
GGGI Senegal brought urban stakeholders to set up the National Platform on Sustainable Cities.

In its mandate to support the Government of Senegal within the framework of the Five-year Cooperation Program, GGGI Senegal is implementing the Green Secondary Cities Development Program to support the promotion of a new model of sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and prosperous cities.

To synergize similar initiatives and promote integrated approaches to sustainable urban development, GGGI organized a stakeholder exchange meeting for the establishment of Senegal’s National Platform for Sustainable Cities. The exchange meeting was held on Friday, July 19, 2019, at the GGGI Senegal office. The objective was to discuss the Platform’s orientations, funding, governance aspects, and ways to have an effective start of activities.

The meeting was attended by approximately 30 people from the Government, Association of Mayors, Academics, UNIDO, Executive Agencies, developers, and private sector. Civil society organizations were also represented. Academics were strongly represented and interested in this initiative which is an opportunity to improve the teaching curriculum in urban development.

This initiative, which has been welcomed by all stakeholders, should constitute a space for dialogue on urban policies and learning and capitalizing on good urban practices and innovations in Senegal. On this basis, the platform should serve as a framework for exchange, consultation, advocacy, and capacity building to guide the transition of cities towards an urban sustainability trajectory.

Stakeholders also suggested that the Platform could promote behavior change for integrated sustainable urban development based on successful experiences and improve the effectiveness of urban policies to guide the transition of cities towards an urban sustainability trajectory.

GGGI has been designated to assume the first presidency of the platform to organize the effective launch of activities and reinforce stakeholder engagement, in particular, the Parliamentarian.