
Ministry of Economy and GGGI Conduct LEAP Training Workshop in Fiji

Suva, Fiji August 20 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with the support of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), successfully delivered a 1-week training course on Long-range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) software for its counterparts and key stakeholders in Fiji and the Pacific region. The training was provided as part of GGGI’s partnership with the Fijian Government on the development of Fiji’s Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS), which is being led by the Climate Change Division (CCD) of the Ministry of Economy.

The objective of the training was to enhance the knowledge of participants on developing, projecting, and estimating emissions for planning of deep de-carbonization pathways for their countries’ economies. The participants will then be able to apply the LEAP model in their own work to assist in research, analysis, planning and decision-making processes.

Training participants learning about the LEAP software

The first three days of the training provided an introduction of LEAP modelling techniques including developing baseline and alternative scenarios for emissions as well as developing cost benefit analysis. The final two days of the workshop focused on more in-depth learning of LEAP modelling and included the use of demand and supply side modelling applications of some of the key sectors of Fiji’s economy.

The workshop was attended by 16 participants from academic institutions, utilities and government from Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea and included specialists from the energy, transport, and the environmental sectors. In recognition of their participation in the workshop, participants were awarded certificates at the end of the training.

The LEAP modelling software is currently being used by CCD and GGGI to develop the various emission scenarios of key sectors which are the focus for Fiji’s LEDS. Fiji aims to be the first non-OECD country and first SIDS in the world to develop and submit a formal and complete post-2015 LEDS to the UNFCCC. Development of Fiji’s LEDS will support Fiji’s Presidency leading into COP24 and further exemplify Fiji’s commitment to the Paris Agreement.

Taylor Binnington, LEAP trainer, awards certificates to the participants

Group photo of training participants

Participants work the LEAP trainer on exercises.