
GGGI and the Pakistan Government Join Hands for 5-year Long Green Growth and Climate Roadmap

Islamabad, Pakistan, May 30, 2024The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, and with support from the UN Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) and the Korea Green New Deal Fund (KGNDF), organized a consultation workshop on Pakistan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Technology Roadmap on Wednesday, 29 May, 2024. The roadmap covers key NDC sectors in Pakistan, which are waste and water, with renewable energy and gender as cross-cutting themes.  

During the workshop, stakeholders and investors participated in plenary sessions and group work, sharing experiences from their respective organizations and learning about key innovation success stories from GGGI. This helped them identify potential green initiatives for Pakistan. The workshop also identified green growth challenges to be addressed, policy targets to be supported, and programmatic areas to focus on. Focusing on addressing technology needs, innovations, and policies and supporting technology delivery and transfer, thereby assisting related sectors in taking a critical step toward green growth development. 

The NDC Roadmap was followed by the GGGI Pakistan Country Planning Framework (CPF) 2024-2028 consultation workshop on 30 May. The CPF is GGGI’s planning document, aligning country-level green growth interventions with the GGGI Strategy 2030 and Government of Pakistan priorities as outlined in its national development plans. Through its interventions, GGGI will support Government of Pakistan programs identified in key development legislation, including Pakistan National Climate Change Policy 2021 and Nationally Determined Contributions, among others. It will support Pakistan’s green growth and climate ambition by accessing climate finance and generating innovative and impactful interventions. The workshop enjoyed broad participation from central and federal government stakeholders, delivery partners and donors, academia, the private sector, and more. Participants provided extremely useful feedback, which will direct the continued development of the CPF. 


Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, remarked This Country Planning Framework consultation is an important step toward greater collaboration between Pakistan and GGGI. We look forward to the final CPF and engaging with GGGI to enable the implementation of a Country Program. 

With the results obtained from these consultations, GGGI’s Pakistan country program is set to have a strong foundation for green growth and climate action. In the future, these plans are expected to yield tangible results and support Pakistan’s work towards a more sustainable and resilient future.  

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