
Papua New Guinea and the Green Climate Fund: Guidelines for the No-objection Procedure

At a Glance

Publication Date May 2020
Format pdf
Country Papua New Guinea
Thematic Area Cross Cutting

The CCDA, with the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), USAID’s Climate Ready project, and the Government of Australia, developed a unique No Objection Procedure that aligns with Papua New Guinea’s national context, climate strategies, and plans, country-driven approaches, and institutional arrangements. This work has drawn on national and subnational consultation and existing policy, reports, analyses, and guidance documents. The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide Accredited Entities, potential project proponents, and other stakeholders with information on the process through which the NDA will issue a No-objective letter (NOL). These guidelines can be referred and followed when seeking an endorsed NOL as national climate strategies and plans, country-driven approaches, and national laws and regulations.