
GGGI and KOICA Sign a Grant Agreement to Empower Ivorian Youth through Digital Transformation and Green Entrepreneurship

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire – 27 May 2024 The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have signed a Grant Funding Agreement of 8,250,000USD to implement a groundbreaking initiative aimed at strengthening the digital landscape of Ivory Coast, fostering green entrepreneurship among the youth, and bridging the digital divide to build a sustainable future for the next generation. The signing ceremony, held on Monday May 27, marks the beginning of the implementation phase of this transformative program. In a collaborative effort with the Ivorian government, KOICA and GGGI are committed to empowering the nation’s youth by enhancing digital access and promoting economic participation.

This ambitious project is designed to support the country’s policies and plans for green growth, youth empowerment, green jobs creation and green entrepreneurship.

This project will promote youth digital access and green entrepreneurship as crucial foundations for the sustainable development of Côte d’Ivoire. It is one of the strategic directions to achieve the vision of becoming a competitive and innovative economy, while also addressing environmental concerns and climate change”, said Mr. Woo Dong Wan, Country Director of KOICA in Cote d’Ivoire.

“Today’s signing ceremony marks a significant milestone in our journey to empower Ivorian youth. Through digital transformation and green entrepreneurship, we aim not only to enhance economic opportunities but also promote sustainable development for the country,” said Mrs. Olola Vieyra, Cote d’Ivoire Country Representative at GGGI.

The project is designed to:

  • Enhance Digital Access: Establish robust digital infrastructure to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that young people in Ivory Coast have access to the tools and resources necessary for success in a digital world.
  • Strengthen Information and communications technology (ICT) Skills: Provide comprehensive ICT skills training programs at both basic and advanced levels, equipping youth with the competencies needed for modern job markets.
  • Strengthen Green Practices: Introduce training programs focused on sustainable and green practices, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.
  • Develop Greenpreneurs Incubation Program: Launch an incubation program for 675 green entrepreneurs, offering them the support and resources needed to turn innovative ideas into thriving businesses.
  • Capacity Building: Strengthen the capacity of Ivorian government institutions to support and sustain a digital green ecosystem.

A cornerstone of this initiative is the creation of 35 DigiGreen Centers across Ivory Coast. These centers will serve as hubs of learning and innovation, training 45,676 individuals, including 33,930 school students and 900 university students. The centers will offer courses on ICT skills, green practices, and green business, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital economy. In addition to direct training and support, the project aims to create an enabling environment for green entrepreneurship. By fostering a supportive ecosystem, the initiative will help young entrepreneurs overcome challenges and seize opportunities in the green economy.

Funded by KOICA with a budget of USD $8,250,000, the program will be implemented between June 2024 and 

November 2027. GGGI will lead the implementation, supported by strategic partnerships with key Ivorian government entities and ministries, including the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ministries of Digital Economy, Youth Employment, Women, and Environment, as well as the Société Nationale de Développement Informatique (SNDI), Fondation Jeunesse Numerique (FJN), and Better World.

About the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) was founded as a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization in 2012 at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. GGGI supports its Member States in transitioning their economies toward a green growth model that simultaneously achieves poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. With 48 Member States and over 24 Partner countries and regional integration organizations in the process of accession, GGGI delivers programs and projects in over 51 countries. These initiatives encompass developing innovative green growth solutions, technical support, capacity building, policy planning & implementation, and assistance in building a pipeline of bankable green investment projects, project financing, investments, and knowledge sharing. GGGI’s work contributes to its Member States’ efforts to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals and the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement.

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Ndeye Coumba Diop, Project Associate

GGGI Africa

Jean Pierre Bucyensenge, Communications & Knowledge Sharing, Senior Regional Associate