
Fixed Income Market Development in the Kyrgyz Republic to Catalyse International and Domestic Climate Finance (green bonds): Rapid Readiness Assessment

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Publication Date July 2024
Format pdf
Country Kyrgyz Republic
Thematic Areas Cross Cutting, Climate Finance

Fixed Income Market Development in the Kyrgyz Republic to Catalyse International and Domestic Climate Finance (green bonds): Rapid Readiness Assessment

The Kyrgyz Republic is committed to creating a conducive environment to attract domestic and international climate finance, as outlined in the National Development Strategy. To achieve this, the government identified the need to assess existing market conditions and gaps for green bond market development. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce invited the Global Green Growth Institute to conduct a market readiness assessment in collaboration with the Korea G-PASS Company Export Association. The assessment involved all key stakeholders and identified clear, practical pathways towards enabling market development. It is an important milestone for future collaborative activities in climate mitigation and adaptation. The report suggests conducting the assessment annually and invites feedback for improvement.