
GGGI Uganda holds Validation Workshop for the Solid Waste Management Strategy Diversion Centres in Greater Kampala

GGGI Uganda, under the European Union funded Greening of Uganda’s Urbanization and Industrialization project, hosted a validation workshop with key stakeholders from the government and within the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). This workshop aimed to validate and provide input to the feasibility study and master designs for the two waste diversion and transfer stations at Kiteezi and Menvu. These will improve solid waste management in Uganda’s capital and its conurbation. The workshop took place on 15th March 2023 in Kampala.

Giving her opening remarks at the workshop, Ms. Monica Edemachu, the Under Secretary, Office of the president, the Ministry of Kampala Capital City and metropolitan Affairs, expressed her gratitude to GGGI for such a timely intervention. “With the increasing urbanization, waste management is a major issue that the Government of Uganda is facing daily. There is an overproduction of waste that is causing negative impacts on our environment. We are thankful for such interventions that are taking waste reduction and valorization to the next level,” she emphasized.

Participants at the validation workshop.

The validation workshop enabled the stakeholders to analyze and validate the feasibility study and the waste diversion centres’ designs by the Cardno consortium, the consultant. Accorfding to this strategy, Kampala and its conurbation need at least 10 diversion and transfer stations to address the current waste generated, which is estimated at 5,900 tonnes per day.  The proposed two transfer stations are a pilot to the approach of waste diversion and transfer. This will be the key to addressing the waste challenge while creating value from waste and creating green jobs.

The feasibility study, the strategy and master designs have been developed over a two-year period to maximize stakeholder participation and ownership. The exercise involved interviews and household waste surveys and was supported by continual analysis of data and documentation shared by the GKMA municipalities, with technical and financial support from the GGGI Uganda team.

The waste situation in the GKMA as presented by the consultants.

In his opening remark, Dr. Ronald McGill, the Project Lead, stated that GGGI’s support in seeing Uganda achieve her green growth targets will provide answers to the waste question Uganda is facing. Designing good strategies for the waste value chain, its investments and providing insights necessary for decision-making at a national level, shall strengthen the capacities of the GKMA to handle the ongoing rapid urbanization.

The solid waste management strategy is aimed at building the capacity of the GKMA municipalities and strengthening their waste management practices across the waste value chain. This includes improving systems aimed at collecting and recycling waste, harmonizing and streamlining the waste sector players across the municipalities and reinforcing the adoption of good waste practices right from the grassroots.

The validated feasibility studies and strategic action plan will serve as important execution tools for guiding the implementation of waste handling recommendations for the GKMA. Ultimately, this will contribute to better strategic planning.