
A Next Step to Green Growth

Ethiopia is an economic success story with impressive growth over the last decade. However, changes in climate put some of these hard-won gains at risk. Further, floods, droughts and soil erosion threaten continued economic growth, especially from agriculture.

The country is addressing these risks through the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) initiative, led by the ministries of Finance & Economic Development (MoFED) and Environment. Now it is set to take the next step.

Ethiopian leaders and researchers have joined with their counterparts from Europe, Asia and South America to set a path towards creating global economic growth, while significantly reducing climate risk. The past week saw the launch the New Climate Economy (NCE) project in Addis Abeba. The project presents a unique opportunity to share Ethiopia’s story with the world, helping other countries to increase economic growth and reduce climate risk.

Many political leaders believe that acting more strongly on climate change will cost more than their economies and their public support can bear. The Ethiopian experience can make this seem like a false dilemma.

Read the full article at Addis Fortune.