
Climate Change Awareness and Media Consumption Survey in Mongolia

At a Glance

Publication Date June 2023
Format pdf
Country Mongolia
Thematic Areas Climate Resilient and Green Growth, Climate Action

Climate change is expected to intensify over the next several decades, resulting in a myriad of impacts on natural and human systems. The impacts of climate change will be severe in Mongolia as the country already faces rapid desertification, water scarcity, changing precipitation patterns and seasonal intensification of extreme weather events.

This survey assesses the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, practices and media consumption related to climate change among the people of Mongolia. By understanding people’s perceptions about climate change we can: engage them more effectively to take climate action and share information that they need/want; understand similarities and differences amongst different demographic and socio-economic groups; develop policies, programs, and projects that are more responsive to their needs; and raise awareness amongst decision makers about how people are affected by climate change.