
Background Note – ALCBT Project in India

At a Glance

Publication Date July 2024
Format pdf
Country India
Thematic Areas Green Cities, Green Growth

This background paper has been prepared by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for the Asia Low Carbons Buildings Transition (ALCBT) Project, under the initiative of the Government of Germany through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in India. In India the project is being implemented in 3 states of Kerala, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

The Asia Low Carbon Building Transition (ALCBT) Project is a five-year multi-stakeholder project that aims to facilitate the nationwide transition towards Low Carbon Buildings in five Asian countries namely, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The project is jointly being implemented by GGGI with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), HEAT International and ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE).

This background paper provides us a brief of the Green Buildings scenario in India and the need for the ALCBT Project in India.