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News • May 30, 2024

Final Validation of the Agrivoltaics Preliminary Study and Roadmap Development for Pilot Implementation in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda, May 30, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda, in collaboration with the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), hosted a workshop to validate the preliminary study on agrivoltaics in Rwanda and co-create a roadmap for implementation. This workshop marks a significant milestone in the innovative initiative to promote […]

News • May 31, 2018

Rwanda’s Youth Participation in environmental protection

 “Rwanda, a developing country in East Africa with overly dense population has agricultural economy. About 82 percent cultivable land needs irrigation. During dry season and due to climate change, demand for secondary irrigation is increasing. Irrigation by electric power, diesel pump and solar pumps are some of the existing alternatives. However, due to the high […]