
Guyana Launches Pioneering IRIS Project for Climate Resilience

Georgetown, Guyana, June 18, 2024 – Guyana’s leading climate adaptation organizations under the Ministry of Agriculture today kicked-off a Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) funded project to support adaptation planning and flood management in Guyana. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and other key stakeholders, is spearheading the USD 500,000, project, titled “Developing a Strategic Sustainable Integrated National Drainage and Irrigation System in Guyana,”

Guyana faces significant flood challenges, with its low-lying coastal regions being particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and extreme weather events, leading to frequent and severe flooding that impacts agriculture, livelihoods and infrastructure.

The project will support the Ministry of Agriculture to develop an Integrated Strategy for Drainage & Irrigation (ISDI) that aligns with Guyana’s national Low Carbon Development Strategy 2030. The IS CDRI is supporting the project through its Infrastructure for Resilient Island States initiative, which funded by the Australian Government, the European Union, the Indian Government, and the UK Government, prioritizes supporting Small Island Developing States in achieving sustainable development with resilient, inclusive infrastructure.

Ramraj Narasimhan, Senior Director at CDRI, participated in the launch and welcomed Guyana’s approach to implementing integrated sustainable planning solutions to strengthen flood management and build climate resilient infrastructure.

 The project is expected to be delivered over the next 18 months and will include technical studies development of a capital works prioritization system, and data collection, monitoring and evaluation training.

 GGGI is delivering IRIS-funded projects in Guyana, Dominican Republic and Papua New Guinea.