
Visit by students from Korea University

On January 9, Seoul – Close to 20 students from Korea University led by Professor Suh-Yong Chung visited the GGGI Seoul headquarters today to participate in an interactive learning session prepared by GGGI to raise awareness of GGGI and its activities.

The aim of the session was to stimulate and inspire young leaders and raise awareness on the importance of global climate change and green growth in communities. The program received a lot of positive feedback from participants. The session provided an opportunity for students to enhance the level of understanding on green growth and GGGI’s activities.

Among the speakers from GGGI included Annick Nzambimana, Senior Officer – Resource Mobilization and Business Development; Alexander Chabanyuk, Officer of Human Resources; Jan Stelter, Senior Analyst, Thought Leadership and Hyun S. Lee, Senior Associate, Water and Sanitation.