
Towards regional planning sensitive to the principles of green growth in the Center-North region of Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24 May 2024 – With the decentralization process underway in Burkina Faso, local authorities develop their local development plans every 5 years, in accordance with the main orientations of the State. The Special Regional Delegation of the Center-North has undertaken the development of its Regional Development Plan (RDP) for the period 2024-2028. The second ordinary session of the Regional Consultation Framework examined and validated the report of this development framework. The process of developing the third generation of the RDP received technical and financial support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). In the Center-North region, GGGI is implementing the “Building resilience in the Kaya-Dori axis in Burkina Faso” project, with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), in support of municipalities within the framework of greening their development plans for a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery.

The new Center-North region’s RDP considers new development dynamics to meet the needs of populations who face multiple challenges such as the security and humanitarian crisis, but also the harmful effects of climate change. This planning tool which has just been adopted is well aligned with the second phase of the National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES-II) and the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) of the Transition. With a total cost of more than 20 billion CFA francs, the 2024-2028 RDP aims to create the foundations for sustainable socio-economic development of the region while respecting the principles of living together, thanks to improvement of agriculture, livestock farming and fisheries productions. It places particular emphasis on promoting production support sectors, improving access to basic social services, strengthening local governance and citizen participation.

 “I hope that in the long term, the RDP 2024-2028 will experience enthusiasm on the part of our partners for the implementation of actions for the happiness of our populations” said the President of the Regional Delegation of the Center-North, the Colonel-Major Zoewendmanego Blaise OUEDRAOGO in his closing speech. Technical and financial partners, NGOs, development associations and populations are all invited to support the implementation of the Center-North region’s new RDP.

The local governance component of the “Building resilience in the Kaya-Dori axis in Burkina Faso” project provides support to local authorities for the greening of their development plans. This support extends to the revision of the communal plans of the communes of Kaya and Pissila. Integrating green growth into local policies helps to consolidate peace through economic stability and long-term food security.