
Miguel Londoño

Throughout the past 12+years, I have devoted my professional energy and interests into two of my biggest passions: sustainable natural resource management and peace building. In this journey, I have performed in various related tasks and subjects, such as environmental management, REDD+, sustainable development, and peace building processes, both with public entities, international cooperation, and community-based organizations in the field.

Since I joined as GGGI Staff 3.5 years ago, I served embedded in the post-conflict ministry in Colombia to support project structuring and capacity building to integrate peacebuilding and reduced deforestation goals; I have also played a role in resource mobilization as proposal development lead in the recently awarded green growth program, while also supporting M&E, safeguards, and supporting the policy on nature-based tourism of the pacific province of Nariño in Colombia. More recently, in the UAE, I was given a Special Assignment to collaborate with the team on crosscutting issues related also to M&E, technical assistance to program leads, and others.

Before working with GGGI, I worked with GIZ and the city of Bogotá. As per my academic background, I am a political scientist with a focus on international relations and economics, holding a Master’s Degree from the University of Los Andes in Peacebuilding Studies, as well as a Diploma in Innovation by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ). I am fluent in Spanish, English, German and Swiss German. And can manage a bit of French.

I greatly enjoy playing tennis and independent cinema, that one that touches people hearts and souls by appealing to innovative ways of storytelling, and elaborating on human nature; I also love outdoor activities and traveling to remote and wild natural sites