
Project Reference Profiles – Rwanda (RW4) IMELS – GGGI Contribution Agreement

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO1 Reduced GHG emission, SO2 Creation of green jobs, SO3 Increased access to sustainable services, SO4 Improved air quality, SO6 Enhanced adaptation to climate change
Start Date Q1  March 15 2018
End Date q1 June 30 2019
Funding Source Earmarked
Actual Budget (USD) 41,281
Budget Percentage 99%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 40,848.43
Status Complete
GGGI Share (USD) 0
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers poverty
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium)
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
GGGI Project Code :
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

GGGI and the Ministry of Environment Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy (IMELS) have initiated cooperation in the field of Climate Change Vulnerability, Mitigation and Adaptation in Rwanda, formalized in a Contribution Agreement, signed on 15 January 2018. The project concentrates on priority areas identified under the MoU between IMELS and MoE, where several join areas of interest to GGGI were singled out such as i.Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Communication of the NDCs ii.) Collection, analysis and dissemination of meteorological data relevant to the observation of climate change and the measurement of its impact on the potentially vulnerable economic sectors iii.) Promotion of sustainable crop and livestock production practices for greater food security and greenhouse gas emissions reduction, also through the application of the climate-smart agriculture approach (CSA) iv.) Promotion of sustainable forests management, including afforestation and reforestation, reduction of forest degradation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks v.) Promotion of Green cities development through pilot projects vi.) Improvement of risk assessment and disaster management vii.) Sustainable waste management viii.) Sustainable integrated water management ix.) Promotion of sustainable and integrated land use x.) Promotion of sustainable renewable energy and efficiency xi.) Fund for Environment and Climate change. 

The objectives of the project are i.) To strengthen and coordinate the efforts to combat global climate change and address its adverse effects ii.) To support mechanisms to reduce climate change vulnerability and enhance risk assessment, to promote secure, clean and efficient energy and iii.) To stimulate the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon economy and to implement adaptation actions and opportunities to protect the environment and natural resources. This project is aligned with IO1. Strengthened national, sub-national and local green growth planning, financing and institutional frameworks and IO2. Increased green growth investment flows which enable partner governments to implement green growth policies. 

Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: IMELS-GGGI Contribution Agreement. 


  • Improved capacity of stakeholders for best practices in climate change mitigation and adaptation and climate finance 
  • NDC coordination supported to strengthen NDA capacity for sector coordination 
  • Increased potential for finding for implementation of climate change mitigation/adaptations actions 

Project Outputs completed in 2019:

i. Green Growth Policies: 

  • Policy Assignment: Green incubator and facility developed.

ii. Green Investments: 

  • Green Investment Catalyzed: USD 4.43M green investment catalyzed under the bilateral agreement between Italy and Rwanda. The Joint Committee approved the project ideas and decided that IMELS will explore the possibility to raise other sources of financing, including Italian Development Bank (CDP). 

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products: 

  • 2 Knowledge products produced: ITV Live Talks, and Radio Live talks.  

Number of staff provided

Project Manager:  Brigitte Nyirambangutse 
Number of staffs provided: Inhee Chung, Innocent Kabenga, Daniel Ogbonnaya