
Third session of the Steering Committee on GGGI’s Burkina Faso program

The third session of the steering committee took place in Ouagadougou on February 11, 2021 at the Ramada Pearl Hotel. Chaired by M. Simeon Sawadogo minister of Environment Green Economy and Climate Change of the Republic of Burkina Faso, the meeting gathered representatives from different ministries. The main objective of the session was to present GGGI 2020 keys results and the perspectives for 2021; it was also the opportunity to remind participants about GGGI commitment on supporting green Growth in Burkina Faso and the different axis of the Country planning Framework.

After introductory words, by M. Lamine Ouedraogo, moderator and GGGI Senior Program Officer, who introduced the panel chaired by his Excellency M. Simeon Sawadogo Minister of Environment, Green Economy, and climate change, Dr. Malle Fofana GGGI Country Representative and M. Moro KERE President of the Rural Council. The Minister, in his speech, acknowledged the support from GGGI; and encouraged the different participants to fully contribute to the different planned activities for the day. The Minster after thanking all the participants for their presence mentioned that the Government of Burkina Faso will continue to support GGGI and together with all national actors strengthen this established cooperative framework.

After the official opening by the Minister, M. Lamine Ouedraogo presented the different activities and keys results obtained in 2020. It was directly followed by the presentation of the activities planned for 2021. Participants to the session were particularly interest in GGGI achievement, particularly in the context of COVID-19. Several questions were asked by the participants to better understand GGGI pragmatic approaches and implemented project.

Mainly, the discussions were around: (i) the main results achieved in 2020 in the implementation of the Country planning Framework, as well as the keys activities planned for 2021, (ii) clarifications on some keys concepts related to Green growth and Climate Change; to allow participants better understand GGGI strategic orientations and better position Burkina Faso in the context of Green Economy.

The presenter, Mr. Ouedraogo responded to all questions and mentioned that, “Since the beginning of the pandemic situation, GGGI has encouraged his staff and partners to use online platforms for meetings and discussions as alternative to move forward”; this new approach was key in the achievement of the results presented.

During the discussion, participants formulated some keys recommendations, to be taken into consideration for the 2021 activities implementation:

  • Continue to support the development of the new framework, particularly in the mobilization of resources.
  • More involvement of national actors in the different GGGI activities and particularly share the different results with all actors.
  • Strengthen communication on GGGI results that can serve as model.

For the closing remarks, Dr. Malle Fofana addressed his gratitude to the participants and congratulated them for the efforts and discussions. After that the president of the session, Dr. Savadogo closed the meeting by encouraging all the members to keep the momentum and continue the work started; he finished by encouraging for more collaboration between national actors.