
BF02 Green growth governance – Long- term capacity-building to support climate change development Initiatives

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO1 Reduced GHG emission, SO2 Creation of green jobs, SO3 Increased access to sustainable services, SO4 Improved air quality, SO6 Enhanced adaptation to climate change
Start Date Q1  20190520
End Date q1 20191231
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 40,626
Budget Percentage 100%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 40,646
Status Complete
GGGI Share (USD) 40,646
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers poverty
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) GGGI is the main implementer
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any
Thematic Area
  • Cross Cutting
GGGI Project Code :
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country, with low levels of human development. The Human Development Index (HDI) stood at 0.4 in 2018, ranking the country at 183 out of 189 countries. Its economy remains agricultural and focused on food crops and cotton production. Over the last twenty years, the country has experienced average annual GDP growth of around 2%. However, poverty rates have remained unchanged during the period. Burkina Faso is predominantly rural, with 90 percent of its population dependent on subsistence farming and are facing a lack of basic services like health centers, schools, water, and electricity. Though Burkina Faso is aware of the importance of green growth development, the government has highlighted several obstacles related to i.) insufficient ownership of all stakeholders on this new development model, despite a high level of political commitment, ii.) inadequate (planning and legal) tools and mechanisms to support governance of green growth, iii.) delays in taking and implementing appropriate reform measures, iv.) limited technical capacity of actors at all levels, v.) the lack of sustainable and appropriate financial mechanisms to support the transition to green growth; and vi.) poor access to climate finance and other existing international financial mechanisms. The objective of the project is to support the capacity building of national key stakeholders on activities that reinforce green governance in Burkina Faso and increase their opportunity to have access to climate finance. The project is aligned with IO3 and aims to promote capacity building for the government and key stakeholders (alternatively it can be: the project is aligned with IO1 to enable the development of green growth policy and regulatory framework or the project is aligned with IO2 to catalyze green investments. The activities developed under this PIN will allow the implementation of capacity building and knowledge sharing to government agencies in i.) the preparation and management of climate projects through the development of concept notes for mitigation and/or adaptation actions, ii.) the promotion of green growth best practices. Part of the activities will include the identification of private sector stakeholders and the organization of a workshop to inform about Green finance opportunities, to better understand the challenges towards enhanced private capital involvement in climate projects, and to discuss innovative solutions to overcome investment barriers, including the introduction of the GCF’s Private Sector Facility.

Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: Enhanced adaptation to climate change in Burkina Faso.

Outcome: N/A Project Outputs completed in 2019:

i. Green Growth Policies: N/A

ii. Green Investments: N/A

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products 

Total of 4 types of Capacity Building and knowledge sharing Activities:

  • Three (3) types to enhance the “Green growth governance capacity in Government of Burkina Faso and the Environmental Investment Fund (FIE)”: (i) 2 benchmark study tours (in Rwanda and Senegal) to support the Environmental Investment Fund (Fonds d’Intervention pour l’Environnement – FIE) understanding of the GCF accredited entity process and role have been facilitated (These study trips create an enabling environment for the implementation of the readiness dedicated to the accreditation of two entities with direct access to the Green Climate Fund, in accordance with GoBF’s priorities on its strategy of increasing its capacity in climate finance mobilization); (ii)2 events where the GoBF gained capacity on green growth themes have been supported (achievement rate of 100%) and (iii) 5 capacity building activities align with IO1 and IO2 (achievement rate of 100%).
  • One (1) type to enhance the “National capacity for the preparation and management of green growth projects enhanced” with 2 capacity building activities (a workshop on the synopsis development with the government institutions and a capacity development session for REDD+ projects development), 21 green growth project synopses developed.
  • 4 Knowledge Products delivered which are training modules.

Number of staff engaged

Project Manager: Malle Fofana

Amadou Lamine Fall, Lamine Ouedraogo, Yassia Savadogo