
Rwanda Unveils Pilot Municipal Waste Valorization Facilities at Nduba


Press Release – For Immediate Release

19 June 2024 – Kigali, Rwanda

The Rwanda Ministry of Environment and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) have today inaugurated pilot municipal waste valorization facilities at Nduba dumpsite. The facilities consist of critical equipment and infrastructure built as part of a collaborative project titled, Waste to Resources Project: Improving Municipal Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in Rwanda, that ran from July 2021 to July 2024.

With funding from the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Biodiversity of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, this initiative marks a significant step forward in Rwanda’s journey towards sustainable waste management and a vibrant circular economy. Among the newly inaugurated infrastructure are:

  • Waste Sorting and Separation Facility: Capable of handling 100 tons per day, this facility will significantly improve waste management efficiency by enhancing the sorting and separation of recyclables at Nduba.
  • Bio-Waste Treatment Facility: With the capacity to treat five tons per day, this facility will convert organic waste into organic fertilizers.
  • Truck Weighbridge: With the capacity to weigh trucks up to 60 tons, this infrastructure is operational and will ensure the accurate measurement of waste entering Nduba landfill as well as waste diverted to the newly established infrastructure.

In addition to other project activities, a household waste sorting pilot, awareness-raising campaigns, and capacity-building initiatives have been implemented over the past three years.

Additionally, a Refrigerant Gas Reclamation System has been installed at Enviroserve Rwanda Green Park in the Bugesera Industrial Park. This system safely reclaims and recycles refrigerant gasses, reducing harmful emissions from non-functional cooling appliances – promoting environmental sustainability.

Four reverse vending machines (RVMs) will soon be strategically installed across the City of Kigali to enhance the collection of recyclable materials by incentivizing consumers to deposit used plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, and e-waste in exchange for rewards.

These initiatives demonstrate the collaborative efforts between the Government of Rwanda, the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and GGGI, and the transformative power of international partnerships to address environmental challenges and foster sustainable development.

Waste should be viewed as a raw material for valorization, not as waste. This mindset will transform the waste sector and help the country achieve its long-term vision of carbon neutrality,” said Dr Valentine Uwamariya, Rwanda’s Minister of Environment.

“Luxembourg is strongly committed to environmental protection, at the national and international level, supporting development cooperation projects but also a number of initiatives abroad through our International Climate Finance funding. In doing so, I am pleased that we can count on the valuable support of partners such as the GGGI. The “Waste to Resources” project in Rwanda is a perfect example of how environmental protection can be combined with the creation of new circular economic opportunities that benefit the entire Rwandan population,” said Xavier Bettel, Luxembourg’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Cooperation.

Today, I am very pleased that the “waste to resources” project is reaching its final milestone with the hand-over of several waste valorization facilities to the City of Kigali. These new facilities are for the people of Kigali. They will help modernize waste management in the city. And they are the fruit of a partnership between Luxembourg and Rwanda,” said Serge Wilmes, Luxembourg’s Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity.

“By challenging the prevailing “collect and dump” approach and instead promoting more circularity in waste management in Kigali, the interventions piloted by the project are not only mitigating emissions from waste, but are also fostering green jobs and economic opportunities,” said Caroline Raes, Rwanda Country Representative, Global Green Growth Institute.

This pilot project has propelled Rwanda’s efforts to establish a sustainable and circular waste management system, offering extensive benefits for communities and the environment. The project’s holistic approach will lead to waste reduction at the Nduba landfill, enhanced e-waste management, and enabling environments for sustainable waste practices. These accomplishments will create a learning curve to scale similar initiatives and underscore Rwanda’s commitment to achieving a zero-waste, circular economy by 2035.

The reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a key target of the project, with an estimated annual reduction of 15,320 tCO2 expected to be reached once all facilities are operating at full capacity. The piloted facilities will also generate 74 new green jobs and enhance access to municipal solid waste services for 250,000 people.

About the Project

Rwanda’s rapid economic growth, coupled with urbanization and population expansion, has led to increased waste generation, posing environmental and public health risks. To address these challenges and uphold sustainability, Rwanda has prioritized waste management, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Biodiversity of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment initiated the Waste to Resources project.

Implemented by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), together with a broad range of public and private stakeholders, the project aimed to enhance municipal solid and hazardous waste management and integrated circular economy principles into Kigali’s waste management efforts.

Its objectives included reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating green jobs, and enhancing access to waste management services. Key outcomes include organic and plastic waste valorization, improved e-waste management, and policy enhancements coupled with capacity building.

Media Inquiries

  • Basile Uwimana, Communication and Outreach Specialist, Ministry of Environment,
  • Pamela Birungi, Senior Communication & Knowledge Management Officer, Global Green Growth Institute,