
KH22 Generating Revenue for Financially Sustainable Sanitation and Waste Management in Kep

At a Glance

Strategic Outcomes SO1 Reduced GHG emission, SO2 Creation of green jobs, SO3 Increased access to sustainable services
Start Date Q4  20201001
End Date q4 20211231
Funding Source Core
Actual Budget (USD) 155,887
Budget Percentage 28.4%
Actual Expenditure (USD) 44,222
Status Active
GGGI Share (USD)
Poverty and Gender Policy Markers poverty
Name of Client (Lead/Prime implementer if GGGI is part of a consortium) Kep Municipality, National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD)
Participating Organization (Funding/donor)
Name of consortium members, if any
Thematic Area
  • Green Cities
  • Waste
GGGI Project Code : KH22
Project Manager and Staff +

Project context, objectives and description

Throughout Cambodia, there is limited infrastructure and services for the containment, collection, and treatment of solid waste, wastewater, and fecal sludge. Services are generally outsourced to the private sector, which has difficulties recovering fees from service users. When infrastructure is built, financial provisions for effective operations and maintenance are usually not made and the facilities can rapidly degrade.

Through this project, we will identify and formalize revenue generation sources to enable the efficient running of waste and sanitation infrastructure. The overall aim is to develop a replicable model for sustainable decentralized sanitation and waste management in coastal/tourist zones in Cambodia comprising financially sustainable infrastructure.

Activities of this project include:

  • Identify options for a comprehensive revenue collection system to cover the Koh Thonsay Decentralised Wastewater System (DEWATS), the crab market Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), landfill and recycling facility;
  • Support the government with the implementation;
  • Capacity building of Kep municipal and provincial governments.


Note:  The approved budget and actual expenditure indicated as of Q1 2021

Type of services provided, and results achieved

Impact: Revenue streams are developed to sustain sanitation and waste infrastructure in the city of Kep.

Outcome: N/A 

Project Outputs completed in 2020: 

i. Green Growth Policies: N/A

ii. Green Investments: N/A

iii. Capacity Building and Knowledge Products: N/A

Number of staff provided

Project Manager: Jerome Fakhry

Samedy Sut, Chantharo Khan, Karolien Casaer, Putheary Kuy