
National Validation Workshop of MRV rapid assessment in Burkina Faso

Under the aegis of Burkina-Faso’s Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, the GGGI Burkina Faso Country Office organized a one-day workshop to present, discuss and validate the outcomes of the Rapid Assessment work. Started in April 2020, this work was effectively conducted by the MRV Project team with the support of two (2) Experts (one International expert and one national expert). The main objective of the Rapid Assessment Work was to build understanding on MRV systems and process in Burkina Faso through a methodology based on literature review, interviews with national institutions and experts, and a series of technical meetings with keys national stakeholders, while involving different sectors.

The entire work of the Rapid Assessment was based on an inclusive approach and the results achieved. The viewpoint of all keys stakeholders involved in the MRV process in Burkina Faso was presented. Several technical pre-validation sessions were held with keys stakeholders to discuss the interim reports ahead of the national validation workshop.

The Rapid Assessment work produced relevant outcomes around the review of existing MRV Systems in Burkina Faso; the institutional mapping which presented all relevant stakeholders; evaluation of data gaps for preparing a complete GHG Inventory (development and submission of specific tools worksheets, data collection templates and methodologies for the key categories); and the legal roadmap (including current legal, policy and technical frameworks for data collection, as well gaps and methods for addressing them).

After a series of presentations, discussions / debates around the results presented, participants all agreed to validate the Rapid Assessment results; they recommended that these outcomes be publicly available and widely shared to inform and guide the MRV process in Burkina Faso. Sharing these results with all parties will also avoid duplication and increase future collaboration with the other MRV initiatives at national level.

The interactive workshop consisted of presentations, discussions, and groups working. At this end, 3 groups were formed to assess the keys elements of findings of the Rapid Assessment work : (1) the Institutional Arrangement, existing and the newly proposed one, (2) the Roadmap developed for implementation and finally, (3) the Gaps and proposed solutions to further MRV establishment in Burkina Faso. At the end of the discussions, participants formulated 5 keys recommendations for the next steps:

  • The MRV project needs to support the establishment of a MRV national committee / National coordination framework, which will support all MRV initiatives in Burkina Faso including the MRV of Support.
  • The creation of a national Knowledge platform for data sharing and an IT platform for GHG data management.
  • The MRV project should increase the support to capacity building of national institutions on keys elements of the MRV system, GHGI, MRV components, MRV and applications, accreditation process,
  • A better collaboration with Research entities and support for the design of training modules for research institutions.
  • The project needs to support more communication on MRV and related service, at national level in Burkina Faso, and sensitization campaigns, as MRV actions/ benefits, are still not well understood by all;


The MRV Project is financially supported by the Government of Sweden, and technically by GGGI Burkina Faso, the Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, the National Institute of Statistic and Demography, (SP/CNDD), the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD).