
New partnership on textile circularity in Indonesia opens new doors for green growth in Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia July 3, 2024 – At the Green Economy Expo at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) today, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Indonesia, the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology (Politeknik STTT Bandung), and PT Daur Langkah Bersama, also known as Pable, signed an agreement to mark a partnership for a sustainable future in the textile industry.

The partnership aims to support Indonesia’s textile sector in adopting a circular economy approach, a priority and ambition of Bappenas. According to a study in 2023, the textile industry employed 3.98 million people and, in the first quarter of 2024, contributed 5.84% to Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)*.

The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has committed to supporting GGGI Indonesia in its collaboration with key government institutions and sustainability-forward initiatives like Pable, a textile-to-textile recycling company, to make a circular economy a reality. Through GGGI Indonesia’s Green Transition Investment Program (GTIP), the partnership aims to reverse the environmental impact of textile waste, introduce the potential of circular textiles, create green jobs, and organize training programs.

Bappenas recently published Indonesia’s Circular Economy Roadmap and National Action Plan, which emphasizes addressing textile waste as one of the five prioritized sectors with the potential to adopt a circular approach. “We found that textile waste in Indonesia is estimated to reach around 2.3 million tons per year and will continue to increase by 70% if there are no interventions. This partnership was initiated not only to manage textile waste but also as a collaborative effort to develop a circular textile ecosystem, which includes the creation of financial schemes and capacity building of circular textile industry players in Indonesia,” said Priyanto Rohmattullah, Bappenas Director of the Environment.

The partnership will involve Bandung Polytechnic of Textile Technology, a trade school specializing in textile production, and provide opportunities to strengthen their existing technical and vocational study and training (TVET) programs. This will, in turn, result in improved skills and knowledge of textile recycling techniques and more job opportunities.

“In the long run, the program aims to support local businesses accessing various markets with stringent sustainability standards,” said Yorkie Sutaryo, GGGI Indonesia GTIP Indonesia Lead.

One of GTIP’s key partners is Pable, a local company whose business model centers on innovative textile-to-textile recycling techniques. Pable’s expansion plan aligns with the increasing market demand for recycled products, allowing Pable to generate socio-economic benefits for society and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth at the same time.

“Pable has successfully proven that a circular approach is applicable to Indonesia’s textile sector through a transparent recycling process. We hope this partnership will help us expand our sustainable business practices, reach new audiences, and open more doors of opportunity for those wishing to dive deep into Indonesia’s textile recycling sector. We believe that the circular economy could help protect our planet,” said Aryenda Atma, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pable.

 The partnership under GTIP will also allow Pable to access technology transfer facilitated by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, further bolstering Pable’s contribution to transforming textile waste into recycled products for the global or Indonesian market.

*“Kemenperin Nilai Industri Tekstil Lebih Baik dengan Permendag Lama”


About Pable

Established in 2020, PT Daur Langkah Bersama, or Pable, is Indonesia’s first textile-to-textile recycling company focusing on bringing circular economy principles to textile waste management. Pable has been awarded “Best Impact Entrepreneur” by the Kehati Lestari Foundation. The company’s signature is Pabtex or Pable Textile, a recycled fabric product containing 100% textile waste woven by weavers in various East and West Java villages. Pable also established Pabmove, or Pable Movement, an integrated textile waste management system.

About Green Economy Expo

The Green Economy Expo is organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia (Bappenas) to promote the transformation towards a green economy, focusing on low-carbon development and climate resilience. The event aims to facilitate discussion and collaboration among stakeholders to achieve sustainable economic growth and Indonesia’s net zero emissions target by 2060 or earlier. The Expo will feature talk shows, exhibitions, business presentations, as well as the launch of the Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan and the Food Shrinkage and Waste Roadmap.

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 Media Contact

Andita Listyarini, Senior Communications Officer

GGGI Indonesia
+62 813 1725 4384