
Empowering Environmental Change – Annual Waste Recycling Bank Workshop 2023 in Lao PDR

Vientiane, Lao PDR, December 8, 2023 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) hosted a transformative event the Annual Waste Recycling Bank Workshop. In a united effort to drive positive environmental change, the workshop served as a dynamic nexus, bringing together a diverse array of participants. These included representatives from 76 schools, government officials, waste management experts, and development partners, all converging to exchange insights and commemorate milestones in the journey toward sustainable waste management.

The workshop not only provided a valuable platform for stakeholders to underscore their commitment to environmental stewardship but also fostered an exchange of ideas and experiences. Participants included representatives from 76 schools, central and city governments, a waste collection company, ChildFund Laos (GGGI’s implementing partner), and the Vientiane City Office for Management and Services (VCOMS).

Throughout the event, the spotlight was on sharing project progress, disseminating best practices, and recognizing outstanding performance among schools dedicated to making a difference. Three standout schools showcased successful practices developed in 2023, emphasizing their pivotal role in elevating recycling rates and instilling environmental awareness among students. Notably, the workshop extended support by providing Biogas to Houng Heung School, recognized as the best performer in implementing the Waste Recycling Bank Project.







Mr. Panya Manivong, Deputy Director General of VCOMS, praised the instrumental roles played by the schools in the collective effort to boost recycling rates and amplify environmental consciousness. This recognition underscored the transformative impact achieved through collaborative initiatives, emphasizing the belief that genuine change begins at the grassroots level.

Expressing gratitude, Mr. Rowan Fraser, Country Representative of GGGI Lao PDR, acknowledged the schools for their efforts in fostering a greener city. “I believe the schools will recognize the critical importance of continuing the valuable work they have started. Continuing efforts to raise awareness among students, enhance environmental education, and cultivate eco-friendliness within the next generation will benefit not only our communities but also ensure that schools remain clean and conducive to good education and learning”.







Beyond celebrating achievements, the workshop cultivated a sense of unity among diverse stakeholders, reinforcing their shared commitment to expanding recycling practices. Collectively, there is hope that the ripple effect of these efforts will continue to spread, inspiring communities and individuals to embrace sustainable practices and contribute to a greener, healthier planet.

The Waste Recycling Bank initiative, launched in 2020 through the “Wastewater and Solid Waste Treatment Capacity Building Project for City Environment Improvement in Lao PDR,” garnered support from the Government of Lao PDR and funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The project, which initially integrated 10 schools, has witnessed substantial growth, encompassing 76 schools by 2023. Through awareness-raising campaigns reaching approximately 8,000 students, the initiative has successfully collected more than 40 tons of non-organic recyclable waste, showcasing the tangible impact of collaborative and sustainable environmental initiatives.