
Mobilization of Private Investment in Green Growth in Viet Nam- Case Studies based on GGGI’s Activities

At a Glance

Publication Date July 2024
Format pdf
Country Viet Nam
Thematic Areas Green Cities, Sustainable Energy, Cross Cutting

Mobilization of Private Investment in Green Growth in Viet Nam
Case Studies based on GGGI’s Activities

The Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) activities in Viet Nam focus on supporting the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (GoV) with implementing its national plans and priorities, including the Viet Nam National Green Growth Strategy (VGGS), its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
GGGI’s assistance is provided to key ministries on: (i) developing and implementing green growth action plans; (ii) carrying out sectoral assessments for potential green growth initiatives; (iii) developing customized investment guidelines for the green growth, providing screening methods and prioritizing investment opportunities as well as mobilizing public and private capital sources; and (iv) supporting the development of green cities.
GGGI also has supported the identification, prioritization, design and development of bankable projects on biomass energy, rooftop solar, urban infrastructure (e.g. wastewater projects), and has also assisted with establishing green credit manuals for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access finance.