Press Release

UNIDO Zimbabwean Delegation Visits GGGI

Government officials and members of UNIDO paid a visit to the GGGI Seoul headquarters on Tuesday, November 5, 2013. Among the participants include Ms Spiwe Nyamatore, Deputy Director Enterprise Development, Ministry of Industry & Commerce; Mrs Mutsa Dorothy Chasi, Director General of the Environmental Management Agency, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate; and Mrs Tombi Beauty Razemba, Deputy Director, Ministry of Small & Medium Enterprises & Cooperative Development.

They met with Howard Bamsey, GGGI Director-General; Hyoeun Jenny Kim, GGGI Director of Strategy, Policy and Communications and GGGI representatives and experts of the African project to discuss potential areas of collaboration between UNIDO and GGGI. They took the opportunity to explore ways in which UNIDO could build partnerships in the area of green growth and establish effective knowledge sharing strategies with GGGI.