
Tonga’s Second NDC 2020

At a Glance

Publication Date December 2020
Format pdf
Countries Pacific, Tonga
Thematic Area NDCs

The Kingdom of Tonga (Tonga) is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change due to its geographic location, status as a SIDS, and the importance of natural resources to its main economic sectors of fisheries, agriculture and tourism. The World Risk Report 2017 has ranked Tonga as the second most at-risk country in the world for natural hazards, including cyclones, and flooding, as well as sea level rise. Although Tonga makes a negligible contribution to global GHG emissions, there is no doubt that climate change is already affecting Tonga’s development and the livelihood of its people and future.

Tonga’s Second NDC 2020 is prepared building on the recommendations which had been developed and was taken through a final validation process with the JNAP technical team and national stakeholders. The 2020 NDC was then approved by the Tongan Cabinet. Tonga’s Second NDC is aligned with other international conventions and agreements that Tonga is a party to, including but not limited to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Montreal Protocol.