
Comprehensive Stakeholder Assessment of the Waste Management Strategies for Mukono Municipality.

Uganda, 19 – 21 July 2023. As a result of fast urbanization and population increase, proper waste management has become a challenge for Mukono. In order to support the municipality, GGGI developed solid waste and fecal sludge management strategies to address the growing concerns about improper waste management. These strategies aim to promote sustainable waste management practices. In order to have well-laid-out documents, a workshop was organized focused on reviewing and polishing the strategies in preparation for adoption and implementation, while supporting Mukono in achieving an integrated waste management system.

In this regard, during the review, the focus was on the following key approaches that would be taken to achieve the set targets in the solid waste and fecal sludge management strategies for Mukono Municipality.

  1. Waste sorting
  2. Appropriate solid waste and fecal sludge bylaws.
  3. Minimum standards for on-site sanitation facilities.
  4. Improvement of existing governance structures within Mukono Municipal Council.
  5. Improvement of the waste collection rates in Mukono and mapping out collection roads.
  6. Sensitization and awareness initiatives including essential messages to stakeholders.
  7. Implementation plans.

A collaborative approach was emphasized by the stakeholders in order to have successful waste management strategies and implementation plans, and together with GGGI, it was highlighted that there was a need for the inclusion of all local divisions within the municipality, councils, and health inspectors with clearly defined roles as these would support with the strategies implementation. As a result, this will ultimately contribute to the effective execution of Mukono’s waste management strategies.

Moving forward, both strategies will be presented to Mukono Municipality’s various divisions and to the executive committee in order to have them approved and adopted; to make a positive impact on the environment and facilitate effective implementation and sustainable practices for solid waste and fecal sludge management for Mukono.

Stakeholders extensive review of the Mukono draft waste management strategies. Photo by GGGI

This 3-day residential workshop in Entebbe was organized by GGGI under the KOICA-funded project on “Strengthening Solid Waste and Fecal Sludge Management Capacity of the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) Project” to have a comprehensive analysis of the draft waste management strategies (solid waste and fecal sludge management strategies (2023-2033)) as developed by GGGI for Mukono Municipality. Strategic short–, mid-and long-term targets were set with the aim of meeting Uganda’s national and international commitments towards climate change and sustainable development goals.

In attendance at the workshop was the Global Green Growth Institutes (GGGI), and representatives from the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Mukono Municipal Council (MMC).