
Samoa’s NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan 2021

At a Glance

Publication Date November 2021
Format pdf
Countries Pacific, Samoa
Thematic Area NDCs

Samoa seeks to accelerate and enhance the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to global climate change mitigation efforts. This NDC Implementation Roadmap and NDC Investment Plan (NDC Roadmap and Plan) is delivered as part of the work program of the Regional Pacific NDC Hub to the Government of Samoa (GoS), through the
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) which is an implementation partner of the NDC Hub. The NDC Roadmap and Plan sets out practical steps and tangible projects that can achieve the NDC goals, and it will support Samoa in achieving its Second NDC targets.

This document comprises an NDC Implementation Roadmap and an NDC Investment Plan, which includes a project pipeline. These strategic documents provide a plan for the GoS to achieve its Second NDC targets using mitigation actions in the electricity, transport (land and maritime), waste, tourism, marine, and agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sectors. Successful implementation of mitigation projects in the AFOLU and marine sector can also contribute to achieving adaptation targets detailed in Samoa’s Second NDC. The NDC Roadmap and Plan is also intended to help generate interest from potential implementation partners, including donors and private investors for implementing the pipeline of GHG mitigation projects outlined in Appendix A.