

At a Glance

Publication Date October 2017
Country Uganda
Thematic Area Cross Cutting

As the 2030 Agenda takes effect globally, the Government is taking steps to implement principles such as green growth that are embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Uganda was among the first countries to mainstream SDGs into its development plan, although a strategy that unpacks green growth into sectoral interventions that can be implemented has yet to be devised. In response, the Government has developed the Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy (UGGDS) to operationalize green growth principles and accelerate the implementation of global development goals, Uganda Vision 2040 and the second National Development Plan (NDP II).

With principles such as resource efficiency, equity and social inclusiveness, low emissions and sustainable economic growth, green growth presents an innovative growth path that simultaneously generates inclusive economic development and environment sustainability. As Agenda 2030 stipulates, no development target (Vision or NDP target) should be achieved while leaving out some sections of society. Social inclusiveness should shape all development efforts. The UGGDS goal is to achieve an inclusive low emissions economic growth process that emphasizes effective and efficient use of natural, human and physical capital while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide for present and future generations.

The UGGDS focuses on five core catalytic investment areas of agriculture, natural capital management, green cities (urban development), transport and energy. The envisaged outcomes of the UGGDS implementation are: income and livelihoods enhancement; decent green jobs; climate change adaptation and mitigation; sustainable environment and natural resources management; food and nutrition security; resource use efficiency; and social inclusiveness and economic transformation at the sub-national and national levels.

To operationalize the UGGDS, the Global Green Growth Institute has partnered with Government to develop a National Implementation Roadmap: an action plan that sequences interventions for the short, medium and long term. The short-term interventions will be implemented over the NDP II period while the medium- Term and long-term interventions will be incorporated into subsequent NDPs in line with the Uganda Vision 2040.

Read more: UGGDS -implementation-roadmap-20171130