Note Development and Financial Modelling

Kigali, Rwanda 7 December , Rwanda is undergoing rapid urbanization as one of its main economic growth and transformation drivers, while risks from climate change continue to pose a challenge. Although there have been past and on-going interventions in building climate resilience and adaptation, limited, if any, activities focus on interventions related to urban areas […]

News • December 9, 2021

Rwanda- African Mobility Month Winner for the “Kinamba Junction Design Competition”

In Kigali, Rwanda the Global Green growth Institute in Rwanda is happy to announce the winner of the African Mobility Month 2021 design competition. Mr MIZERO Jules is Masters student at the University of Rwanda , completing his  Msc in Highway Engineering & Management. Jules design will soon be on display in City of Kigali […]

News • November 9, 2021

GGGI Rwanda hosts Training of Trainers Workshop on Electric Bus System Modeling and Optimization

28 October, Kigali, Rwanda, the Global Green Growth Institute(GGGI)  in collaboration with the Government of Rwanda (GoR), through the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), and the City of Kigali  hosted the hybrid workshop for training of trainers on electric bus system modeling and optimization to build capacity and share lessons learned in […]

News • November 8, 2021

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Training Workshop -GCF NAP on building flood resilience capacities in Rwanda

The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)  Training Workshop took place from the 12th -14th October 2021 in one of the satellite cities Muhanga in Southern province of Rwanda with objectives of providing the participants with basic gender knowledge to challenge their own understanding of GESI ;  GESI analysis skills they need for understanding GESI […]

News • November 5, 2021

Rwanda organizes Circularity in Built Environment (CBE) validation workshop

19th October 2021, Kigali – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda held a virtual validation workshop for the research study on circularity in Built Environment (CBE) in Rwanda. GGGI has been appointed by the One Planet Network (OPN) to conduct an assessment on circularity in built environment in Africa. The study is part of […]

News • August 30, 2021

Rwanda launches new Project “Waste to Resources: Improving Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Hazardous Waste Management in Rwanda”

24th August, Kigali , Rwanda. The Ministry of Environment, City of Kigali, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Global Green Growth Institute launched the “Waste to Resources” project in the City of Kigali in Rwanda. The project is led by the Ministry of Environment of the Government of Rwanda and funded by the Ministry of Environment, […]

News • August 4, 2021

Rwanda government officials complete E-bus System Planning & Optimisation Program Training

As a trusted advisor, GGGI plays a neutral role in advocating for technology choices such as charging infrastructure, bus models, and more. GGGI Rwanda Sustainable Mobility Program supports the government of Rwanda to: • Provide strategic advice on the development of Rwanda’s e-mobility transition, specifically in the adoption of electric public buses • Support in […]